• 締切済み


日本語の文章構成では「起承転結」がよくありますが、 ある主張を述べる英文エッセイやショートスピーチでは、 通常、結論(自分の主張)を述べてから、 その理由を2~3述べて、 それぞれの理由に具体例を付けて、 最後に、再度、冒頭の結論を 別な表現で念押ししておく、 というパターンが一般的かと思います。 ですから、英文を要約する場合も、 まず、筆者の主張のポイント(結論)を見つけて、 その理由を拾い上げれば、 大体の骨組みはできて、 それほど、的外れな要約にはならないとはずです。 以下の英文ですが、 読解力不足のせいかと思いますが、 どうも、筆書の主張がどこにあるのか、 よくわかりません。 この英文エッセイで筆者は結局、 何を言いたかったのでしょうか? A Biology of Mental Disorder By Eric Kandel http://www.newsweek.com/id/204320 Understanding the biology of mental illness would be a paradigm shift in our thinking about mind. It would not only inform us about some of the most devastating diseases of humankind but, because these are diseases of thought and feeling, it would also tell us more about who we are and how we function. I naively thought we were on the verge of such a paradigm change in 1983, when James Gusella and Nancy Wexler were tracking down the gene that causes Huntington's disease. I expected that within 10 years we would have found the major genes that contribute to schizophrenia, depression, and autism. Since then, there has been a lot of enthusiasm about genes and mental illness and some false starts, but surprisingly little progress. ~途中略~ Taken together, these advances could open up new approaches to the treatment of depression, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia, areas that have been at a pharmacological standstill for decades. Along the way we may also learn something about who we are. どなたか、わかりやすいご解説を添えて、 英文で日本文でも結構ですので、 要約して頂ければ幸いです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数5
  • ありがとう数8



とりあえずURLの全文を拾い読みしました。   最初のパラグラフはイントロダクションで、最後の文 "there has been a lot of enthusiasm about genes and mental illness and some false starts, but surprisingly little progress." が主題(thesis statement)で、この記事全体で何の話をするかを示しています。   2番目のパラグラフのトピックセンテンスは "In the past few years, however, certain advances in genetics have given us new reasons for optimism. "   3番目のパラグラフのトピックセンテンスは "One major advance has been the discovery that there is much more variability in the genome than had been anticipated, and that this takes the form of copy number variation (CNV). " 4番目のパラグラフのトピックセンテンスは "A specific type of―called de novo mutations―may be relevant to autism." 5番目のパラグラフのトピックセンテンスは "Scientists are also making progress in finding the biological markers for depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive neurosis." 6番目のトピックセンテンスは "The most convincing scientific progress in psychiatry in the past decade has had little to do with genomics."   最後のパラグラフはコンクルージョン(結び)で 最初の文(と言っても文が2つしかない) "Taken together, these advances could open up new approaches to the treatment of depression, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia, areas that have been at a pharmacological standstill for decades." が要点になります。   私は日本語が下手なので、詳しい日本語訳はつけられないのですが、 主題とトピックセンテンスと結びをつなげて読むと、この作者が書きたかった事の要約になると思います。   すごい大約で申し訳ないのですが・・・ CNVと精神疾患の生物学的マーカー(どちらも遺伝子学)と脳の学習と記憶の生理学(どれも生物学に関わる分野)が、薬理学では行き詰っていた分野であるうつ病、双極性うつ病、統合失調症などの治療法に打開策をもたらすのではないか? (生物学はついでに私たちが何者かをも解き明かしてくれるし…) と、いう感じかな?



