• ベストアンサー




>"I went to school and found out I was the only one who hadn't woken up to the earthquake. " をちょっと変えるべきかも。 "I went to school and found out that I was the only one who hadn't been woken up by the earthquake." "than"はリズム上、あった方がベターでしょう。 又、"hadn't been"の方が原文のニュアンスに近いと思われます。 >"When I see my friends from school, they still bring up that sometimes. " これもちょっと変えるべきかと。 "When I see my friends from school, they still bring that up sometimes." "that"を単独で使うなら、この順番の方が自然と思われます。 勿論、"they still like to bring up that story sometimes and embarrass me."とは言えますが。 カクテルの文章は問題ありません。 ご参考になれば幸いです。





  • 「その地震が起きた時、私は電車に乗ってました。」

    「その地震が起きた時、私は電車に乗ってました。」を英語にする場合、「電車の中にいた」は次のうちどれにすればよいでしょうか? When the earthquake happened, I was in a train. When the earthquake happened, I was on a train. When the earthquake happened, I was taking a train. それとも別のがあれば教えてください。

  • 英文を直してください!

    When I was in elementary school student, There is the experience that my friend didn't understand my explanation. I taught a friend homework. She was very weak in arithmetic. Therefore I taught arithmetic. I explained it for me hard, She can't understand. After having been trobled, Friend and I went to a staff room. The friend understood the place that didn't know by the careful explanation of the teacher. The teacher of the school thought that teaching was really good. I noticed that it was very difficult to teach a person something. 日本語文 私は小学生のときに、友達に自分の説明を理解してもらえなかった経験があります。 私は友達に算数を教えていました。 彼女は算数がとても苦手でした。 そこで私は彼女に算数を教えていました。 私なりに一生懸命説明しましたが、彼女はなかなか理解して貰えませんでした。 困った挙げ句、私と友達は職員室に行きました。 友達は先生の丁寧な説明で分からないところを理解しました。 私は自分の教えかたはまだまだ未熟であったと理解しました。(ここの訳は分かりませんでした…) 学校の先生は本当に教えかたが上手だなと尊敬しました。 人に何かを教えることは簡単ではないことをとても実感しました。

  • 英文チェックお願いします!!

    英語の文章を考えたのですが、どうも文法がおかしいところがあるような気がします。まだ途中なのですが、チェックをお願いします。 My favorite sport is basketball. I have played basketball for seven years. I learned many things of basketball. At first I learned “an effort and don’t give up mind” When I started playing basketball, I was not fast run other player. But I was effort little by little at elementary school. I became early than before now to run. I know that an effort and don’t give up were very important. Next, I learned by leadership. I was a captain by basketball club in junior high school. When I became a captain, there was worried. And I knew difficulty that awareness as a leader of a team gathered up a sprouting team while I practiced it. The basketball club was strong team work. Try hard serious basketball. And I played basketball well. I understood that very important with a leader “I must move at first!” When I knew it, I decide to move positively and build a relationship of mutual trust with a friend and thank that I was able to cooperate. As a result, it was able to be collected in a team. I was able to learn the leadership through club activities. I learned to cooperation as team. And I understood that it can’t only one.

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 On October Second ‘10 I had a holiday and went to car dealer. First, I went to Toyota to see Estima. As soon as I went there, I did test-drive one. It was comfortable, but it wasn’t more comfortable Alfard and Velfire. When all of salesman find I decided to buy a car, they surve me with the greatest survice. After Toyota, I went to Honda. But there was not a car I wanted. When I was about to leave the shop, the salesman tried to prevent me from leaving there by this way and that. When I was feeling an awkward situation, my mobile phone rang at a good timing. It called from Toyota and told me to leave my bag. I left there at once and came back Toyota to receive it. As soon as I arrived at there, the salesman brought my bag to me. I felt I was lucky, as I left the shop. If I left it another place, it wouldn’t come back me.

  • この英文で合ってますか?

