• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

ふつう as to ~ は「~について、~に関して」(=about)ですね 前置詞的扱い 「彼は彼女が何を思っているか(について)まったく分からなかった」 では。





  • 次の英文に誤りがあるのでしょうか。

    和文:彼が何を考えているのか、まるでわからない。 英文:I haven't the the least idea of what he has in mind. 上記の英文ですが正しいのでしょうか。 私は、I haven't had the least idea of what he has in mind. 若しくは、I don't have the least idea of what he has in mind. のどちらかが正しいと思うのですが、先の英文に誤りはないのでしょうか。

  • 大学受験 英語整序問題

    センターレベルの問題集です Before I went to the U.S.,I had (would be like/what/it/no idea/tolive)in a foreign country no ideaを同格のthatで説明するのだろうという見当はつくのですが、whatが入ってきてこんがらがってしまいうまくできません どなたかわかる方ご教授いただけないでしょうか よろしくお願いします

  • 再度モームのサナトリウムからの質問です

    Ashenden had the impression that she basked comfortably in his love as the patients on the terrace, facing the snow, basked in the hot sunshine; but it might very well be that she was content to leave it at that, and it was certainly no business of his to tell Templeton what perhaps she had no wish that he should know. Templetonとshe は恋仲です。Ashendenはその二人と病棟内での知り合いです。 leave it at thatが訳者の注で、今のままの状態にしておく、とあります。 で、私の質問は→what perhaps she had no wish that he should know. の構造がどうなっているのか分かりません。また訳はどうなりますか?what が分かりにくいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文構造が分かりません。

    I had no idea what it would be like to live in the country. まず、i had no ideaはSVO文型が成立していますよね。 そこでお聞きしたいのですが、後ろのwhat節はどんな役割を しているのですか?what節の役割は名詞であり、ここではwhatの 前までで文型が成立しているので名詞が余ってしまうと思うのですが… どなたか分かる方いらっしゃれば教えてください。

  • 英語の質問、trying not to do

    こんにちは。 英語の問題でつまづいています。 私は彼女を悲しませないように、思っていることを話した。 という日本語文の英語訳です。 模範解答: I told her what I had in mind in order not to make her sad. 私の回答: I told her what I had in mind, trying not to make her sad. ~しないようにはin order not to や so as not toを使うと思いますが、 , trying not to だと、どのようにおかしいでしょうか。 どなたか詳しく説明お願い致します。 お手数ですがよろしくお願い致します。

  • the land, land he had it

    the land, land he had it in his mind belonged to his family by right の構造が分からないので解説お願いします。 関係代名詞ならland he had in his mindじゃないですか?

  • ★大学入試【英文法】2/2

    自己採点をしたいので解答を教えてください。 宜しくお願いいたします。 同志社女子2013/1/26 31.I cannot afford to rent a house like that, (let alone/all alone/no less/less than) buy it. 32.She thought she had to find a (mean/means/meant/meaning) of increasing her income. 33.I'm worried about my daughter; she (back/had come/should be/should have been) home an hour ago. 34.He is known to everyone in town (by/as/to/about) an eccentric. 35.He hardly (nor/either/ever/never) misses a meeting. 36.His nephew Thomas took (over/in/on/against) as chairman of the bank. 37.I don't know him. (what/how/which/why) is he like? 38.“Would you miind posting this letter when you go out?”“(Yes/No/Well/Maybe) ,not at all.” 39.The officially announced exchange rate is (very/such/further/much) higher than that. 40.At the end of the term she resigned her position, (gave/giving/given/give) ill health as the reason.

  • Got what no-one else had

    ヴィーナス by バナナラマ の一節 Black as the dark night she was Got what no-one else had 特にGot what no-one else hadがまったくわかりません。 訳してもらえませんか。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Her eyes were wild and her clothes torn when she rushed into the station. “That girl is out of her mind!”someone said. “The express!”shouted Kate. “Stop the express!” The stationmaster wasn't sure what she was talking about, but he didn't stop to find out. Already, he could hear the express approaching. He picked up a red light and ran outside. He heard the engine whistle. It was close. In seconds the express would roll through the town. He stepped out on the track, seeing the train's headlight above him. Just in time the engineer saw his light and brought the train screeching to a stop. “What is this?" said the engineer to the stationmaster, as he stepped down from the stopped train. “What do you mean by stopping the express in this little town?" Passengers, too, climbed out of the train, wondering what had happened. The engineer, the stationmaster, and the other people all looked at Kate. Only she had the story. So she told it. When she had finished, some people threw their arms around her in gratitude. Others cried with relief. All knew that Kate had saved as a heroine.their lives. She was acclaimed as a heroine. But she did not forget the two men in Honey Creek. In a few minutes, the train whistled sharply three times. This was a signal to the people in the town that there was trouble. Men came running, lengths of rope in their hands , and climbed on the engine. Kate went with them across the trestle, which fortunately still held, and down to Honey Creek Bridge.

  • 参考書の英文、訳、註記です。註記ではasをwhatとして扱っていますが

    参考書の英文、訳、註記です。註記ではasをwhatとして扱っていますが、辞書には that which に当たる説明は見当たりません。この用法が載っている辞書があるのでしょうか? He looked at her as he hadn't looked at her for years. She was as she always was, quiet and selfpossessed, a middle-aged woman who made no effort to look younger than she was.[意味]何年にも絶えてしなかったような眺め方で彼は彼女を眺めた。いつも通りの彼女だった、物静かで、落ち着いた、年寄りも若く見せようと化粧などしない中年の女だった。 ※ as[←what] she always was を具体的に説明するのが続く部分。