- ベストアンサー
私の韓国に住む友達に徴兵制について聞きたいのですが、どなたか英訳かハングルにしていただけますか? 1. 韓国軍の中で最も厳しいのは海兵隊というのは本当ですか? 2. ほとんどのカップルは男性が入隊すると別れるというのは本当ですか? また、入隊するときは彼女と別れるのを覚悟するというのは本当ですか? 3. あなたは徴兵制についてどう思いますか? 4. また、徴兵制のない日本をどう思いますか? 5. もし、あなたの彼氏が入隊するとあなたはどうしますか? 以上です よろしくおねがいいたします。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
- ベストアンサー
1 한국군에서 가장 어려운 것은 해병대는 것이 사실입니까? 2 대부분의 커플은 남성이 입대하면 헤어지는 것은 정말입니까? 또한 입대할 때 그녀와 헤어질 것을 각오한다는 것은 정말입니까? 3 당신은 징병제에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까? 4 또한 징병제가없는 일본을 어떻게 생각하십니까? 5 만약 당신의 남자 친구가 입대하면 당신은 어떻게합니까? 1 The most severe that the Korean military in the Marine Corps is this true? 2 Most couples that break up the enlisted men and true? Also, when you prepare to join is that the break up with her true? 3What do you think about conscription? 4Also, what do you think of Japan without conscription? 5If you enlist and do your boyfriend do?
その他の回答 (1)
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
1. Is it true that the Marine Corps is the severest in Korean military forces ? 2. Is it true that most lovers part when a man joins the army? In addition, is it true that a man gets prepared to part with his girlfriend when he joins the army? 3. What do you think about the military-draft system? 4. In addition, what do you think of Japan without a military-draft system? 5. What will you do if your boyfriend joins the army?