• ベストアンサー



  • jun99
  • ベストアンサー率23% (40/169)

私は、神経系の中では実際に少なくとも5つの異種の信号送信を区別できるいうことをまとめたい。 私は、神経系の中では実際に少なくとも5つの異種の信号送信を区別できるいうこと、これを要約しようと取り組んでいます。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 具体的な訳を示していただき助かりました。 参考にさせていただきます。


  • 比較のところの日本語訳なのですが

    ちょっと訳し方に戸惑ったので助けてください・・・。 一つ目は I felt all the more nervous because of a large audience. という文なのですが、the+比較級~because of・・・で「・・・だから、それだけ一層~」という慣用表現があるのは知っているのですがnervousをどうつなげるかがわかりません。 二つ目は I can no more speak Russian than fly in the air. なのですが、これは「~なのと同じように_でない」という慣用表現でよろしいのでしょうか?? 三つ目は The motorbike you want will cost 800,000 yen at most. これは簡単な文かもしれませんがちょっと文がつなげにくいのです。 at mostは「せいぜい~」ですよね。 もしよければ訳してください。お願いします。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・The historian`s method begins with the collection and questioning of so-called factual information. Once historians have collected a good deal of information, they study it and develop explanations of how the facts relate. ・In India, some land has been so badly damaged by farming and tree cutting that mud now slides into the Indus and Ganges rivers.

  • 和訳チェックお願いします。

    It is sufficient to know that the different kinds of signals that we assume to be the main carriers of information within the nervous system are essentially perturbations of the membrane potential (the so-called resting potential) of the nerve cells. 神経系内で情報を運ぶ主な手段と考えているさまざまな種類の信号は本質的に神経細胞の膜電位(いわゆる静止電位)の本質的な揺れであることを知るのに十分です。 自分で訳してて何を言っているのかさっぱりわからないです。

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してくださいm(._.)m

    (1)Also I know I still need to show you my area. I was just too nervous (Moon sorry)(Moon sorry)(Moon sorry)(Moon sorry)(Moon sorry)(Moon sorry)(Moon sorry)(Moon sorry) (2)Hmmm like I want to send a pic of that for you but I'm nervous. I must over come my fears for you lol ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

  • どなたか日本語に翻訳してください。

    どなたか日本語に翻訳してください。フィリピン人の友人に頼まれました。 意図を汲み取っていただき意訳していただければ非常に助かります。 よろしくおねがいします。 December 13,2011 It was the date when we start to work at TAIYO YUDEN. on that day I cant explain my feelings why I felt so nervous, maybe because it was my first job. I was assigned at the taping process. Honestly, at first it was hard for me to learn my process, but with the help of Yabata san and Joan san I learned a lot. I am glad and very much lucky because all of my co-wprkers are kind specially Yamada san, for his long patient when he teaching me. Before I thought that taping process is hard,before I am confused on what I am doing in my process but now I realized that I can do it. Last November 13,2012 is our 1 year here in Japan. But, still I am not that good in japanese language.But aside from studying I`m still hoping that someday I will be good in Japanese language. About the Soldering Iron, I am very much happy because I passed the test.Thank you so much to Takasaki san and Nakajima San for their effort and also for being supportive to us. For the end of this presentation allow me to say thank you for the 1 year extension of our contract. We will promise to do more our best for this company and we wish Taiyo Yuden will more works to come so that our contract will extend again for another 1 year."joke only" May all of us have a happy and peaceful new year. once again thank you so much. Jinsoo onengaishimasu hiragana deii kanji yumenai desu!

  • このメッセージを日本語にして伝えたいのですが…

    バレンタイン・デーに送るメッセージとして、以下のポエムを書きました。送る相手は、ひとりは自分のパートナーで、そのひととわたしはアメリカ人同士なので、自分の思いはこの内容で十分に表現できているかな、と思うのですが、もうひとり、このメッセージを送りたい相手がいて、そちらの方は日本人であまり英語が得意ではないので、日本語でいうとどういうこと?ときかれたときに、日本語でも説明したいと思い、この内容を日本語で表現してみたいです。どうか、お力添えをいただきたく、よろしくお願い申しあげます。わたしは英語で詩や文章を書けますが、日本語だと、感情の表現が上手にできません… To my beloved: this is how I love you. I love you even when I have to admit that I secretly bless the messy largesse of my longing, and then I will give my all to loving you in a way that will make you feel free all the time. And that I will make my responsibility for committing this crime of loving you.

  • こちらを日本語に訳して頂きたいです。

    こちらです。 We have a special going.$1860 shipped. Includes the fairing, lowers, all mounts and brackets a windshield a light lens,and a headlight mount. In a gloss black epoxy finish that can either be polished and show finished or scuffed and painted. The fairing is laser straight and requires NO prep for a perfect look. I will have to create a link through the webstore when your ready. We ship them within 28 days of receiving your order. Pursuit pods not included in the SPECIAL but can be purchased complete with gasket and grommets sperately at a discounted $150 with your order. small changing.we can turn signal for you. よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語→英語について

    「それの練習をするときは、2つのタイプのノートカードを用意しようと思います。一つは全ての文章が書かれたもの、もう一つはキーワードしか書かれていないものです。」 「When I practice it, I think that I will prepare the two types of note cards: one was written all of the sentences, and the other one was written only keywords. 」 - こちらの英文なのですが、one [is]ではなく[was]でしょうか? どちらか迷ったのですが、「書かれた」なのでwasかな?と思ったのですが、あっていますか? またこちらの英文があっているかも見て欲しいです。(文法的な意味で) お願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    But he failed to ensure the fighting qualities of these soldiers earned them a proportionate share of recognition and honours. Further, despite claims that Chauvel alone had a clear view of the battle, that his coolness and skill were crucial in gaining the victory, his name was omitted from the long list of honours published on New Year's Day 1917. Murray did offer Chauvel a lesser award (a Distinguished Service Order) for Romani which he declined. On reading Murray's description in his official despatch covering the battle, and reprinted in a Paris edition of the 'Daily Mail', Chauvel wrote to his wife on 3 December 1916, I am afraid my men will be very angry when they see it.

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    日本語訳で困っています。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Controlling greenhouse gases will be more difficult, because carbon dioxide ― the major greenhouse gas ― is more closely linked to the global economy than CFCs ever were. (2)Transforming our economy ― and changing our personal habits ― will be a challenge. (3)But our experience with the ozone layer shows us that the people of the world actually can work together to repair some of our own mistakes, despite our often conflicting political and economic interests. (4)Today, as the CO2 crisis unites us, we must remember the lesson of the CFC battle;that cool heads can prevail and alter the course of environmental change for the better.   (4)のCO2は二酸化炭素の意味です。