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Who that cares much to know the history of man, and how the mysterious mixture behaves under the varying experiments of Time, has not dwelt, at least briefly, on the life of Saint Theresa, has not smiled with some gentleness at the thought of the little girl walking forth one morning hand- in-hand with her still smaller brother, to go and seek martyrdom in the country of the Moors? (出典)http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=EliMidd.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=1&division=div2 「人間の歴史を知ろうと努力し、時間の様々な企みの下でこの理解しがたい存在(人間)が如何に行動するかを知ろうと努力をしている者なら、せめて短時間アビラの聖テレサに思いを馳せないことがあろうか、あのちっちゃな女の子がこれまた小さい弟とある朝手に手を取ってムーア人の国に殉教の地を求めて歩き出した姿を思ってやさしく微笑まないことがあろうか。」 参考になれば幸いです。


  • 訳が分かりません・・・

    The history of civilization shows how man always has to choose between making the right and wrong use of the discoveries of science.This has never been truer than in our own age. まずはじめの文なんですが、chooseの目的語はuseですよね?2文目もthan in our own age.というところがよくわかりません。。。分かる方いたら教えてください。

  • trace the consequencesの意味

    Contemporary events differ from history in that we do not know the results they will produce. Looking back, we can assess the significance of past occurrences and trace the consequences they have brought in their train. But while history runs its course, it is not history to us. The reason is that it leads us into an unknown land but rarely can we get a glimpse of what lies ahead. Things would be different if we were allowed to live a second time through the same events with all the knowledge of what we have seen before. If so, how different would things appear to us, how important and often alarming would changes seem that we now scarcely notice! It is therefore, probably fortunate that man can never have this experience and knows of no laws which history must obey. (質問)trace the consequencesの意味が分かりません。「結果をたどる」という訳らしいですが、自分にはこれが何のことを表しているのかさっぱりです。どなたか説明をお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    The best way of approaching philosophy is to ask a few philosophical question: How was the world created?Is there any will or meaning behind what happens? Is there a life after death?How can we answer these questions?And most important,how ought we to live?People have been asking questions throughout the ages.We know of no culture which has not concerned itself with what man is and where the world came from. Basically there are not many philosophical questions to ask.We have already asked some of the most important ones.But history presents us with many different answers to each question.So it is easier to ask philosophical questions than to answer them. Today as well each individual has to discover his own answer to these same questions.You cannot find out whether there is a God or whether there is life after death by looking in an encyclopedia.Nor does the encyclopedia tell us how we ought to live.However,reading what other people have believed can help us formulate our own view of life. Philosopheres’ search for the truth resembles a detective story.Some think Andersen was the murderer,others think it was Nielsen or Jensen.The police are sometimes able to solve a real crime.But it is equally possible that they never get to the bottom of it,although there is a solution somewhere.So even if it is difficult to answer a question,there may be one―and only one―right answer.Either there is a kind of existence after death―or there is not. A lot of age-old enigmas have now been explained by science.What the dark side of the moon looks like was once shrouded in mystery.It was not the kind of thing that could be solved by discussion;it was left to the imagination of the individual.But today we know exactly what the dark side of the moon looks like,and no one can `believe` any longer in the Man in the Moon,or that the moon is made of green cheese. A Greek philosopher who lived more than two thousand years ago believed that philosophy had its origin in man’s sense of wonder.Man thought it was so astonishing to be alive that philosophical questions arose of their own accord.

