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ロレンスは彼の爆薬ベルトを用意しましたが、彼がそれらを固定し始められないうちに、彼の頭上ずっと高いところから突然カタカタと言う物音が聞こえました。機関銃手の一人が彼のライフルを落としたのでした。 トルコの歩哨は、襲撃と叫んで、その物音が来たと思われる場所に向けてライフルを発砲しました。残りのトルコ人たちが衛兵のテントから駈け出してきました。すぐに、小さな戦闘がはじまりました。爆薬ベルトを運んでいたアラブ人たちは、もし弾丸がベルトの一つに当たれば、爆薬が爆発し自分たちが木っ端みじんに吹き飛ばされることを知っていました。それで彼らは爆薬を細い通路の中にどさっと落として逃げました。ロレンスは彼らの後を追いました、そして数分以内で、彼らは自分のラクダに乗って全員走り去ってゆきました、襲撃は失敗でした。 しかし、そんなことでさえ、混乱を引き起こしました。トルコ人たちはこの様な襲撃を嫌いました。彼らには次にアラブ人たちがどこを攻撃するのかわかりませんでした、それで、彼らはいたるところに部隊をとどめておかなくてはなりませんでした。トルコ人たちは列車を完全に止めてしまうことはできませんでした、と言うのは、砂漠の駐屯地の彼らの兵士たちが、物資の補給を列車に頼っていたからでした。一つ彼らが確信できたことは、ロレンスは列車しか襲撃しないだろうと言うことでした。彼は全面的な戦闘をする危険はおかしそうにありませんでした。ロレンスは、間もなく彼らが間違っていたことを証明しました。 地図を見れば、紅海の入り江の上端のところに、アカバと呼ばれる港が見つかります。 1917年にトルコ人がそこを手に入れていました。彼らはロレンスやアラブ人たちの襲撃があっても安全だと感じていました、と言うのは、そこは入念に要塞化された港で、部隊を上陸させようとどんなに試みても、打ち負かすことができそうでした。また、陸地側からの攻撃は不可能に思えました、と言うのは、アカバと最も近いアラブ軍との間には、数百マイルの砂漠が広がっていたからです。ロレンスにはトルコ人たちがこのような考え方をするだろうと言うことはわかっていました、それで、彼とアラブ人たちは不可能なことをする決心をしました。彼らはこの砂漠を横断して、背後からアカバを襲撃しようとしたのでした。 ロレンスとアウダ、そしてライフルで武装した30名のラクダ乗りたちは、砂漠の部族に彼らに加わるように説得するために、出発しました。ロレンスは彼の鞍袋に新兵に支払うための、二万枚のソブリン金貨を携えていました。アラブの部族はロレンスとアウダに会えて喜びました。彼らの到着は祝宴の機会でした。



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    入院と自動車学校で勉強できませんでした。 テストが間近です。お手伝いお願いします。 They told him to tell Lawrence and the Arabs that if help did not come in two days they would surrender.This was not good enough for Lawrence.The Arabs were impatient for victory and Lawrence was certain that they would not wait.They would storm Akaba and in the fighting some of them would be killed.So this time he went with the naked soldier to see the Turks.Lawrence asked to see an officer.He explained the situation to him.He said he would not be able to control the Arabs’ temper much longer.If the Turks surrendered now,they would not be killed but would be sent as prisoners to Egypt.The officer soon brought a reply. The Turks would surrender at dawn.They did.Lawrence and the Arabs rode into Akaba in triumph.They had won a great victory.But now they were all threatened with starvation.Every day there were four thousand mouths to feed.They had to start killing the camels for meat. Lawrence was exhausted.His head still ached from the fall from his camel.But he knew that he had to get food for everyone as quickly as he could.So he set off on his camel to ride across the Sinai desert to the Suez Canal.This was a journey of 250 miles,but Lawrence did it without stopping.It was a remarkable feat.For two days and two nights he ate and slept on his camel’s back.At Ismailia,on the banks of the great canal,he reported the capture of Akaba to a Royal Navy admiral he met on the railway station.The admiral,delighted with Lawrence’s success,agreed immediately to send a warship to Akaba with food and ammunition.News of the victory soon spread.People in Cairo began to ask who was this man Lawrence,who spent all his time with the Arabs.Even the French,who knew that Lawrence did not like them,gave him a medal for his bravery.And the new British general,Edmund Allenby,say that Lawrence and the Arabs might be more important than anyone realized.He called Lawrence to see him and gave him £200,00 in gold sovereigns to pay more Arab recruits.

