- 締切済み
アメリカ人の知人へメールしたいのですが、翻訳機以外で訳して貰えませんか? 直訳ではなく自然な言い回しで訳して貰えたら嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします! 『あなたが日本旅行で何をしたいかによってお勧め出来る都市は変わります。 近代的な日本を見たいなら首都東京が1番お勧めです。 あなたは日本のアニメが好きなので東京は楽しめると思う。 日本的な情緒を感じたいなら京都がお勧めです。 歴史,文化,寺社,庭園,自然,伝統行事,工芸品などの見所が多く、 全てにおいて日本情緒に溢れている所が人気です。 他にも日本には観光地がたくさんあります。 例えば私が住んでいる神戸も人気の観光地だし、京都や神戸の近くには 大阪があり、ここは東京に次いでの大都市です。 あなたが日本で何をしたいとか、何が見たいっていう希望があれば もう少し絞って提案出来るかもしれません。』
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
- rin-po
- ベストアンサー率66% (6/9)
英語圏に住んでいた経験がある者です。少し話言葉的かもしれませんが、意味はこれで通じるかと思います。もしかしたら間違っている箇所があるかもしれませんが、参考になれば幸いです。 It depends on what you want to do in Japan that where I reccomend you to go. If you want to experience modern Japan, then Tokyo is the best for you to go. I think you will enjoy Tokyo since you like Japanese anime. But if you want to experience Japanese tradition, you should go to Kyoto. Kyoto has many sightseeing spots such as its history, cultur, nature, traditional arts and traditional events, temples and shrines. Overall,Kyoto is the place where full of traditions and it is popular for it. There are many to see other than these places as well. For example, my place, Koube, is the popular sightseeing spot too. Also, There is Osaka near Kyoto and Kobe, where is the second biggest city in Japan. If you let me know what exactly you want to see in Japan, I might be able to give you more specic suggestions. ご存じかもしれませんが文末にKind regardsなどと入れるとより感じがよいですよ^^
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
The cities I would like to recommend varies depending on what you would like to do while you are traveling in Japan. If you want to see modern Japan, the first I should recommend is the capital, Tokyo. I believe that you will be able to enjoy Tokyo because you like Japanese animated cartoons. If you want to sense a bit of Japanese elements, I would like to recommend Kyoto. Kyoto has a lot of things to see such as historic sites, cultural assets, Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, beautiful gardens, traditional events, traditional crafts and so on. Kyoto is popular because it is filled with Japanese atomosphere. There are also a lot of sightseeing spots in Japan. For example, Kobe where I live is a popular sighseeing spot. And Osaka, which is in the neighborhood of Kyoto and Kobe, is the second largest city in Japan. If you tell me what you want to do or want to see in Japan, I may be able to narrow down the list of sightseeing spots.