ご回答ありがとうございます。大変、参考になりました。 また、お力添え下さい。


No.1です。 大雑把にしか読めないので大雑把ですが、 精神疾患を生物学的に理解することは、心(精神?)についての考え方を変えることになるかもしれない。さまざまな精神疾患に関わる遺伝子研究がなされている。まだ進歩は少ないが、そのような研究は薬学治療だけでは行き詰まりのある疾患の治療に役立つかもしれないし、我々が何者であるのかを知ることに何かしら役立つのではないか、というような話かと思いました。





精神病が遺伝子(gene)から来るものであろうとするここ十年の考え方から、遺伝子というより はその全体を司るゲノメ(genome)の作用が大きく関るのではないかと言っているような気がします。 下記の章が In the past few years, however, certain advances in genetics have given us new reasons for optimism. Now that we can look at the whole human genome, there is a logic to it that we could not appreciate when looking at genes in isolation. As a result, there is reason to believe that the next 10 to 20 years will be more fruitful than the past two decades have been. それを代弁していと思います。後に続く章は、genomeに関する新たな実証例になる。そして、下記の章が現段階で分かっている親から子に引き継がれる病理学上の遺伝ではなく、脳に対するgeneの役割になるのかな? The most convincing scientific progress in psychiatry in the past decade has had little to do with genomics. It is the rigorous, scientific verification that certain forms of psychotherapy are effective. This is perhaps not surprising. One of the major insights in the modern biology of learning and memory is that education, experience, and social interactions affect the brain. When you learn something and then remember it for a long time, it's because genes are being turned on and off in certain brain cells, leading to the growth of new synaptic contacts between the nerve cells of the brain. Insofar as psychotherapy works and produces stable, learned changes in behavior, it can cause stable anatomical changes in the brain. We are now beginning to measure such changes with brain imaging. If a person with obsessive-compulsive neurosis or depression undergoes psychotherapy—and if the treatment is successful in changing behavior—the treatment will cause a reversal in the biological markers of these disorders. この二つの側面から今後の研究が展開されるであろうと結んでいるような・・・・気がしますが、専門外で的外れかもしれません。



お手数おかけし、まことにありがとうございました。 自分には荷の重い課題で、正直、よくわかりませんが、 ありがとうございました。また、よろしくご指導下さい。

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

済みません、無知なド素人が首を突っ込みます(泣)、此処までの文章では殆どが過去形で語られており、結論めいたモノは「最近の研究成果云々、、、、」だけで、結論めいたモノは記事の後半部分で(斜め読みはしましたが、ちんぷんかんぷんでした)しか語られておりません 一応、此処までの文章なら、これをタイトルにしてとしか、これでご勘弁下さい。 ////////////////////////////////////////////// A history of metal illness research and the latest advancement/or achievement ////////////////////////////////////////////// 筆書の主張がどこにあるのか、この英文エッセイで筆者は結局何を言いたかったのかは、後半部分に集約されておるような気がするのですが、如何でしょうか?





アホなことを言っていたらすみませんが、 Understanding the biology of mental illness would be a paradigm shift in our thinking about mind. これがトピックセンテンスなのではないんですか? 違うのかな。





  • 英文要約について

     「次の英語を要約せよ」とあったのですが、英文要約は初めてで、どこが重要なのか分からなく、要約できなくて困っています。  次の文章の要約、もしくはそのヒントとなることを教えていただけると幸いです。 (次の文章は、過去のどこかの国公立大学の二次試験だったそうです。)  次の英文の内容を130~150字程度の日本語に要約せよ。ただし、句読点文字数に含める。 Those who have studied the human brain have long known that it has two hemispheres, and that each performance specific functions. The right side of the brain is thought to govern the motor functions of the left side of the body. It is also the side that performance "nonrational" mental functions, such as intuition, pattern recognition, nonverbal communication, playfulness, abstraction, and the like. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the "rational" functions of logic, calculation, verbal articulation, structured observation, analysis, and so forth. Recent evidence that expands our knowledge of these differences has become from work with brain-impaired patients. In sum, the evidence suggests that people who have had damage to the left side of the brain suffer losses of speech, writing ability, and the ability to performance logical calculation. They continue, however, to function normally in therms of "nonrational" activities. The opposite is also found to be true: damage to the right side of the brain results in loss of the spatial sense, of nonverbal skills, of such qualities as humor, color sensitivity, and intuition. This evidence has led to speculation that differences in hemisphere dominance produce differences in thinking and in the approach to problems. Although they are still highly speculative, these notions do provide support for the existence of preferences in styles of thinking. If it were found that the anatomy and physiology of the brain does indeed govern the styles of thinking that people have developed, would that mean that nothing could be done to alter them? It is of course a possibility, one that would explain the persistence of particular styles of thinking throughout life. But we doubt that the governance of the physical brain is at all absolute. There is entirely too much evidence in favor of the flexibility of the human mind. We suspect that the brain is capable of altering its own capabilities. There are too many people we have seen who have learned to think out of the "other side" of their brains.  文字数の関係で、訳まで入れることができませんでした。  どうか、英文要約の第一歩の手助けを宜しくお願いします

  • 英文の1センテンスとは?

