• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

早速拝見いたしましょう。 >subject: About the ordered item online 「オンラインによる注文の件」という感じですね。 題名なので About はないほうがすっきりするようです。 間違いのないようにタイトルにオーダー品の名前や品番を入れておくと更に良いかもしれません。 >Dear 会社名 >My name is Yamada Taro これは問題ないですね。 >I am japanese. >I am not good at English. この文はそれぞれ文法的には間違っていませんが(JapaneseのJは大文字ですが)文脈上ちょっと唐突のような気がします。 先方が日本への発送もしてくれることを前提として「(私は日本人で英語が得意ではないので)文章がわかりずらかったらごめんなさい。」というようなことを言いたいのだとしたら I'm afraid that my poor English make you tough time to understand. (私の下手な英語を理解するのに苦労するのではと心配しています。)とか、もっと簡単に I hope you don't mind my poor English. (私の下手な英語を気にしないでいてくれることを望みます。)という感じでしょうか。もっともこの文章は一番最後にしたほうがよさそうですね。 >I ordered your item 「****」some time ago. 先ほどという意味で some time ago でしょうか。 この場合は現在完了形を使って「オーダーしました」といってみてはどうでしょう。 I have put my order the item, No. xxxx . order を注文という名詞にして put order で注文を入れたにしてみました。 >I made payment by PayPal. これはすでに支払いも済ませたということですね。 やはり完了形にして And payment has been done through PayPal. >order number:***** これはいいでしょう。 >Please ship to the following address. 通じますが「何を」の部分を入れておきましょうか。 Please ship the item to the following address. >To Taro Yamada ***** Aoba-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken 221-**** Japan これも大丈夫だと思います。住所の最後に郵便番号(Zip code)を入れると更に良いと思います。 >Please mail to me when you ship if possible or if you have what you don't know. これも通じますがmail というとemail よりも郵送を連想しますので Please let me know when you can ship it out. And if you have any question, please email back to me. email はメールするという動詞で使えます。 >Thank you for your cooperation. 先方も商売なので cooperation は必要ないでしょう。 Thank you and best regards. くらいでよさそうです。 Taro Yamada ご参考になりましたでしょうか。



ご回答どうもありがとうございます。 本当にとても詳しく見て頂きどうもありがとうございます。 「英語があまり得意でないので、」などという表現は私はこれからも頻繁に使いそうな表現なので、 >I'm afraid that my poor English make you tough time to understand. >I hope you don't mind my poor English. このような表現を知っているととても便利ですね。 どうもありがとうございます。 最後の >Thank you and best regards. も憶えておくととても便利ですね。 今後も使ってみたいと思います。 いろいろ知らないことばかりでとても勉強になりました。 大変丁寧なご回答どうもありがとうございます。 早速手直してメールを送ってみます。


  • 和訳をお願いします

    When at latest should I pay for this item? I have no problem to pay already but I would like to ask you to not ship the item yet. Why? - because I am thinking to purchase maybe more of your razors but have not decided yet. So my question is if you could postpone the shipment by couple of weeks?

  • ホームステイ先へのメール

    今からカナダのホームステイ先へメールを送ろうと思うのですがこれでいいでしょうか。 意見・修正・書いたほうがいいことなどあればお願いします。 How do you do? My name is ○○○. I am a Japanese sutudent. Thank you for offering me your house. It's my first time to go abroad.and I am not good at speaking English. so I am nervous but excited. Please pardon me when I can't hear your English.But I want to learn English and make an effort. When I go to Canada,I want to get some different point of view. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

  • 英語を教えてください

    どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 ご連絡ありがとうございます。 返信が遅れてすみません。 1度お会いしたいのですが、私も英語があまり話せません。 来週で1度お会いできたら嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you very much for your reply and I am sorry for late reply. I would like to meet you but I am not at English. I am grad to meet you if we can meet next week. Best regards,

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    taro How many times do i have to mention it to you. YOUR 2 SAIK ARE ON THE WAY.!!!!!!! SHIPPING IS SLOW NOW IN THE USA BECAUSE USPS ARE CLOSING STORES DOWN AND ALOT ARE LOOSING JOBS THAT WORK AT USPS WHERE I LIVE. BECAUSE OF THIS THERE IS LONGER SHIPPING TIMES FOR YOU TO RECIEVE YOUR PACKAGE.!!!! HAVE YOU EVER NOT GOTTON A PACKAGE THAT I SENT. NO SO PLEASE BE PAITENT. LIKE I TOLD YOU I DID SHIP THIS ORDER WITH TRACKING.!!!!!!!! EMS SHIPPING>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING HAS COME UP YET BECAUSE ITS STILL BEING PROCESSED taro . BE PATIENT. YOUR PACKAGE WILL GET TO YOU. YOU MAKE ME UPSET WITH THIS. I TELL YOU BUT YOU NEVER LISTEN. The packge is not lost the package is just slow coming to you. Ask jiro.!!!!!!!!!! he is waiting on package from me from the same day i shipped you packge out. You need to listen taro. I am nothing but good to. WHy would you think you would not recieve your package. 人名を「taro」「jiro」にしています。