    I'm sorry reply late That was very fun! When it was really very sad to leave . . . I started Facebook ! 返信遅れてごめんね とても楽しかった!別れる時はすごくすごく悲しかった。。。 フェイスブック始めたよ!

  • 英語日記17 私の体験したもっとも悪い日

    なぜか日記が更新できてませんでした!! すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです 最近何を書けばよいか思い浮かびません!! なんか同じようなことばかり書いてる気がします。なにかお題とかいただけないでしょうか!! そうしたらそれについて日記がかきやすくなりますので。あつかましくすいません。 bookaholicさんが好きなことを書けばよいとおっしゃってくれたのですが好きなことがあまり僕にはありません。 I think that the most awful thing in my life is the earthquake. We had had that on the 11th of March. This is the big impact on me. Needless To say, Japanese worry about it. Actually, I had been experienced two big earthquakes in my life. The first is great Hanshin earthquake. That hit us on the 11th of January in 1995 when I was 4 years old. However, I don’t know exactly what happened that day, That is why I was a very young, so I didn’t understand what going on. However, I manage to understand what happened this time. I was working at factory in Japan when the earthquake hit us, but I lived in Shiga and it is far from the focus of an earthquake, so I just didn’t realized the earthquake first time. I felt a few shakes, so I just felt that I felt dizzy, so it was a big surprised me when I watched on the TV and what happened in Japan. I was not able to watch other TVs. Kind of dramas or something else. It is because the earthquake that I couldn’t watch others. However, we had gotten over many awful experiences such as World war 2. I hope that we will be able to become more powerful country than we were.

  • 英文の意味について

    下記の英文に用いられているwhenは関係副詞のwhenでしょうか。 The first I knew that something was truly amiss was when a rider came through the countryside crying the fact that Princess Mary was gone. That she had retreated to Norfolk, dressed as a boy, to board a ship and flee the country. 先行詞のthe timeが省略されたときの関係副詞のwhenと解釈してよろしいでしょうか。お手数かけますが、ご教授いただければ幸いです。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • ~するや否や、~した途端、~して初めて、英文形

    同じような意味の文に対して、次のような6つの文が考えられます。 少しづつニュアンスが違うと思うのですが、どのような時にどの文を 使うかお教えください。 1. It happened that he was out when I visited him.  たまたま外出中だった。 2. Just as I was going to pick up the receiver, the telephone rang.  受話器を取り上げようとした途端 (まだ取り上げていない) 3. I was about to go out when the telephone rang.  出かけようとした途端 (まだ出かけていない)  代案)Just as I was going to go out, the telephone rang. 4. No sooner had I left home than it began to rain.  家を出るや否や、(すでに出てしまっている) 5. I had hardly arrived there when the concert began.  会場に着くか、着かないうちに(既に着いている)  代案)No sooner had I arrived there than the concert began. 6. It was not until I came home that I noticed I had left my umbrella on the train.   家に帰って初めて、気が付ついた。  ここまで書いてきて、1、2と3、4と5、6の4つのグループに 分かれているような気がしてきました。間違っているかもしれませんよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の置き換えをしました、チェックお願いします!

    It was not untill Monday that I phoned the office. ↓ It was only when it came to Monday that I phoned the office. Only after Monday did I phone the office. only, only when, until のイメージがいまいちつかめず、自信がなかったのでご質問しました。 特に、only after, It's until の例文は良く見るのですが、 only when の表現を使用した例文は少なく感じました、使用頻度が少ないのでしょうか? not untilだと ~までしなかった=~して始めて、~してやっと。だなとすぐに分かるのですが、 only when に関しては ~して始めて+~の時だけという意味もあり、 なぜ~して始めてという意味になるのかも分かりません。 ご存知の方、解説していただけないでしょうか? またこの上記3文で何かニュアンスに違いなどありましたら、教えて頂きたいです。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳してください

    I was warrying about you... When I saw on TV the earthquake I sent you immediately a message to see if you are ok...(相手が日本の地震のニュースを見てこちらのmessageが送られてきました)