• 締切済み


彼がそのことについて話せば話すほど、(その分だけ)私は興味がなくなった。 The more he talked about it,( )( )( ) I became in it. わかる方いましたら教えてください。


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

The more he talked about it,(the )(less )(interested ) I became in it.



  • 並び替えの問題教えてください

    並び替えの問題教えてください その課題について研究すればするほど、さらに興味をもちました The more I studied the topic,[became / I / in / interested / it / more / the] . よろしくお願いします!!

  • the 比較級~, the 比較級….の構文について

    「the 比較級~、the 比較級…」の構文は一種の倒置構文と習いました。例えばThe harder he worked, the more successful he became. はHe worked hard. / He became successful. となるようにです。ではThe more I look at this picture, the more attractive it looks. において最初のThe more ~の部分を元の形にすると、どのような元の文が考えられるのでしょうか。同様に The more we learn about nature, the better we understand how important it is to protect nature.という文では後半は We understand ~wellだと思いますが、前半は We learn much about nature でしょうかまたはWe learn about nature moreでしょうか 。

  • 比較級の和訳と書き換え教えてください

    比較級の和訳と書き換え教えてください 1The young man became prouder , as he acquired more knowledge.  をthe 比較級に書き換えて、和訳したいのですがどうしたらいいですか? 2和訳のみです 2-1The more I read the book , the more excited I got. 2-2The older the woman grew , the nicer she became. 2-3The more people join the party ,the merrier it becomes. 2-4The more the foolish man sold , the poorer he became. よろしくお願いします

  • 接続詞の穴埋め問題です。

    言い換えがたくさんあるので困っています。11問とたくさんありますが、お願いします。 1 彼は国内外でよく知られています。   He is well known()at home()abroad. 2 私が関心があるのは車ではなく、その利用者のほうだ。   It is()cars()the users that I am concerned about. 3 私は彼女を病院に見舞うときにはいつも花をもっていきます。   ()I visit her at the hospital,I take some flowers.   ()()I visit her at the hospital,I take some flowers. 4 ヘレンケラーは目が不自由なだけでなく、耳も不自由だった。   Helen Kellor was()()blind()()deaf.   Helen Kellor was deaf()()()blind.   ()being blind,Helen Kellor was deaf. 5 チキンと魚、どちらかを選べますが、私はチキンをすすめます。   You can have()chicken()fish,but I would recommend the chicken. 6 これ以上の遅れは必要でもなければ望ましくもない。   Further delay is()necessary()desirable. 7 この問題は難しすぎて私にはとけない。   This problem is()difficult()()to solve.   This problem is()difficult()I cannot solve it.   this is()a problem()()to solve.   This is()a difficult problem()I cannot solve it. 8 彼は私をみるとすぐに顔色が変わり逃げ去った。   ()seeing me,he grew pale and ran away.   ()()()he saw me,he grew pale and ran away.   ()()he saw me,he grew pale and ran away.   ()()had he seen me than he grew pale and ran away.   ()had he seen me before he grew pale and ran away. 9 彼は賢いけれども、なかなか自分の意見を言わない。   ()he is clever,he is backward in giving his view.   Clever()he is backward in giving his view.   ()all his(),he is backward in giving his view.   ()()of his(),he is backward in giving his view. 10 私の知る限りでは、これが空港への一番の近道です。   To the best of my(),this is the shortest way to the airport.   As()as know,this is the shortest way to the airport. 11 どんなに一生懸命やってみても、彼はその問題を解くことができなかった。   ()hard the tried,he couldn´t solve the problem.   Try hard()he might,he couldn´t solve the problem.

  • 英語の穴埋め

    1、ゴーギャンの絵画展が、今上野で開かれています。(exhibition,Gauguin) ________________________ in Ueno now. 2、私は彼のタヒチの絵を見たとき、一目で大好きになりました。 When I saw his paintings of Tahiti, ________________________. 3、もしあすまたその展覧会を訪れると、そこを3回訪れたことになります。 If I visit the exhibition again tomorrow, ________________________ 4、私はゴーギャンのことを考えると、モームの「月と六ペンス」がいつも頭に思い浮かびます。 When ________________________ , Maugham’s The moon and Sixpence ____________________ . 5、彼の絵画は美しい島のイメージで満ち溢れていますが、実際には彼はタヒチでしばしば辛い時期を過ごしました。 ______________ , but in fact, he ______________ in Tahiti. よろしくお願いします。

