• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

Egypt a land where the desert comes to life and the past lingers on. エイプト、砂漠が生き生きとしてくる場所であり、過去の物がいつまでも残る場所。 It is dry, hot and sandy. 乾燥していて、暑くて、砂だらけだ。 解説:砂漠といえども虫、動物、人が住み、活気が思わぬほど溢れていたという事かと。 また、生物は死んでも朽ち果てる事無く、姿形をとどめたままで乾燥しミイラになる場所。 The sand dunes or like waves that never move. 砂丘なのか? 動く事無き波のようなものなのか? 解説:もともと、あの砂丘は砂丘だったのか? それとももともとは波のように動き回っていたのに、お前もこの暑さと乾燥でミイラになってしまったのか? 何故orなのか、ご理解いただけましたか? 補足質問がありましたらどうぞ? ただしその時はもうちょっと文脈を補足してください。



とてもよくわかりました! 生き生きとした文章で、情景が目に浮かびました。 回答をありがとうございました。


  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の文章を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますか? よろしくお願いします This man cannot keep secrets from you, few people can, you have unusual insight and deductive powers. You are brilliant when it comes to character reading, and looking into the mind, psychology, and motivation, your own or others. Nothing gets past you.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    母から、iphonを持つ息子へ充てた手紙の一文です。 If you would not make a call to someone's land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected. 特に、1文目のsomeone's land lineと 3文目のListen to those instinctsの意味が取れません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Not at all afraid or shy to speak of past success or past lives, he touches on current influences (which include Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and current tourmates The Last Internationale) and past inspirations. "I really like Ween," he says. "There's a song that influenced a song we wrote at my cabin. They're not really defined by one sound. I kinda pull from a lot of different genres – The Beatles, Bowie, jazz, bossa nova, blues."

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    These were thought to be a "very small proportion" of the majority of Arabs and Syrians in particular, who disappeared from the Ottoman army, "into the towns and villages of Palestine and Trans-Jordan." The EEF were unaware of the recent Ottoman reinforcements and thought the garrison at Gaza was 2,000 strong.However, by the eve of battle there were probably almost 4,000 rifles defending the town, with up to 50 guns in the surrounding area, while a force of 2,000 rifles garrisoned Beersheba. Between Rafa and Gaza, to the east of the coastal sand dunes, a gently rolling plateau of light, firm soil rose slowly inland, crossed by several dry wadis, which became torrential flows in the rainy season. In the spring, after the winter rains, the area was covered by young crops or fresh grass. For millennia, Gaza had been the gateway for invading armies travelling the coastal route, to and from Egypt and the Levant.

  • 英文を和訳してください。

    次の英文を訳してください。 All Inuit live most of their lives close to salt water or fresh water. Their land has a wild look, but grass and flowers manage to live there. In the past the Inuit lived by hunting and fishing and moved all year. The Inuit year has two main seasons:a long,cold winter and a short, cool summer. Spring and fall are too short to be noticed. In summer,there is no snow on the land,and little ice on the sea. In winter the sea freezes and becomes vast ice fields.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    人物の特徴が書いてあるのですが、なんだかよくわかりません。 どんなことが書いてあるか訳してくださいませんか? 宜しくお願いします。 He will have a mean meager stature. With a long handsome face. An narrow oval shaped fleshy face. Light brown hair, that is not curling, The color of brown pepper, and brown sand, dark sands, a shade darker and duller than demerara sugar, a sort of brown mud or light clay with gold dust, old faded gold glint in the strands. Darker brown like old rope, the color between brown and old gold. His head and scalp is hot. The hair is abundant but fine in texture, faintly rippled or tousled, and a little dry at the edges, more oily and darker at the roots. It is thick and style to look thicker, the mingled colors of browns and sand gold that blend into the wholeness like the strands of a rope. A definite light brown, verging on middle brown, not quite bronze, more like dark brown sugar, with the odd pepper brown, or tobacco or old spice or honeyed strand mingled into it. The hair has a shine. The hairline is almost straight at the front of the fore head, waves a little at the sides of the forehead. He has a high intellectual forehead, that is smooth skinned. A rounded thin face, with strong wide cheekbones. His complexion is clear and fair to prawn pink in tone, mingled with a light buttermilk sort of tine. In the summer there are light pepper colored freckles or speckles. His skin is very fine in textured, clean and lucid looking but brittle like paper, and by contrast to the head it is cold to the touch he has a soft featured face. which is thin yet fleshy, not hard and angular. His face is pleasant and rather handsome.