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    入院と自動車学校で勉強できませんでした。 一週間後にテストがあります。お手伝いをおねいがいします。 All the next day Lawrence and the Arabs fired on the Turks,but the Turkish force was large and the battle showed no sigh of ending.Finally Auda decided thet camel charge would settle matters.A camel charge is an amazing sight.To see these big,clumsy,and slow-moving animals you would not believe that they can run very fast when they want to.Imagine five hundred camels racing across the desert toward you,with a bearded Arab with hawk nose and fierce eyes on top of each camels, shouting war cries and firing his rifle,his robes flowing in the wind,his knife on a belt around his waist.The Turkish soldiers broke ranks and fled.Lawrence ,in the second wave of the charge,got so excited that instead of firing his revolver at the Turks,he accidently fired it into his camel’s head,blowing the poor animal’s brains out.The camel dropped dead.Lawrence was flung to the ground and knocked out.When he woke up the battle was over.Three hundred Turks were dead and there were 160 prisoners for the loss of only two Arabs.Now nothing stood in the way of Akaba. More and more Arabs came to join Lawrence on the last days of the march until finally about one thousand men stood outside the walls of the Turkish port.The heat was intense.Food supplies within Akaba were low.The Arabs were in a bloodthirsty mood.Lawrence felt that the Turks would be ready to surrender without a fight,so he sent them a message carried by an Arab under a white flag of truce.But when the Arab got near the walls the Turks shot at him.Next Lawrence sent a message with some Turkish prisoners the Arabs had taken at Aba el Lissan.But the Turks fired at them too.Then a little Turkish prisoner said he knew hot to do it.He took off all his clothes except his boots and walked up to the Turkish lines naked.The Turks could see that he had no weapons hidden on him,so they did not fire at him.

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    入院と自動車学校で勉強ができませんでした。 テストが間近です。手助けをお願いします。 Among the Arabs, too, Lawrence’s fame had spread.Now every time he rode into an Arab camp the Arabs would fire their rifles into the air and shout over and over,〝Aurens!Aurens!’’They could not say the name properly,but they all knew it was Lawrence they were cheering.The Turks,too,had heard of Lawrence by now,and they wanted him killed or captured.So what Lawrence said happened next might well be true.Lawrence decided to go on a spying trip.Everything went wrong and the Turks caught him. A short way along the Damascus-Medina railway there is a town called Deraa.In the First World War it was an important railway junction,a place where two main lines met.If Lawrence and the Arabs could blow up the track there,it would be a major setback for the Turks.But was this possible?There were a lot of Turkish soldiers in Deraa,and because it was the local capital the Bey(goverment) lived there too.The Bey of Deraa was a tall,heavy man with a thick black mustache.We know from a diary he kept during the war that he had heard of Lawrence and that he had heard of Lawrence and that he had made up his mind to try to capture him.Lawrence believed that the only way to learn for certain whether it was possible to attack Deraa was to go there on a spying mission and see for himself.So he dressed in ordinary Arab clothes and asked an old Arab to go with him.He hoped that the Turks would think that he and the old man were just a son and his father who had come to town to buy something.Forawhile everything went well.No one paid any attention to two Arabs,walking barefoot,their cheap clothes stained by the rain and mud.They went and looked at the railway station,pretending to check the trains.They walked outside the fence,but took careful note of its stores,barbed-wire defenses,and trenches. 入院していたころの範囲です。 ノートも次の授業の関係で借りることができませんでした・・・。 よろしくお願いします。

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    入院と自動車学校のため、勉強できませんでした。 5日後にテストがあります、お手伝いをお願いします。 Most of the time these Arabs led a frugal life,eating little.But when travelers arrived,the Arab tradition of hospitality meant that a big dinner party would be held.The Arab women would spend most of the day cooking for their party.There would be only one course,a huge copper dish filled to overflowing with mutton and rice.This would be placed,still steaming,in the middle of the circle of men.The cooks would pour pot after pot of hot mutton fat in to the dish.The men would roll up the sleeve of the right arm as far as the elbow and then dip into the mutton and rice.The idea was to make little ball of rice and meat and fat and then flick this into your mouth with your thumb,much like firing a marble.Lawrence always waited before starting to eat because the mutton fat was so hot it could scald your fingers.When the men had finished ,the women and children came to eat.Then it was the dogs’turn,until nothing was left.This happend in every camp until Lawrence hoped never to see mutton again. After the feasting came talk of the mission,the attack on Akaba.At first the Arabs would say that this was impossible,but slowly,listening Lawrence and Auda,they would change their mind.By the time Lawrence was ready to cross the desert for the attack,there were enough Arabs with him to make the chances of success reason ably good.But before any battle there was the desert,one of the hottest and driest in the world,to cross.It was a terrible journey.Each Arab carried his water bag and a few pounds of flour to make a rough kind of bread in theashes of thecampfire.Lawrence carried the same ,plus a few bars of chocolate.Ar each well the men and the camels would drink deeply and then go for dats on just a few sips of water.The band frew to about five hundred men, and when they found their way to Akaba blocked by aTurkish force at a place called Aba el Lissan,they felt strong enough to attack.They surrounded the Turks during the night.

