1)The economy of Japan doesn't see ahead.
How much is the cost of living of the average though I think about the migration in Hong Kong?
As for work, it thinks about an architectural relation.
2)However, it is not easy so much. Mainland China is impossible in various respects.
Still, the medical issue is large.
The foreigner's migration is not admitted.
Hong Kong was expected to be an admission on the Web site.
The wall where either is big the word ‥ Your support is also necessary.
3)After that, where can you support it for me?Is it a connection only on the site?
It doesn't demand ..impossibility...
However, I want only to hear it. 。
Hong Kong?Is does it live in the bay district and [masuka]?Detailed address?
Are you scary?
Japan wants to present you the present.
How should I go from HONG KONG INT'L AIRPORT to your house?
Is there a hotel to be near?
The text is requested from the translation agency this time.
The purpose is to prevent the misunderstanding from occurring.