  • 英文メールへの返答がわかりません。先方のメールの翻訳もお願いします。

    前回、質問して回答してもらって、メールに返答が届いたのですが、やはり意味が少しだけしかわかりません。 自分の対応もよくないと批判されてしまい、英文に自信もなくなったので、回答のメールの英文もよろしくお願いします。 前回の質問は下記のリンクです。 ​http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/qa5008327.html​ The custom told me since it did not declare as a return merchandise so it subject to custom charges. If you put the description as a broken return item then custom would never charge a cent. Custom told me that there is invoice inside the parcel so that means that I bought it from you with value declared $198, custom did not do wrong since it was no information if its a return merchandise. I don't mind pay the tariff as long as the value is correct. $198 value on item is not correct & you made it up. I went to custom office back & forth few times, they will not release the shipment until I pay the charges. If the parcel ever ship back to you, please declare as a return broken item, value of broken item should be in $5. There will be no custom charges if declare in low value. Make sure you write the description as instructed above. 自信がないのですが、下記が自分の返答です。 I'm sorry to trouble you. As the item is kept at the post office until two week,you refuse to receive and ask the post office to send back the item. The staff of post office said,if you refuse to receive,you don't have to pay the shippng and the tariff. Please make contact the post office about it. I any number of times ask you to do it,but you didn't. Please do it in a hurry,or the item will be dumped trash. Please do it in a hurry,or I can't do anything. If you refuse or ignore request,I will not deal your complaint any longer,I don't deal your complaint. Then,if the item is dumped trash,though you will not have to pay the tariff,but I will be unable to resend the item,I will be unable to deal your complaint. The item is tariffed,when it is imported and exported. Becuase,you refuse to receive,you don't have to pay the tariff. If you refuse to receive,the item will be return and I can resend the item by the method which is imposed the tariff.The tariff is you mean charge. Regards,

  • 「英語が得意じゃなくてごめんなさい。」

    「英語が得意じゃなくてごめんなさい。もし(英語の)間違いを見つけたらメールで教えてくださいね」と言いたくて、以下のような文章を書いてみました。何度か直したのですが、まだ違和感がある気がするので添削をお願いしたいです。 また、より適切な表現があったら併せてお教え頂けないでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 I'm sorry I'm not good at English. If you find any mistakes, please e-mail me in easy English. (もしくはI'm sorry I'm not good at English. If you find any mistakes, please let me know. ?)

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Yes I got your funds and I see you did not send as a gift so they took out $4.00 for the fees, I will add that on to your shipping cost when I am ready to ship to you. I have ordered your SAIK host ! and you have been entered into the work log Man that is one heck of an address I am bit confused as I have not seen one like it before, I'll ask about it just before I'm ready to ship. Have a good day SAIK host=ライトの名前です。

  • メールの内容がわからないので、翻訳をお願いします。

    メールの内容がわからないので、翻訳をお願いします。 状況の説明ですが、海外のオークションで商品に不備があり、EMSで返送しましたが、金額を間違えて書いてしまい、金額についてのクレームだということはわかるのですが、あとは意味不明です。翻訳をお願いします。 それから、相手への回答について、おわかりの方は、英文と日本語の解説つきで、お願いします。 メールすればするほど、怒ってるみたいなので、どうしたらいいかわけわかりません・・・。 > You did not write in custom paper that it was a return merchandise, custom bill me for $36.66. You included invoice as if I am the buyer, why did you do that ? the parcel is hold by custom because of $36.66 charges. > > I do not understand why did you do this, you wanted a full refund but you made the parcel go back to you ? and you ask me to believe you that item is broken ? that's absurb. You failed to provide a picture of broken item and I have not see which part that broken because the custom still hold the parcel. > > If you claimed that the item is broken then why you wrote such high value ?. You are dishonest and you appraised value of boken item for $198 ! > > If I received a broken item, post office will not reimburse to me and I will never lie for anyone, I'm not live to lie. The parcel is a returned merchandise and that is what you supposed to declare! > > You wrote in email that I did not answer your question ? that because you lodged claim to paypal. I will pursue this matter until I get the item back in my hands & I will provide paypal everything they needed to reopen the case again. > > Yes I need the broken item as a proof of your claim. > > Meg > 下記は自分の返答メールです。 受取拒否してください。再度商品を送りますと書いてあります。 Dear Sir/Madam, Hello andaratreasures, I am hme34365. I'm sorry to trouble you. But Your English is very hard,I understand your mail slight. Because this answer is makeshift,I will ask a nice speaker of English. Sorry,about the invoice,but I had only to obey the staff of the post office. I don't know to write the invoice. If you don't pay the fee,you may have only to refuse the item,but to return, resend. Please say the post office,you don't receive the item,You refuse the item,return the item to the sender. If you do like that,the retrun shipping will be free. You may as well say the post office that the item bears no relation to you,return the item to the sender. the item will be return the sender without charge. The item will be return me,and I will resend the item by the method which I contacted. But did you have already received the item? Perhaps,If you return the item,the customs & the post office may return the fee. But any other The method of settlement may be discovered,if you ask the customs & the post office. Then, the task is return,if you return the item,you ask the customs about retrun the item. Then,I had not found The method of settlement,becuase I just have you ask to refuse the item. Regards,

  • エラーメールです。訳して下さいm(__)m

    This is the Postfix program at host mc-imt32-g.dav.pdx.ne.jp. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message

  • 海外ショップサイトにて 至急お願いします!!

    今、全く英語がわからないのですが、海外サイトの子供服を注文しました。 それで、そのショップからメールが来ましたが英文が全く読めません。 TRENDI HI! Thank you for shopping with us. We have received your order.You can generally expect to receive notification of shipping the same or the next business day your order is placed. We try to keep our inventory updated and avoid out of stocks. If there is an item you ordered and it is out of stock you will be notified before we ship. If you have placed a PRE-ORDER or and order for items that are not yet in stock. Your order could be held until complete and then shipped. We generally only hold orders waiting for pre-ordered items if the pre-ordered items are arriving within the week. Please email if you have any questions about shipping dates. しかもメールが着た直後、この店に間違ってキャンセルしたいと英文で送ってしまったのですが、キャンセルするつもりは全くありません。 どうしたら良いでしょうか? 助けてくださいm(_ _)m