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    With British support, an initial attack led by Hussein's son Feisal was launched against Medina in October 1916; however, the Arabs were repulsed with heavy losses by the Turks, who were heavily-entrenched and armed with artillery, which the Arabs lacked. As the Arab Revolt slowly spread northwards along the Red Sea (ultimately culminating in the seizure of Aqaba), British and Arab strategy for capturing Medina changed, and Faisal and his advisers was determined that the Arabs would gain an advantage by leaving Medina unoccupied; this would force the Turks to retain troops to defend Medina, and to protect the Hejaz Railway, the only means of supplying the city.

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    Aqaba was not in and of itself a major military obstacle; a small village at the time, it was not actually garrisoned by the Turks, though the Turks did keep a small, 300-man garrison at the mouth of the Wadi Itm to protect from landward attack via the Sinai Peninsula. The Royal Navy occasionally shelled Aqaba, and in late 1916 had briefly landed a party of Marines ashore there, though a lack of harbour or landing beaches made an amphibious assault impractical. The British feared that Aqaba would threaten their flank as Murray's troops advanced into Palestine, or could be used as a base for German submarines in the Red Sea. The main obstacle to a successful landward attack on the town was the large Nefud Desert, believed by many to be impassable.The expedition started moving towards Aqaba in May. Despite the heat of the desert, the seasoned Bedouins encountered few obstacles aside from occasional harassment from small bands of Arabs paid off by the Turks; they lost more men to attacks by snakes and scorpions than to enemy action.[citation needed] During the expedition, Auda and Lawrence's forces also did severe damage to the Hejaz Railway. Auda and his men reached the Wadi Sirhan region, occupied by the Rualla tribe. Auda paid 6,000 pounds sterling in gold to their leader to allow his men to use Wadi Sirhan as a base. Lawrence's plan was to convince the Turks that the target of his attack was Damascus, rather than Aqaba. At one point in this expedition, he went on a solitary reconnaissance expedition, destroying a railroad bridge. Lawrence did this largely to convince the Turks that the Arab force - of which they had received vague reports - was moving towards Damascus or Aleppo. The expedition then approached Daraa, and captured a railroad station nearby. This action confirmed for the Turks, who had heretofore been misled as to the Arab army's intentions, that Aqaba was indeed their target.

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    The threat never materialised, however, as the Germans were unable to complete the railway lines that were needed to support their troops in the field and the Yilderim Army Group was redirected to the Palestine front. The threat of the Yilderim Army Group spurred the British to make another attempt to take Ramadi. Control of the town was also sought in order to deny the Turks access to fresh produce from the area, which was illicitly smuggled out of the British-controlled areas, and cut the desert road to Karbala. In mid-September 1917, General Maude ordered General Harry Brooking, commander of the 15th Indian Division, to undertake the operation. The division joined Brigadier General A. W. Andrew's 50th Indian Brigade at Falluja and set up forward positions at Madhij, east of Ramadi, by 20 September. The Turks were dug in along a line of sand dunes known as the Muskaid Ridge, about 6.5 km (4 miles) to the west of Madhij. Their main defensive positions were about 1.5 km (1 mile) further west, just south of Ramadi itself. Brooking decided to mount a frontal attack from the south while using the 6th Indian Cavalry Brigade to cut off the garrison's line of retreat from the west. This would pin the Turks against the river, as there was no bridge at Ramadi. The Turks had assumed that the British would repeat the tactics they used in July and organised their defences accordingly to cover an arc running from the east to the south of the town. They expected to be able to use the road to the west to retreat if necessary. Since the July attack, the Turkish garrison had been substantially reinforced and now numbered 3,500 infantry, 500 artillery and 100 cavalry, with 10 artillery guns. Brooking carried out an elaborate series of false preparations to bolster the Turks' belief that the British would once again seek to advance along the banks of the Euphrates. A pontoon bridge was built at Madhij on 28 September, troops were encamped along the river, and friendly Arab tribes were recruited to move supplies to the riverbank opposite Ramadi. Brooking's order to commence the attack was also deliberately vague, so as to conceal the true plan of attack from any Turkish spies in Madhij.

