• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:この英文の意味を教えてください。)

What was the experience like?

  • Playing on other people's records was a positive experience and an honor.
  • Losing personal time due to playing with others only made me more motivated.
  • Finally getting the chance to do my own things, I was filled with ideas and motivation.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

ゲームの話なのかと思いました・・・ どうやらミュージシャンの話のようですね (それは背景説明が欲しかったです)。 他のミュージシャンのレコーディングにメンバーの1人として加わるのは、自分の時間をとられるけど、そんなこと考えるよりも自分の演奏をきちんとこなすことに集中する。だからそういう機会を与えられれば、アイデアもやる気もあった。 といったような内容だと思います。



アドバイスありがとうございます。 背景説明が足りなかったです。すいません。。。 Anxious to で~を切望する。なんですよね。 なので 確かに自分の時間は失われたけど、結果としてそれが自分の音楽をやるという欲求につながったんだ。だから、いざ自分の音楽をやるチャンスを得た時には、アイデアもやる気もばっちりの状態だった。 って感じですかね。


その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

 「で、その経験はどんなものでした?  大変なプラスだった。他の人のレコードに出演することは名誉だと思う。で、(他の人のレコードに出演することで)私自身の個人の時間が減っても、それは自分の時間の貴重さを教えてくれるに役だっただけだと思う。だからその機会(=私の自分だけの時間)がやって来た時には、色んな考えやモティベーションで一杯だった。」  でしょうか。



アドバイスありがとうございます。Anxiousって不安って意味ですが、Anxious toで~を切望するって意味なんですよね。そこをすっかりと見過ごしていました。 ありがとうございました。



  • 下記英文について質問があります。(1)

    How much did „your own thing“ benefit from your work as a session musician? セッションミュージシャンとしての仕事は、あなた自身の作品(own thing)に対してどのくらいの結果(benefit)をもたらしましたか? Well, I think it’s always great to collaborate with other artists, because it almost always pushes me to try something I haven’t tried before, or even thought of before. But when it comes to my own music and compositions, I’m not sure if I bring much of my session work into them. Then again, working as a session musician definitely helped me develop a little bit of confidence on some instruments. When you’re put on the spot like that, and you have to come up with something, it can be stressful ... And over time it slowly gets easier and easier, and depending on the instrument and the music, sometimes nowadays I might not even think about it at all. I just start playing. So for better or worse, I’m slowly learning to trust my own musicianship. 途中のwhen you’re put on the spot…辺りからどうも何を言いたいのかがわかりません。訳を教えてください。

  • purgeの意味

    I could really, really use some advice. I don't know how to fix this problem and I'm seriously starting to fear for my health. The problem is, I don't even know if this is an actual problem or if I just have no self-control. Basically, I cannot stop eating. Even when I'm full, even when I've been sure my stomach is about to explode from how much food I've eaten. I have also struggled on and off with purging my food since my junior year of high school (I'm a freshman in college now). I never saw anyone for the purging because a) I just didn't have access to help and b) because it was so on and off that I just didn't think of it as something anyone would see as a serious problem. But now I am having a really serious problem with binging. ここでのpurgeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文

    英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします My mother laughed. "It wasn't his name," she said. "His name was Harold. He was my mother, my only brother. Harold was eighteen when the war began. I was twelve then, and my sisters were ten and nine. Harold liked to play with us―"

  • この英文で通じるでしょうか?

    Although originally I am a left-handed when I was a child, however, my parents forced me on a right-handed. I didn’t want to obey it first. I was not able to do writing well and catching a bean with chopsticks either, which is why I dropped a lot of beans on the table many times. It was difficult for me to do everything and dis-satisfied. So I came to think why should I put up with the discomfort and poor performance? It’s meaningless I think. 文法的な誤りがあればご指摘ください。

  • 英文の意味

    下記の英文のIt requires a very lively passion...のitが何を指しているのかお教えください。 I did not see Strickland for several weeks. I was disgusted with him, and if I had had an opportunity should have been glad to tell him so, but I saw no object in seeking him out for the purpose. I am a little shy of any assumption of moral indignation ; there is always in it an element of self-satisfaction which makes it awkward to anyone who has a sense of humour. It requires a very lively passion to steel me to my own ridicule. There was a sardonic sincerity in Strickland which made me sensitive to anything that might suggest a pose. itが指し示しているのは前文の(1)moral indignation(2)an element of self-satisfaction(3)to steel me to my own ridiculeのいづれでしょうか。また、このtoは(1)名詞的用法(2)形容詞的用法(3)副詞的用法のいづれでしょうか。それとも各々(1)~(3)いづれにも当てはまらないでしょうか。 お手数かけますが、ご教授いただければ幸いです。なにとぞ宜しくお願いいたします。

  • この英文の意味が分かりません。教えてください。

    この英文の意味が分かりません。教えてください。 I doubt if that was intended to mean what you think it means.

  • 以下の英文の意味を教えてください。ヨロシクお願いします。

    以下の英文の意味を教えてください。ヨロシクお願いします。 At the age of fifty, and with a dozen or so books published, it does not see tautologous to say that I write because I am a writer. To stop writing, not to write, is now unthinkable―or perhaps it is the secret fear to assuage which one goes on writing. My sense of my own identity is so intimately connected with my writing that if I ceased to write I should become, in Orwellian language, an unperson to myself.

  • 英文和訳お願いします

    英文和訳お願いします 自分で調べてみたのですが英文の和訳が分からなくて困っています。 But then she thought a little more, and said to herself: "Poor thing! she's very old, and her clothes are so shabby. It was my own fault. I put tempta-tion in her way. It would be too cruel to call the police and have her arrested. But I can't do my week's shopping if I have no money. お願いします。

  • この英文の意味するところを教えていただけませんか.

    少し長くなりますが,前文がないと意味の取りようがないと思いますので,タイプします.次に挙げる文の前に,主人公は図書館に入って,余り興味を感じないギリシャ史の本を読もうとしていたが,そのうちうとうととしだしたと言う意味合いの記述が数行に渡ってあります. When I opened my eyes there was an old man sitting there opposite me. I hadn't heard him come in and I must have looked surprised at seeing him there, because he smiled and asked if it was all right for him to sit there. He was silent for a few minutes and then he began to talk. His long thin finger pointed to the book in front of me and he said that it was interesting. Of course I didn't argue with him, even though, I didn't really agree. But it soon became clear to me that he knew a lot about Greek history, for he started to tell me things that were in that book as if he'd written it himself. [ He made it sound as if those long-dead Greeks were part of today's world.] [ ] の前までの内容は分かるのですが,[ ]の部分がどういう状況を言っているのかよく分かりません.まったく自信はないのですが,礼儀として,私のあてすっぽの解釈を申し上げます.  「彼はそれら死んで久しくなるあのギリシャ人たちが,まるでこの世の一部分であるかのように…?」  it の内容とsound の訳し方が分かりません.辞書では一応当たってみましたが.また,long-dead Greeks の意味も自身はありません.全体的にはどういう状況を表現しているのでしょう.宜しくお願いします.

  • 意味がわかりません

    What happened was that when we original were planning the trip it was at the beginning of the year and I had put in my request for vacation But as we got closer to the trip Mark gave me the dates he wanted to go back But it was different than what my original vacation days are So I had to put in a new request to change my vacation days and right now I'm not sure if they are going to allow me to change the vacation days So right now I'm waiting to see if my company will OK the changes 特に、But as we got closer to the trip Mark gave me the dates he wanted to go backの部分がよく意味がわかりません。

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