    In a famous story by Edgar Allan Poe,Detective Dupin says:“We make chance a matter of absolute calculation. We subject the unlooked for and unimagined to the mathematical formulae of the schools.” 例えば上のような文章で、探偵Dupinの言葉を引用したセンテンスを2つ和訳しなさいという問題が出た場合、該当箇所は“”の中身なのですが、 はじめのセンテンスは “We~” からと考えるのか、 一番はじめの In a famous~ からと考えるのかがわかりません。 英文のセンテンスはピリオドからピリオドまでだと思っていたのですが、解答では“We~”からがはじめのセンテンスとなっていました。 この場合上の英文は3センテンスからなっているのか、それとも、問題が 「探偵Dupinの言葉を引用したセンテンスを」 ではなく 「探偵Dupinの言葉を含むセンテンスを」 となっていれば In a famous~ から訳せばよいのか、そなへんがいまいちわかりません。 意図が読み取りにくいかもしれませんが、よければ回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の要約について

    この英文の要約を簡単にお願いします! (1)At a recent town meeting, residents of a rural Australian town voted to ban the sale of bottled water. They are probably the first community in the world to do so. This decision, made by residents of Bundanoon, was the second blow in one day to Australia's bottled drinks industry. Hours earlier, the New South Wales state government had banned all state departments and agencies from buying bottled water, calling it a waste of money and natural resources. (2)First popular in the 1980s as a convenient, healthy alternative to sweet drinks, bottled water today is attracting criticism for being environmentally damaging. Not only are used plastic bottles filling up garbage disposal sites, their production and distribution also use up large amounts of energy. (3)Because of these reasons, over the past few years, at least 60 local governments in the US and a number of others in Canada and the UK have agreed to stop spending public public money on bottled water, which public officials used to consume during meetings. But this is the first time that a community has banned the sale of bottled water. (4)Bundanoon's battle against the bottle began some years ago, when a Sydney-based company announced plans to pump local water out of the ground. Residents were furious about the possibility of an outside company taking local water, trucking ip to Sydney for bottling, and then selling it back to them. The town is still fighting the company's proposal in court. (5)Then in March, Huw Kingston, who owns the town's cafe and bike shop, decided that if the town was so opposed to hosting a water bottling company , it should also ban the end product, or in other words, bottled water. To prevent damaging the town's businesses that sell bottled water, Kingston suggested they instead sell bottles that could be used again and again, for the same price. Residents would be able to fill the bottles for free at public water tank, or pay a small fee to fill them with local water in the town's shops. (6)Over 300 people voted on the ban. This was the biggest assembly ever for a town meeting. Only two people voted against the proposal. One of them said he was worried that banning bottled water would encourage people to consume more sweet drinks. The other was Geoff Parker, direct of the Australasian Bottled Water Institute, which represents the bottled water industry. Parker attacked the ban as unfair and ineffective. He said that the bottled water industry is a leader in finding ways to reduce human impact on the environment, and also that the ban reduces consumer choice. “To take away the consumer's right to choose the healthiest drink option goes against common sense,” he stated. (7)But tap water is just as good as the water you find bottled in plastic, said the campaign organiser Jon Dee, who serves as director of the Australian environment group “Do Something!”. "We're hoping this ban will make people remember the days when we did not have bottled water," he said

  • 英文解釈

    下記の英文をどう解釈すれば良いかわかりません。わかる方がいましたらよろしくお願いします。 (マグロの数が激減しているので、規制すべきだという内容の記事です) And we have to get management of the oceans correct and we can't keep … and governments can't keep acting like we'll take care of that next year. -- 補足-- 【前後の文】 "Management of fish species on the high seas isn't just about making sure people have nice seafood when they go to a restaurant; it's about the very future of our planet," continued Lieberman. "And we have to get management of the oceans correct and we can't keep … and governments can't keep acting like we'll take care of that next year. We'll worry about making money in the short term, we'll listen to the fishing industry; we'll worry about the ocean & the environment later. We don't have that luxury." 【出展】 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/asia/Bluefin-Tuna-Endangered-by-Overfishing--111159869.html

