• ベストアンサー

あっていますか 短文です。 


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

on (2回ですが)無くてもいいと思います。他は合っています。   Four days in early August I swam in Lake Biwa every day. とも。





  • 中学英文法

    (1) As she was very tired,she decided not to go swimming. He stayed home all day because it was reinning. Asとbecauseは理由をあらわしますが、(~なので、~だから) 使い分けがあるのでしょうか? それとも全く同じと考えていいのでしょうか? (2)Althoughとthoughの使い分け 両方とも訳は(~けれども)と書いてあるので(1)のように悩んでいます。 (3)琵琶湖はすべての日本の湖の中で一番大きい。 Lake Biwa is bigger than all lakes of Japan. Lake Biwa is bigger than lakes in Japan "すべての日本の湖" この部分の英語がわかりません。  どなたか詳しい方よろしくお願いします。

  • 最上級

    この英語あってますか? 日:琵琶湖は日本のすべての湖の中で一番大きい) 英:Lake Biwa is the biggest of all lakes in Japan. (すみません。前に似たような質問をしたのですが、打ちミスが多かったので、再度、投稿しました。)

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    By 5 August the brigades of the 2nd Australian Division were exhausted and were to be relieved by the 4th Australian Division. While the relief was underway on the night of 5–6 August the Australians were subjected to an extreme bombardment, because the salient they occupied could be shelled by the Germans from all directions, including from Thiepval which lay to the rear. On the morning of 6 August, a German counter-attack tried to approach the O.G. Lines but was met by machine gun fire and forced to dig in. The bombardment continued through the day, by the end of which most of the 2nd Division had been relieved. From its twelve days in the line, the division had suffered 6,848 casualties.

  • 副詞の位置 EVER DAY


  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    — Griffith In August 1917, 127 mm (5.0 in) of rain fell, 84 mm (3.3 in) on 1, 8, 14, 26 and 27 August; the weather was also overcast and windless, which much reduced evaporation. Divided into two ten-day and an eleven-day period, there were 53.6, 32.4 and 41.3 mm (2.11, 1.28 and 1.63 in) of rain that August. In the 61 hours before 6:00 p.m. on 31 July, 12.5 mm (0.49 in) of rain fell and from 6:00 p.m. on 31 July to 6:00 p.m. on 4 August, there was 63 mm (2.5 in) of rain. There were three dry days and 14 days with less than 1 mm (0.039 in) of rain during the month. Three days were sunless and one had six minutes of sun; over 27 days there were 178.1 hours of sunshine, an average of 6.6 hours per day. The weather in August 1917 was exceptionally bad and Haig had been justified in expecting that the weather would not impede offensive operations, because rain would have been dried by the expected summer sunshine and breezes. Petain had committed the French Second Army to an attack at Verdun in mid-July, in support of the operations in Flanders. The attack was delayed, partly due to the mutinies which had affected the French army after the failure of the Nivelle Offensive and also because of a German attack at Verdun from 28–29 June, which captured some of the ground intended as a jumping-off point for the French attack. A French counter-attack on 17 July re-captured the ground, the Germans regained it on 1 August, then took ground on the east bank on 16 August. The battle began on 20 August and by 9 September, had taken 10,000 prisoners. Fighting continued sporadically into October, adding to the German difficulties on the Western Front and elsewhere. Ludendorff wrote: On the left bank, close to the Meuse, one division had failed ... and yet both here and in Flanders everything possible had been done to avoid failure ... The French army was once more capable of the offensive. It had quickly overcome its depression. — Ludendorff: Memoirs yet there was no German counter-attack, because the local Eingreif divisions were in Flanders.

  • 比較 各文を書きかえて下さい。

    1 I an not as tall as Bob. →Bob is ( ). 2 Lake Tazawa is the deepest in Japan. →Lake Tazawa is deeper ( ). 3 This lake is about a third as large as Lake Biwa. →Lake Biwa is about ( ). 4 I have never seen such a big egg as this. →This is ( ). 5 Jiro is superior to me in singing. →Jiro can ( ). 6 As you start sooner , so you will get there sooner. →The sooner you start , ( ).

  • 英訳して欲しいのですが。

    Open every day of the year from 11.30 am to 11 pm. except on Friday and Saturday untill 11.30 pm 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The 6th Army deployed in the XXI and XVI corps areas from the Vosges north to Metz, the III Corps arriving from 8–12 August and moving to the border from Beux to Béchy and Rémilly, the II Bavarian Corps deployed from 7–10 August from Lucy to Château Salins and Moerchingen and the XXI Corps mobilised around Dieuze on 10 August and moved a brigade of the 42nd Division to Igney, as a flank guard for the I Bavarian Corps. On 11 August a French night attack was repulsed but events in the Vosges led to the I Bavarian Corps moving quickly to Eyweiler and Sieweiler.

  • 英語の添削をお願いします!

    英語が得意な方、お力を貸してください。 添削していただけるとたいへん助かります。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 (1)マイカー規制実施日 6月1日~10月31日間の土、日、祝日に運行します。 ただし6月21日~8月19日は毎運行します。 The bus service is only on the days when the road is closed to private vehicles. That is on weekends and public holidays from June to October and daily from June 21 and August 19. Or The bus service operates on the specific days when restrictions are imposed on the entry of private cars. (Saturday, Sundays and public holidays between June 1 and October 31. Operates daily between June 21 and August 19.) (2)マイカー規制日以外の平日はバス運行がありません。 There is no bus service available on weekdays when restrictions are not imposed on the entry of private cars. (3)マイカー規制日以外でもタクシーはご利用できます。 Taxies are available throughout. (4)積雪や災害のため運休する場合もあります。 The bus service could be suspended or cancelled due to the natural disaster or snow conditions. Or The bus service may be cancelled due to snow or in the event of a natural disaster.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    A German counter-attack on 20 August, forced separate battles on the French armies, which were defeated and forced to retreat in disorder. The German pursuit was slow and Castelnau was able to occupy positions east of Nancy and extend the right wing towards the south, to regain touch with the First Army. During 22 August, the right flank was attacked and driven back 25 kilometres (16 mi) from the position that the offensive had begun on 14 August. The First Army withdrew but managed to maintain contact with the Second Army. Between 24–26 August, both French armies repelled the German offensive at the Trouée de Charmes and subsequently regained the line of 14 August by early September. Casualties In 2009, Herwig used records from the Sanitätsberichte to give 34,598 casualties in the 6th Army during August, with 11,476 dead. In the 7th Army there were 32,054 casualties in August, with 10,328 men killed.