  • ジョージエリオットの作品について


  • 訳をお願いします

    とある論文らしいんですが、難しすぎて分かりません。。 投げやりで申し訳ないのですが、訳していただけると嬉しいです。 Somewhere in your brain, there’s a cake network. You couldn’t see it even if you knew where to look. But it’s there all the same―and it’s powerful thing. You weren’t born with a liking for cake, but long ago, early in your childhood, you got your first taste of cake, and instantly a series of connections was made in your brain. In the process, your brain filed away a simple, primitive, unconscious idea: Cake is good. A life time love affair with cake―perhaps pleasant, perhaps tortured―began. Human beings have always had a complicated relationship with food. Staying alive from day to day requires our bodies to keep a lot of systems running properly, but most of them operate automatically. Eating is different. It’s a voluntary thing. And it’s essential to keep the species going. So nature cleverly controls the game, making sure we can’t resist food. That has lately meant trouble. Human history has usually been characterized by too little to eat rather than too much. Nature never planned for what could happen when unchecked appetites were suddenly matched by unchecked resources. Nut we’re seeing it now. Today, Americans―as any trip to an all-you-can-eat buffet will tell you―have become a soft, inactive, overfed lot. It’s not just that 67% of the U.S. population is overweight (including about 17% of children aged 6 to 19); it’s that we know that fact full well and seem helpless to control ourselves. Our doctors warn us about our rising blood pressure and cholesterol a, and we get briefly frightened―until we’re offered the next helping of cheesecake of curly fries, and then our appetite shouts down our reason, and before we know it, we’re at it again. Just why is our appetite so powerful a driver of our behaviour, and, more important, how can we control it? If that question doesn’t have an easy answer, it’s no wonder. Understanding a process as complex as appetite is an incredible challenge that involves many fields of scientific knowledge. But science is trying. Researchers in labs and institutes around the world are looking into the brain to understand the regions where appetite is perceived and satisfied, and pinpointing the sensitive areas on cell surfaces that keep us hungry or make us feel satisfied. They’re studying the nerve networks of the digestive system, as well as the operation of the genes that drive our appetite in order to track how signals of satisfaction are sent and to determine why they sometimes get lost. And they’re looking back into human history to understand better how we became inclined to overeat from the start and how we might be able, so many thousands of years later, to break away from this tendency at last. “The problem of excessive body weight has become a leading cause of death worldwide”, says Dr. David Cummings, and associate professor of medicine at the University of Washington. “Understanding it is perhaps the most serious challenge in the field of medical research.”

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Friday was the deadline to mail 2010 census forms, the once-a-decade count of American population. Altough the results are expected to show an increase in the number of multiracial people , some African-Americans with one white perent are deciding to simply stay back. population・・住民 with one white perent・・父親か母親が白人の It is impossible to know how many of the 35 million people counted as black alone in 2000 have a white perent. But it is clear that the decision to check one box - or more - on the census is often steeped in history ,culture, pride and mentality. box・・欄 steeped in~・・~に浸る、没頭する

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Edison assigned a man to make a few thousand kinds of alloys,varying in proportion of mixture with different chemicals.It was Kruesi's job to plane the thermopiles down to neat bars,all of the same size. When they were brought to me,I tested them with the Thomson reflecting galvanometer, while I heated their junction with a Bunsen burner.Their resistance generally was high in comparison to that of a single wet battery,and their electromotive force was generally very low a fraction of the e.m.f of a simple Daniell wet cell.

  • extreme sensibility?

    If like the unhappy A, whose history is an instructive as memorable, he has previously been a man of rectitude and extreme sensibility, How dreadful must be his torments! もしその人物が、その生涯が〔教訓的である〕〔印象に残る〕 不幸なAのように、以前は清廉潔白で〔探究心に富む〕 人物であったならば、彼の苦痛はどれほど恐ろしいものになるだろう。 上の和訳を直してください。

  • 下記英文で質問があります

    http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/02/15/italy.party/index.html?iref=NS1 CNNの記事です。 "Yes. A couple of times. I think I called him as well to let him know how the things were going and obviously he was quite worried as well because, I mean, we were young girls in the questura so I called him to let him know that everything was OK. That we were OK, that the girl was OK and how things were going." この文章がどうも読み下せません。意味を教えてください。 "He sings. He tells stories, any type of stories, I mean even personal stories, of his experience of politics, humorous stories, that is a little bit of how the evenings were," she said. "I mean, nothing lurid in any way." この文章の、a little bit of how the evening wereがよくわかりません。ここを教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 悪の立場から法を見る

    ◎から下の和訳お願います。 He advised them (law students) to distinguish clearly between law and morality: consider what the law is, not what it ought to be. Look at the law, he argues, from the position of the "bad man": "If you want to know the law and nothing else," he asserted, "you must look at it as a bad man, ◎who cares only for the material consequences which such knowledge enables him to predict."  * Philosophy of Law: A Very Short Introduction, by Raymond Wacks * He = Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935)