  • この英文の要約をお願いします(;;)

    この英文の要約をお願いします(;;) Not all women experienced commodification as an external force, and without question they relied on their own potential for imagining and building new words. Inasmuch as mass women's magazines exposed women to commodities for personal and household use, they incited some uneasiness in women. But they very likely offered simultaneously the hope and opportunity for a satisfactory from of release from the desire for material goods, which had until then been largely repressed. In Japan, and other parts of the world, cumulative social changes were disrupting in the city and country alike. The pull to maintain the ties of family existed, but signs of instability sent tremors through the domestic community and society as a whole. 長い文なのですが、訳しても意味がよくわかりませんでした…。 要約するとどうなりますか? 教えてください、よろしくお願い致します…。

  • 下記の英文を訳してください。

    ネットショップからいただいたメールです。どなたか翻訳お願いいたします。 Thank you for your order, We received about your request and the free print(A2 size) would add in your package, would you mind to take the font view of the damage one? We are sorry about for the happen but hope you could understand that the delivery is depends of the post office and postman, if you have any question that please feel free for contact us firstly, we would trying to help you solve it. Thank you and looking for your reply

  • 英文の原文と訳

    ある英文についての質問です As we begin our lesson today, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to you about the aims of this insititution, and the reasons for its establishment. …という英文から始まる英文があるのですが、この英文の原文と全訳が知りたいです。 教育関係の英文です。 分かりにくい質問だと思いますが、回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文が正しいかどうか教えて下さい

    下の英文の、おかしな文やアドバイスなどがあれば教えてください。 Second I will state about the study. Now children have to go to school in nine year. We can learn and study that we need things for live. But we can learn not only school but also television and movies. We have education channel for children. Children can learn by watch it. For example, words, vocabulary. But television and movies have more. Movie teaches us important things in story. For example, dream come true and friend. School teacher don’t teach us about it. We learn a lot of things watch television I like watch television about famous people’s success process. And we can learn culture other countries. So I think that television and movies teach us a lot of things. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳お願いします。

    英文和訳お願いします。 省略の構文です Memes may be as useful for understanding the transmission of culture as genes are for understanding biology. 以前質問したとき、 as genes are ( useful) for understanding biology. と useful が省略されている、と教えてもらったのですが・・・ usefulでなく、 as useful が省略されているのでは、ないかと思うのですが・・・。 訳として 遺伝子は、生物学を理解するために有効なものとして、存在するように、 文化の変遷を理解するために、有効なものとして、ミームが存在するのかもしれない。 でいかがでしょうか?

  • 要約をお願いします☆

    Is very glad to see your letter today. When I receive it, on mine The person always a smile, and in my heart warmly. After all when I read yours Letters, I start to represent that you stand nearby and speak to me about It. I do not know that occurs, but for that time that we are familiar with You, I have very much changed. As soon as possible I always hasten to To the computer to read your letter. I have a such Feeling that I became a little dependent on you. Because for days on end I think only of you, I represent your life there, is far from me. As You think, what is it? I am afraid to tell it, but it seems to me that it Love. I am afraid of this loud word, but I tell you the thoughts. After all we have agreed with you that we will tell all secrets each other. I trust you and I hope that you as trust me. Recently I began to think of how would be much Remarkably, if could meet and learn each other better. That You think of it? I think, it is difficult to speak about something only through Letters and phone. I wish to have with you live dialogue. But I do not know, What your thoughts that I have now written to you. My dear, do not worry, we will necessarily speak on msn! ok!? We will necessarily speak in msn, I promise to you! :) "Do you agree?" Is such expression is available in Russia. I do not know, how To you it to explain. You trust in destiny? It means:"nobody knows, That the destiny has prepared for us ". Understand me? Now I will finish the letter and I will wait for your early reply.