  • interspersed with reading

    My days generally look like this: Drag myself up around 11, work on things, interspersed with reading the news or daydreaming, maybe exercise, eat dinner, make small talk with my boyfriend who works a demanding job and is exhausted when he comes home, stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning watching TV or reading, and fall asleep fitfully. interspersed with readingはどのように訳したらよいのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The lowland west of the ridge was a mixture of meadow and fields, with high hedgerows dotted with trees, cut by streams and ditches emptying into canals. The main road to Ypres from Poperinge to Vlamertinge is in a defile, easily observed from the ridge. In Flanders, sands, gravels and marls predominate, in places covered by silts. The coastal strip is sandy but a short way inland the ground rises to the vale of Ypres, which before 1914 was a flourishing market garden. Ypres is 20 metres (66 ft) above sea level; Bixshoote 4 miles (6.4 km) to the north is at 8.5 metres (28 ft). To the east the land is at 20–25 metres (66–82 ft) for several miles, with the Steenbeek river at 15 metres (49 ft) near St Julien. There is a low ridge from Messines, 80 metres (260 ft) at its highest point, running north-east past "Clapham Junction" at the west end of Gheluvelt plateau ( 2   1⁄2 miles from Ypres at 65 metres (213 ft) and Gheluvelt (above 50 metres (160 ft)) to Passchendaele, ( 5   1⁄2 miles from Ypres at 50 metres (160 ft)) declining from there to a plain further north. Gradients vary from negligible, to 1:60 at Hooge and 1:33 at Zonnebeke. Underneath the soil is London clay, sand and silt; according to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission categories of sand, sandy soils and well-balanced soils, Messines ridge is well-balanced soil and the ground around Ypres is sandy soil. The ground is drained by many streams, canals and ditches which need regular maintenance. Since 1914 much of the drainage had been destroyed, although some parts had been restored by Land Drainage Companies brought from England. The area was considered by the British to be drier than Loos, Givenchy and Plugstreet Wood further south. A 1989 study of weather data recorded at Lille, 16 miles (26 km) from Ypres from 1867–1916, showed that August was more often dry than wet, that there was a trend towards dry autumns (September–November) and that average rainfall in October had decreased over the previous fifty years.

  • わからない個所を教えてください。2

    At last, just as Lena is saying that maybe we should be heading back, I see a bridge ahead of us in the dirt road. ‘Lena – a bridge!’ She smiles. ‘Go on, then.’ (前回の終わりの部分です) I dash on to reach it. The sides of the bridge are higher than they have looked, and as I wait for Lena I haul myself up to lean over the edge. Below me, though, there isn’t a river, as I’d hoped; the ground is dry, sandy, though there are what look like waves and ripples in the sand. The sand – or dust; some of it looked more that way – is reddish, like all the earth around Altesa, but much finer, and smooth. Where rocks stand up in its surface, the sand seems to have flowed round them, making strange, fluid shapes. In several places there are matted thatches of dead sticks and twigs and rubbish and leaves, turned brown and dry by the sun. Lena stands beside me and looks over also. ‘There’s no water,’ I say. ‘No,’ she agrees. ‘But it looks like a river. And there’s a bridge.’ ‘Sometimes there’s water in it,’ she says. ‘When the storms come. But most of the time it’s dry. It’s not really a river, you see, it’s just a place where the water runs when it rains in the hills.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。この英文は回想シーンだと思われます。 The sides of the bridge are higher than they have looked, and as I wait for Lena I haul myself up to lean over the edge.の個所がなのですが、 橋の端は見た目よりも高い。。。橋の端が高い、というのはどういう感じなのでしょうか? In several places there are matted thatches of dead sticks and twigs and rubbish and leaves, turned brown and dry by the sun. について、この中のrubbishは”ごみ”という意味なのでしょうか?ふきわらの屋根の素材で dead sticksとtwigs とleavesはわかるのですが、rubbishがわかりません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • この英文で大丈夫でしょうか。

    以下の事を英語で言いたいのですが… 「あなたは本当に日本人ばりに謙虚ですね、そういう所とても素敵だと思いますよ。」 「日本とTexasがもっと近かったらいいのになぁ。それか、飛行機のチケットが空から降ってこないかなぁ。」 ↓こんな訳で大丈夫でしょうか? Really modest just like Japanese are you. And I love your modesty. (強調構文ってこれであってますか?) I wish that Japan and Texas were much closer. Or I wish that the airplane ticket would fall from the sky and land on my lap. (「それか、」ってコレで大丈夫ですか?) 回答よろしくお願いいたします。