• ベストアンサー


「私は彼の家にいた。」をstayを使って言うと? 「今日、私は彼の家に2時間いた。」という場合、I was in his house for two hours today. になろうかと思いますが、これをstayを使っていう場合、 I stayed at his house(以下同じ)~.とするべきでしょうか、それともI stayed in his house~.とするべきなのでしょうか。どなたかご存じの方がおられましたら宜しくお教え下さい。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数10


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #1さんも#2さんもネイティブで、stay という動詞がおかしい、と異口同音に言っていらっしゃるのは、傾聴すべきだと思います。  stay というと「滞在する」、「泊まる」という長逗留のイメージがあります。2時間ではこの動詞を選ぶには特別の理由が必要です。  例えば、この「私」が、彼の命を狙って、彼を探しまわっている、武器をもったX人組に追われていて、「彼の家に2時間、外へ出られないでいた」という時、「家の中に」は大切な情報ですから、I stayed in his house for two hours と言えると思います。  普通は質問者さんのお察し通り I was in his house for two hours today と言うと思います。




その他の回答 (2)


Stayed at も stayed inもどちらかというと、単に居たというより「出ずにとどまった」というニューアンスが強いので、be の方が自然かと思います。I was at his house/place for two hours.




  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

「stay at」は「泊まる」と解釈するのが自然です。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/stay+at/UTF-8/ 一方で「stay in」なら、「泊まる」という意味もありますが「~の中にとどまる」と解釈するのが自然です。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/stay+in/UTF-8/ したがって、彼の家の中にとどまっていて、その間、一歩も外にも庭にも出なかったのなら「I stayed in his house~.」で問題ありませんし、「at」よりもいいです。





  • stay in the house と言えるか。

    This is the house I stayed at is near the river. のatをin にして、This is the house I stayed in is near the river. と言えるでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。

  • 彼の家にいた・・・

    「私は彼の家にいました」と言いたいときは 1.I was at his house. 2.I was at his home. 一体どちらがよく使われるのでしょうか? またat homeとなると「自宅に」という意味になるかと思いますが、 at houseとは言ってはいけないのでしょうか? 以上よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 過去完了→過去進行形に言い換えは出来ますか?

    I had been in the coffee shop for two hours when she appeared. これを、 I was being in the coffee shop for two hours when she appeared. と書き換えたら同じ意味になりますか? と言いますのは、forestという文法書に、過去進行形の使い方の一つとして「ある期間し続けていたこと」があげられていたので、このような疑問が湧きました。それとも、I was in the coffee shop for two hours ?これだとなんとなく違和感が・・・ そもそも、I was being in ●●. という使い方があるのかが分かりません。ネットで調べたら、was being + 形容詞 の用法は書いてあったんですが、どうなんでしょう。 英文法に詳しい方いましたら、ご解説をお願いします!

  • 和訳

    Soseki stayed in Britain for two years. During his stay,he lived in five different boarding houses. He stayed at the first two for only a few weeks each because the rents were too high. The third boarding house was cheap,but some months later,the landlady decided to move to a different area and open a new boarding house. Soseki was not at all fond of the landlady,but he did like her sister,Kate Brett. Unlike the landlady,Kate was a quiet and thoughtful woman. When Kate asked him to move to the new house with them,he accepted. Soon a young Japanese scientist,Ikeda Kikunae,moved in. He was a very bright person,and Soseki must have enjoyed his company. After a few months though,Ikeda moved to another place,and it encouraged Soseki to look for a better boarding house. He put an ad in the paper: “Japanese gentleman looking for boarding with an English family,with literary taste. Quiet and convenient flat in N.,or S.W. preferred.” 和訳していただければ嬉しいです

  • 和訳

    Soseki stayed in Britain for two years. During his stay,he lived in five different boarding houses. He stayed at the first two for only a few weeks each because the rents were too high. The third boarding house was cheap,but some months later,the landlady decided to move to a different area and open a new boarding house. Soseki was not at all fond of the landlady,but he did like her sister,Kate Brett. Unlike the landlady,Kate was a quiet and thoughtful woman. When Kate asked him to move to the new house with them,he accepted. Soon a young Japanese scientist,Ikeda Kikunae,moved in. He was a very bright person,and Soseki must have enjoyed his company. After a few months though,Ikeda moved to another place,and it encouraged Soseki to look for a better boarding house. He put an ad in the paper: “Japanese gentleman looking for boarding with an English family,with literary taste. Quiet and convenient flat in N.,or S.W. preferred.” 和訳していただけたら嬉しいです。

  • in houseなのか at a house

    彼は昨日家にいました。と言いたいときに どういう言い方が正しいのでしょうか。 (1)He was in a house yesterday. (2)He was in house yesterday. (3)He was in his house yesterday. (4)He was at house yesterday. (5)He was in his house yesterday. 特にaをつけたりつけなかったりと違いがよく わかりません。ネイティブの感覚がわかる方、 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 進行形と期間のfor ~の関係

    問題集に I was sleeping for two hours. というのがあります。 (1)I was sleeping for two hours. (2)I am sleeping for two hours. (3)I will be sleeping for two hours. (1)は,問題集にあるくらいだから,大丈夫と思いますが,これはもう終わったことだから,時間の情報を付加してもいいということですかね? (2)は,間違っているのでしょうね。進行形でも現在のときは,時間的に1点を指すからですか? (3)は,未来形の場合はいいのでしょうか?これからの予定だから,時間情報を足してもいいようには思いますが。

  • hisの修飾場所について

    A was killed by B in his house. という文の場合、his house は A と B、どちらの家という意味になりますか?

  • 英語

    1. 〇〇に住んでいた。と言うときのちがい  どれが良くて、また何が違うのか。 I had stayed in 〇〇 I had stay in 〇〇 I was lived in 〇〇 I was live in 〇〇 I stayed in 〇〇 I was in 〇〇 2. May, might, should, canの違い

  • 英語 問題

    Soseki stayed in Britain for two years. During his stay,he lived in five different boarding houses. He stayed at the first two for only a few weeks each because the rents were too high. The third boarding house was cheap,but some months later,the landlady decided to move to a different area and open a new boarding house. Soseki was not at all fond of the landlady,but he did like her sister,Kate Brett. Unlike the landlady,Kate was a quiet and thoughtful woman. When Kate asked him to move to the new house with them,he accepted. Soon a young Japanese scientist,Ikeda Kikunae,moved in. He was a very bright person,and Soseki must have enjoyed his company. After a few months though,Ikeda moved to another place,and it encouraged Soseki to look for a better boarding house. He put an ad in the paper: “Japanese gentleman looking for boarding with an English family,with literary taste. Quiet and convenient flat in N.,or S.W. preferred.” 上の文章は以前訳してもらった英文です。 上の文章に基づいて下の問いに英語で答えてもらいたいです。 1、Why did Soseki leave the first two boarding houses? 2、What boarding house do you think was ideal for Soseki? 3、What kind of person was Ikeda Kikunae?