• 締切済み




some bad apple might keep illegal goods in the Hats? 違法な物を隠す可能性があるから?というこちらの方が適切かつ自然だと思います。 some bad apple mustn't keep illegal goods in the Hats? 違法な物を隠すことはしてはいけない(禁じられている)から?というこちらでは限定しすぎではないでしょうか。 ですが、帽子がいけない理由をそこまで想像で追求しなくてもいいのではとも思いますよ。 だって違法な物を隠すのがいけないというなら、パンツの中まで見なきゃいけないじゃないですか。 顔を隠すのがだめなのかな?っていう気もしますけど、とりあえず率直に理由を聞くまでに留めておいたらどうでしょう?



ありがとうございます。 ただ素朴な疑問というのと、なるべく沢山英語を話したい(口語英文を書きたい) というだけの理由です。


  • fat32でフォーマットしたドライブがマウントできません。

    mount -t vfat /dev/hdc /mnt/common2 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

  • 契約書でうまく和訳できません。

    商品の売買契約書で第一章で「Definition」「言葉の定義」で下記がうまく訳せません。お助けください。 Goods means the Goods which are the subject of the Order (including any instalment of the goods or any parts of them) which the Supplier is to supply in accordance with these Conditions 「商品とは注文の対象となる商品を意味し、供給者は当該書類に記載されている条件に従って供給することとする」ような意味になると思いますが any instalment of the goods or any parts of them が訳せません。

  • 英訳お願いしますm(_ _)m大至急お願いします。

    Hey can u give me some tips on what girls search in their bf, as I can't keep relationship with any girl for long time? です!!翻訳機なしでお願いします!!!!!!

  • 二つの文の違いを教えてください。

    1.There [ ] some water in the glass. is or are を入れる問題なのですが、in the glassと、glassは1つなので、is をいれればよいのでしょうか? 2. Is there an egg in the basket? Are there any eggs in the basket? 上の文は、1つ卵があるかないか 下の文は、卵があるかないか を問題にしているという解釈でよいでしょうか? 明確に違いがわかっていないので、補足してもらえるとうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文契約書 8

    Basic Purchase Agreementの文中にうまく和訳できない部分がありました。 この項目では、第三者への損害に関してを扱っています。 "Indemnify and keep the other party indemnified against any loss, liability or claim that may be made against them by any person whosoever consequent or on in respect of such damage." 上記中、"by any person whosoever consequent or on in respect of such damage"の部分が特に解りませんでした。 取りあえずの和訳は下記の通りです。 「このような損害に関して、第三者が被ったいかなる損失、債務または要求に対して補償し続けることとする。」 訂正頂ければ幸いです。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 「Unless otherwise provided below, in the Community Lease Addendum, or otherwise provided by Applicable law, you may not cancel this Lease for any reason, including, but not limited to, voluntary or involuntary school withdrawal or transfer, marriage, divorce, pregnancy, loss of roommate, bad health, or any other reason other than death, unless agreed to in writing by us.」 結局は転校や、結婚、離婚等の理由では賃貸契約は解除できるのでしょうか?できないのでしょうか? どなたか、和訳をお願いします。

  • 英語の質問

    Maybe you're open to keep us one or two nights in our house so we can have some time to search for a good hostel? これはどういう意味ですか?_

  • one or the otherは熟語?

    one or the otherと入っている文章の意味がどうしてもつかめません。 その文は以下の(出てくるまで長いのですが)、一番最後のセンテンスにあります。 The melting pot metaphor became very common in the late 18th century, in the late 1700’s in the United States, and is still used today. It became especially popular in the 1970’s when the United States, having changed its immigration policy in the mid 1960’s, started to receive, again, a very large number of immigrants. The United States always had immigrants up to the early 20th century, but the immigration laws changed and for a period of, oh, about 40 years, there weren’t as many immigrants coming to the United States as there were in the late 19th century, early 20th century. Now, that situation changed again in the 60’s and by the 1970’s, we were getting more and more immigrants, immigrants not just from Europe where traditionally immigrants had come from, but also from Asia, from Africa, from Latin America. There was a movement in the United States, especially among some of the newer immigrants, to value the differences that people brought with them. This idea became known as “multiculturalism.” “Multi” means many. And the “multiculturalism” idea said people don’t have to change when they come to this country. There doesn’t have to be a melting pot. They can keep some of their original ideas and traditions. So, there are basically these two ideas about what should happen to immigrants, not just in the United States, but, of course, in any country. Those who advocated or said we should adopt a multicultural approach used a different metaphor, the metaphor of a mosaic. A “mosaic” (mosaic) is a kind of artwork that’s created by putting very small pieces of tile, ceramic or stone, possibly glass of different colors and when you look at it from a distance, it has a certain image. Other people use the metaphor of a salad bowl, where you had different elements together, but they all stayed separate in some way, they didn’t melt together, which is the correct metaphor. Well, that’s a continuing debate in the United States. Most people, I think, recognize that different cultures bring different gifts in their own traditions to the United States. People also recognize that in order to live as one country, we all have to share some ideas, some common vision. And exactly what the correct mix of those two are, is a constant topic of not only conversation among Americans, but also of policy, of what our government should do to encourage one or the other vision of the U.S. という以上の文章の最後の〝our government should do to encourage one or the other vision of the U.S.〟の one or the other というのは、 「どっちがどっちか 」「どれか一方[ひとつ] 」という熟語なのか、それとも to encourageの目的語の one と同じく to encourage の目的語のthe other vision of the U.S と、単にorでつながっているのか、 いずれにしろ最後の文章の意味がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳してくださいませんか。

    構文の構造がわかりません “If the weather was that bad, so bad that it was impassable or he would have to deviate so extensively he would reach his ‘minimum fuel limit’ then he would have to decide on whether to turn back. To turn back is tantamount to career suicide to some pilots in some cultures,” this pilot said. http://thediplomat.com/2015/01/management-culture-and-airline-tragedies/

  • 英訳おねがいします

    dustributor agrees that it shall not distribute,deliver or sell any goods or products provided by any supplier other than and A company without the express written consent of A given in writing in advance. 代理店はまえもってA社の書面なしにA社いがいの他のサプライヤー によってあたえられた商品製品を販売してはいけないということに同意 します。とかいてありましたので、A社以外のサプライヤーとは取引 してはいけないのかなと思って尋ねましたら、 only to putin other trade marks which you carry together with A company.と返事がききましたので、A社指定の商表登録以外はつかわない でくださいとのことかなとおもいますが上記の英文でわかりますか goods productsを商品製品とやくさないで、いわゆるグッズ(宣伝用の) とやくせばいいのですか