• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 「一見、彼の理論は、信憑性があるかのように見える、しかし彼の研究での事実は、それ(彼の理論)と合わない」  don't add up は「足しても合わない」「帳尻が合わない」「ちゃんと説明できない」の意味です。  「まあちょっと見には、彼の理論は、良さげに見えるが、自分の研究業績とさえ合わないんだ]といったところでしょうか。


  • happy-to-be-alive の意味(訳)を教えて下さい。

    以下の文中の、happy-to-be-alive の訳をお願いします。 excite の翻訳では意味不明の訳でした…… He was in the first third gradeclass I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris, Minn. All 34 of my students were dear to me,but Mark Eklund was one in a million. Very neat in appearance,but had that happy-to-be-alive attitude that made even his occasional mischieviousness delightful.

  • the element of surpriseの意味

    the element of surpriseはセットフレーズとして使われているようです。 決まった訳があれば教えていただけませんか? このような用例で使われています。 Bashing Bob prides himself on his once powerful forehand which nowadays, often as not, rebounds off the back screen. He drives it right at the net person. His theory seems to be "if you can't beat them, hurt one of them." His other "go to" shot is a drop shot serve which works surprisingly well since his normal first serve can be received inside the baseline. It must be the element of surprise. Different strokes for different blokes. Bashing Bob is all "Pressure Tennis" (Paul Wardlaw).

  • stickの意味

    My husband's family is full of people who drink too much and then act like fools, slurring their words, stumbling and vomiting. It happens at many gatherings, and it stresses me out. They often pressure me to drink more and/or get drunk. Because I don't do it, I feel ostracized at these gatherings where I'm told I need to loosen up or cheer up by drinking more. No one else in my life thinks I'm uptight. I'm normally very sociable. These days, I avoid those family gatherings as often as possible, but I'm afraid I'm courting more problems by not participating in family activities. My relationship with my husband is fantastic, and he understands and supports me, but I don't feel like his family does. I've tried to be frank with them, but the conversations don't seem to stick. the conversations don't seem to stick.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳おねがいします

    Also,he found it difficult to get enough financial support because people did not think that the purpose of his research would be realized. But in the end people began to understand the possibilities of his research. 長文すいません泣 ご回答お願いします。

  • 並べ替え問題

    並べ替え問題 ※1つ語を足す(足した語は[]内) 1)赤い帽子の女の人が叫んでいるようだ →The woman on a red cap seems [to] be shouting. 2)彼の理論は結局間違いだとわかった →His theory turned out to [be] wrong after all. 3)私は古本屋で偶然数学の先生に会った →I happened [to] see a math teacher at used bookstore. 4)彼女は私に何かを言いたかったようだ →She seems to wanted to say to me something. 4番は語を足せていません。何が入るのでしょうか。 他の問題も訂正やアドバイスよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 A useful tool at this point would be an account of bulimia that is both plausible and parsimonious. It should be plausible in that it fits the known facts about bulimia, and it should be parsimonious in that the phenomenon is not overexplained by many concomitant, nonindependent forces. An appropriate theory should define the people at risk for the disorder as well as those not at risk. A good theory should also describe the process of acquiring the symptoms themselves. None of the existing theories can do all of these things. Although the sociocultural approach can define who is at risk, it neither effectively defines who is not at risk nor how bulimics acquire the binge-eating behavior. The clinical perspective is well suited to defining who is at risk and who is not at risk but has not carefully spelled out how it is that the symptoms are acquired. The epidemiological approach, like the clinical approach, is better suited to defining risk factors than to describing processes of symptom acquisition. I wish to propose a model that is well suited to describing the symptom acquisition process, based on social psychological processes.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Nor let the reader object to be reminded of some of the most elementary facts of his knowledge. The human race has been ages in arriving at conclusions now familiar to every child.

  • 英文の間違い

    初めは簡単そうに見えるものがしばしば難しいとわかるという文ですが、 It seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult. は、どこか間違っているでしょうか?

  • facts on the ground

    President-elect Obama may have hoped he would have time to develop an approach to peacemaking in the Holy Land. But as usual, the schedule is dictated by facts on the ground. It is unclear how engaged Obama can be in the Middle East in the early months of his administration; his first priority will be fixing the American economy. What Obama can't delay once he takes office is forcefully recommitting the United States to a two-state solution and the basic framework for peace that already exists. イスラエルパレスチナ問題の記事です。 2行目の facts on the groundは 目の前にある問題(アメリカ国内の問題)でスケジュールはいっぱいになっている という意味にとってよいのでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします(´_`。)

  • 思わせぶり?

    「私の勘違いかもしれないけど、彼は思わせぶりな態度をとるの。」と言いたいとき、思わせぶりな態度ってsuggestiveでいいですか? I could be wrong, but his behavior seems suggestive to me.と英作してみたのですが、言いたいことが通じるかがわかりません。