Essential Difference in Arguing about Values

  • Argumentation is a way to solve disagreements about values.
  • There is a difference between arguing based on shared absolute notions of 'good' or 'goal of life' and conflicts involving happiness and goodness concepts.
  • Arguing about values requires understanding the different perspectives and concepts involved.
  • ベストアンサー

和訳願い:an essential difference in arguing starting

以下は哲学的な文章なのですが、後のセンテンスの方の和訳をお願い致します。このセンテンスはアリストテレスの主張だそうです。 Argumentation, in other words, can be used to solve disagreements about values. However, we should notice that there is an essential difference in arguing starting from a shared absolute notion of “good” or “goal of life”, and conflicts involving the very concepts of happiness and goodness.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • nekomac
  • ベストアンサー率43% (162/371)

However, we should notice that there is an essential difference in arguing starting from a shared notion of "good" or "goal of life" 長いですね。 しかし我々は、利益もしくは人生の目標のような共有される絶対的価値観から始まる議論には(本質的な相違)がある事を認識すべきである。 and conflicts involving the very concept of happiness and goodness. そして、正に幸福や goodness の概念を巻き込んで対立する。 goodness の訳がイマイチ分かりませんでした。 ご質問者は前後関係から分かると思いますの私は敢えて訳しませんでした。 ただ、goodness=good かな?という気もしますが、、、 こんな難しいものはあまり読まないので間違っているかも知れません。 あくまでご参考程度で読み流して下さい。



哲学に通じておらず、内容が抽象的なので困っています。私には構文や品詞さえよく分からないのですが、こう理解させて頂きました。 (1)arguingが名詞のように扱われている (2)starting from以下がarguingを修飾している (3)"there is an essential difference ... and conflicts ..."のようにdifferenceとconflictsがandで結ばれている。 大変参考になりました。有難うございました。


  • 和訳ができなくて困っています。助けてください。

    From this followed the idea that the patterns stored in the computer could denote concepts of any kind and that the computer was capable of inputting and outputting such patterns,recording relations among them in associative structures,comparing them for identify or difference,and branching as the result of such comparisons. という文章なのですが、andや、or,that節などがいっぱいあり解釈できません。 どなたか、訳していただけないでしょうか?

  • 修飾関係について教えていただければ幸いです。in

    The Buddhist doctine always teaches us how to live honestly and what we should do for pursuing happiness in this life full of sufferings. for pursuing happinessとin this lifeはどこを修飾しているのでしょうか?また、意訳して頂ければ幸いです。

  • 和訳を教えてください

    Happiness is like an unexpected visitor. You can't command her appearance; you can only appreciate her when she dose show up. And you can't force happiness to happen. But you can make sure you are aware of it when it dose. While you're walking home with a head full of problems, try to notice the sun set the windows of the city on fire. Listen to the shouts of kids playing in the fading light, and fell your spirits rise,just from having paid attention. Happiness is an attitude, not a condition. It is in the present, not in the distant promise of a "someday when ". How much more happiness we experience. If we can fall in love with the life we're living. Happiness is a choice. Reach out for it at the moment it appears. 長い文章ですみません。和訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳

    自信がないのでどなたか教えて下さい Cooke put his summery of Franklin in this way,¨what makes him, after two centuries, not merely impressive but lovable is his absolute lack of arrogance and the steady goodness of his belief that in helping to create the American Republic he was founding a truer order of society. ¨ 長文ですがお願いします 「彼をつくったものは」の説明なんでしょうか?

  • 至急、和訳お願いします!

    2つの英文があるのですが、長くて訳しづらいので載せました。 力を貸して下さると助かります!! 1.We do not understand what happiness is any better than Aristotle did, and as for learning how to attain that blessed condition, one could argue that we have made no progress at all. *Aristotle = アリストテレス   *blessed = 恵まれた 2.The fact that the traditional cultural mind-set of the Japanese is based in significant part on the ambiguities as well as the seeming contradictions of life has turned out to be one of the greatest strengths of the Japanese in dealing with the growing complexities of the modern world. よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    The business practices, processes and mentality of Japanese corporations are a throwback to the 1950s. “Throwback” in the above sentence means a person or thing having the characteristics of a former time.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文の( )に入る言葉を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the late of 1980’s, democratic reforms in the Sovirt Union began to inspire similar changes in Eastern European countries and (preserved/ fostered/ realized ) a movement toward democracy and a market economy. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government couldn’t suppress pro-democracy forces and announced that all East German citizens were free to visit West Germany and West Berlin. The eventual fall of the Berlin Wall paved the (track/ rail/ way) for German reunfication and the end of the Cold War. However, in the age of multi-polarization, there have been seanless conflicts around the world. We must make tenacious efforts to ensure global peace and stability beyond ideological differences.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    Regrettably, the notion of rights of ownership of capital and other income-earning assets remains conflicted, especially in societies that still believe that profit seeking is not quite moral. A key purpose of property rights, after all, is to protect assets in order to use them to profit or personally benefit. Such rights are not supportable in a society that holds any significant remnant of the view of property as “theft.” That notion embraced by Karl Marx rests on the presumption that gained wide acceptance in the first half of the twentieth century that wealth created under a division of labor is produced jointly, and hence should be owned collectively.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    洋服のデザイナーさんの説明を訳しているのですが、 少し分かりにくい部分がありましたので、教えて下さい。 本文:I have had a marvelous chance to study and develop a wide and growing array of ways to treat and alter fabrics and materials and add new layers of dimensions to our design concepts, starting with established masters working in Italy, and then on my own in our studios at Cavarzere. add new layers of dimensions to our design conceptの部分なのですが、 私たちのデザインコンセプトを新しい次元に導いてくれた、 の様な訳し方でいいのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On the morning of November 15/28, unusually fierce fighting took place at the edge of Prunaru involving the vanguard of the 43rd mixed brigade and the occupying forces. The fog lifted, and taking advantage of this, the Germans began a manoeuvre to surround the 43rd brigade using units situated outside the village. At that moment, General Referandru ordered the 2nd Roşiori regiment to enter the battle. Thus began the Prunaru Charge. Constantin Kiriţescu described it as follows: "Behind fences, in brambles, in the windows of the houses and on the bridges, the enemy hid tens of machine-guns, and threw a hail of bullets onto the mighty regiment.