• 締切済み



  • suikaemon
  • ベストアンサー率47% (9/19)

I am looking for a man who is tolerant, trustworthy, open-minded, and patient. I despise liars and cheaters. というのはどうでしょうか。





  • ハチャメチャな英語ですがご指導をお願いします。

    自分で書いた英語です。はちゃめちゃなので間違えをおしえてください。あと、通じない部分などもありましたらご指摘お願いします。 I'm looking for a person who likes 80s music and who interested in Japan. I'd like to help my English and I help your Japanese if you need. I want to get to know each other and have fun to talk with. 『私は80年代の音楽が好きだったり、私の英語を助けてくれる人を探してます。あなたが望むなら私はあなたの日本語を助けます。私はお互いを知って、楽しく話したいです。』といいたいです お願いします

  • 英語で

    英語で、タイプを聞かれて 「面白い人が好き!」というのはどのように表現したらよいのでしょうか? I like someone who are funny.これであっていますか? また、「楽しい事するのが好き」はどう表現したらいいですか?

  • 英語の時制

    I dont mind which of them comes 誰がくるかは気にしません I dont know who will clean our classroom 誰が教室を掃除するかわかりません Do you mind if i take your photo? 写真を撮ってもいいですか?if節は名詞節? 一番目の文と二番目の文の従属接続詞はどちらも未来を表してると思うんですが、willの有無の違いは何なんでしょうか? 三番目の文もwillは使われていません また三番目の文のMindは気にするのは未来なんだから、Do you より will you のほうが良くないかとも思います。 そもそも現在形は、日常、習慣を表すというルールは消えて、comesもmindもtakeも習慣のニュアンスないですよね 皆さんはどう考えていらっしゃいますか?

  • 訳と、この場合の返し方

    メールをしている相手からこのような文が入ってきました。彼はどんんあタイプがすきといっているのですか?すべてが訳せなかったので教えてください。自分なりに理解したのは素直な人が好きで、いいときも悪いときも一緒にいてくれる人というところです。それと、最後could you....の部分は特に意味はないとおもうのですが、このような文章にはどのような返事をすればいいのでしょうか?例えば英語で教えてください。I like a woman who is very honest and loyal to her man. I don't like head games, so I dont play them. Ilike a woman who can be there for me in good and bad times. Understand me and let me be me and except me in good and bad times a woman who is nit judgemental. I am a man who takes care of home. I believe in taking my lady out to a dinner a movie or just for a walk or something she likes to do. I cook for her. Rub her feet and wash her body and share my thoughts dreams. I want a woman i can call my own. Grow with her untilthe end of time. COuld you be this woman

  • 英語の質問です。

    its just like i feel trapped in a corner. i just dont want to be in a relationship that fast which might not worked and i cant get out because i didnt know the person well enough. これはどういう意味ですか?? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語のメールを日本語へ訳して下さい。

    yea ..so you know is totally from me ... i make it by looking on the real art image and the using the text like pixel and type the image in the email... i want it to sent you something nice.that it will make you smile ... よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語に訳してほしい

    ある男の子が歌っていたんですが英語で分かりません 。よかったら日本語に訳してほしいです。お願いします Suitcase packed with allhis things Car pulls up,the doorbell rings He don't want to go He thought he' d found his home But with Circumstances he can't change Waves goodbye as they pull away From the life he's known For the last seven months or so She said we found the man who looks like you Who cried and said he never knew About the boy in pictures that we showed him A ramble in his younger days He knew he made a few mistakes But he swore he would have been there Had he known it Son we think we found your dad in Oklahoma Amillion thoughts raced through his mind What's his name what's he like and will he be Anything like the man in his dreams She could see the questions in his eyes Whispered "don't be scared my child I'll let you know, What we know About the man we found, he looks like you And cried and said he never knew About the boy in pictures that we showed him A rambler in his younger days He knew he' d made a few mistakes But he swore he would' ve been there Had he known it You always said that this was something that you wanted Son it's time to meet you Dad in Oklahoma One last turn he held his breath 'Til they reached the fifth ho use on the left And as they pulled into the drive A man was waiting there outside Who wiped the worry from his eyes Smiled and took his hand And he said I'm the man who looks like you who cried because I never knew About that boy in pictuves that they showed me A rambler in my younger days I knew I made a few mistakes But I swear I would have been there had I known it Never again will you ever bealone Son welcome to your home in Oklahoma

  • 英語が合っているか見てほしいです(>_<)

    『てかね、この前、実生活で最近知り合ったアメリカ人の女の子に告白されたの(笑) 最初、私のことを人間的に好きだって言われてるのかと思って(ありがとう。私もあなたが好きだよ。)って言ったら(Really???<333 I meant like "I have a crush on you" kinda like you.)って言われてビックリしたの(笑) 危うく相手が言ってるLIKEの意味を知らずに知らないうちに女の子と付き合うところだったんだ(笑)』と言ってくれたのですが、 『By the way, I was asked to go out with this American girl who I met in real life. I thought she liked me as a friend and told her that "Thank you. I like you too." but she shortly replied me "Really???<333 I meant like "I have a crush on you" kinda like you." and I got shocked lol I didn't understand of the meaning of LIKE and I was about to start dating with this girl lol』←英語合っていますか?

  • 英語の文章を訳して下さい

    この3つの文章を日本文に訳して欲しいのと、あと英語圏内に住む人達に、どのように伝わるか、も教えて下さい。に① I am looking for English speaking friends. ② I am looking for English speakers in and outside Japan.③I am looking for a foreign friend all around the world.

  • 英語に詳しい方、訳して頂けますか??

    (1)you know puerto rico cool.. the pic was 5 year ago ..wen i was 22 .. now i dont look slim .i look know like the Luigi pic. (2)i was in the Florida Keys 6 mount ago.... is nice and tropic there is like PR weather.. . (3)here is a photo of me and my mom in El Morro, San Juan, PR.. i was 4y i think please send me a pic of you .. if you want two .. i will respect your decision if you dont want 2 send a pic of you. という文章なんですが、なんとなくは理解出来るのですが分からない部分が多々あります。 ヨロシクお願いします。