  • 穴埋めと解説お願いします。

    1. The directions say to pull the wire gently; if it gets too () it may snap. 1.taut 2. askew 3.acute 4.slack 2.Our baby can't walk yet, but you'd be surprised how fast he can () across the room. 1.march 2.stroke 3. crawl 4. stroll 3. The salesman says that this used car is in really good shape. But I'm not sure if he's (). 1.over the top 2. on the level 3.in the bag 4.off the cuff 4.The pizza you made was a real (). It was really delicious 1.taste 2.treat 3. flavor 4.favor 5. My father has been using this fountain pen for more than twenty years,but it stll looks none the worse for (). 1.tear 2. care 3. spare 4.wear 6.Press reports from the war zone are being heavily () by military authorities . 1.secluded 2.censored 3.shrouded 4 covered

  • 高2のWritingの問題なのですが、

    高2のWritingの問題なのですが、 「理科を勉強すればするほど、より興味がわいてきます。」 を英文にすると、 The more I study science, the more interested I get it. で合ってますか(>_<)? また、~I get interested in it. でも意味は通じますか? どっちがいいんでしょうか・・・? 教えてください。

  • 穴埋めをして訳してくれませんか?

    In many countries, social discontent is attributed to the growing () between the haves and have-nots. 1. disparity 2.concession 3.convergence 4.duplicity Unable to continue paying taxes on the property, the family decided to put it (). 1.in the open 2.at loose ends 3. on the block 4. out of place knowing that they can save money, patients choose to go to doctors who prescribe () drugs rather than drugs with expensive brand names/ 1.specific 2.habitual 3.generic 4.nominal As the author of more than 150 novels, Hughes was one of the most () writers of his time. 1.luxuriant 2.prolific 3.bountiful 4.procreative Ever since her first lessons as a small child, Cathy has shown a natural () for ballet dancing. 1.procedure 2.expertise 3.aptitude 4.fortitude The police department () that the number of violent crimes will increase by about 5% this year. 1.estimates 2.evaluates 3.rates 4.values For thousands of years, humanity has sought to solve the question of life after death, but a definitive answer has always () us. 1.condoned 2. precluded 3.dispelled 4. eluded The salesman says that this used car is in really goos shape. But I'm not sure if he's (). 1.over the top 2.on the level 3.in the bag 4.off the cuff The soccer coach said there would be a special award for () scored more than 20 goals this season. 1.those 2. whoever 3.everyone 4. anyone I met an old friend by () while I was walking down the street. We decided to have lunch together. 1, happening 2. chance 3. opportunity 4. occasion I sent Sherry a gift by special () so it will be in time for her graudation. 1.mailing 2.portage 3.transfer 4. delivery Steve was so completely () that he didn't want to do anything but sleep. 1 worn out 2.turned out 3.put up 4.stepped up The airline offers some special advance-booking fares as an () to customers to make early reservations. 1.intervention 2.influence 3.incentive 4. increment At 75, my father is still very active and certainly does not think he is (). 1.down the line 2. around the corner. 3.over the hill 4. through the wood 長くなりましたが、お暇な方、回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文法チェックお願いします

    1. I feel inferior to younger brother because he does better everything than me. 2. I am always surprised about how well he talks. 3. Taylor swift are becoming more and more popular because of her beautiful voice. 1. it is said that Coach is not expensive store in the USA although it is expensive in Japan. The reason why Coach is Expensive in Japan is a lot of duty on the way to Japan from USA.

  • 中学英語の添削をお願いします。

    こんばんは。 簡単な英文なのですが、自信が無いので添削をお願いします。 MY MEMORIES ABOUT SCHOOL LIFE I remember many things about school. The most impressive thing was the school trip. We went to Nara and Kyoto. I visited manay places,todaiji,kiyomizudera,kinkakuji,,,. My classmates and I became friends all the more. どうでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。

  • パソコンの筆まめver18から住所録を取り出す方法を教えてください。
  • 筆まめver18の住所録を開くと応答なしになり、ドキュメントにある住所録を開いてもあてはまるものはないと表示されます。
  • 筆まめver18の住所録を取り出して印刷したいのですが、サポートの期限が切れているため困っています。どうか可能な方法があれば教えてください。