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    In the early summer of 1492, three ships left Spain. The crew were apprehansive because they didn't know where they were going. The captain didn't tell them where they would land.Columbus told his crew that they would be arriving in Asia in a few months. He had no idea he was going to land on another continent-a land that didn't appear on European maps. 少し長いですが、特にwould....,とwas going toの訳がいまいちわかりません。訳せる方よろしくお願いします。

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    The Australians on 400 Plateau had for some time been subjected to sniping and artillery fire and could see Turkish troops digging in on Gun Ridge. Around 13:00 a column of Turkish reinforcements from the 27th Infantry Regiment, in at least battalion strength, were observed moving along the ridge-line from the south. The Turks then turned towards 400 Plateau and advanced in extended order. The Turkish counter-attack soon forced the advanced Australian troops to withdraw, and their machine-gun fire caused them heavy casualties. It was not long before the attack had forced a wedge between the Australians on Baby 700 and those on 400 Plateau. The heavy Turkish fire onto Lone Pine forced the survivors to withdraw back to the western slope of 400 Plateau. At 14:25 Turkish artillery and small arms fire was so heavy that the Indian artillerymen were forced to push their guns back off the plateau by hand, and they reformed on the beach. Although in places there was a mixture of different companies and platoons dug in together, the Australians were deployed with the 8th Battalion in the south still centred on Bolton's Ridge. North of them, covering the southern sector of 400 Plateau, were the mixed together 6th and 7th Battalions, both now commanded by Colonel Walter McNicoll of the 6th. North of them was the 5th Battalion, and the 10th Battalion covered the northern sector of 400 Plateau at Johnston's Jolly. But by now they were battalions in name only, having all taken heavy casualties; the commanders had little accurate knowledge of where their men were located. At 15:30 the two battalions of the Turkish 77th Infantry Regiment were in position, and with the 27th Infantry they counter-attacked again. At 15:30 and at 16:45 McCay, now under severe pressure, requested reinforcements. The second time he was informed there was only one uninvolved battalion left, the 4th, and Bridges was keeping them in reserve until more troops from the New Zealand and Australian Division had been landed. McCay then spoke to Bridges direct and informed him the situation was desperate and if not reinforced the Turks would get behind him. At 17:00 Bridges released the 4th Battalion to McCay who sent them to the south forming on the left of the 8th Battalion along Bolton's Ridge. They arrived just in time to help counter Turkish probing attacks, by the 27th Infantry Regiment, from the south.

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    The Battle of Aqaba (6 July 1917) was fought for the Red Sea port of Aqaba (now in Jordan). The attacking forces of the Arab Revolt, led by Auda ibu Tayi and advised by T. E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia"), were victorious over the Ottoman defenders.Following an unsuccessful attack on Medina, forces of the Arab Revolt under Emir Faisal I were on the defensive against the Ottomans (or Turks). In the spring of 1917, Arab forces moved north to seize the Red Sea ports of Yenbo and Wejh, allowing them to regain the initiative, but neither the Arabs nor their British allies could agree on a subsequent plan of action. The Arabs began a series of attacks on the Hejaz Railway, and contemplated another campaign against Medina, but with British troops stationary in front of Gaza, it seemed they were not in a position to succeed. The Ottoman government had sent Arab divisions of its army, which held many pro-Revolt units, to the front lines, depriving Faisal and his allies of much-needed reinforcements. Lawrence, sent by General Archibald Murray, commander of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, to act as a military adviser to Faisal, convinced the latter to attack Aqaba. Aqaba was a Turkish-garrisoned port in Jordan, which would threaten British forces operating in Palestine; the Turks had also used it as a base during their First Suez Offensive on the Suez Canal in 1915. It was also suggested by Faisal that the port be taken as a means for the British to supply his Arab forces as they moved further north. Though he did not take part in the attack itself (his cousin Sherif Nasir rode along as the leader of his forces), Faisal lent forty of his men to Lawrence. Lawrence also met with Auda ibu Tayi, leader of the northern Howeitat tribe of Bedouin, who agreed to lend himself and a large number of his men to the expedition. Lawrence informed his British colleagues of the planned expedition, but they apparently did not take him seriously, expecting it to fail. The Battle of Aqaba アカバの戦い