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host は「提供する」と読めます。 http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=101972&dict=CALD お宅のサーバー側で画像を提供しないでください。 結局HTMLを変更できないので、ソレもできないので、補足的な説明ではないでしょうか。 イメージを使うな、ならdo not use this image for other purposes とか。 しかし、通常は先方のサーバーの負荷を減らすため、画像をコピーしてローカルでホスティングを進めるところが中小には多いのですが、大手は一切変更するなというところが多いようです。もしかすると画像にクッキーか何かが仕込まれていてあちらでデータを取っているのかも知れませ。 余計なことをしなければ大丈夫だと思いますが。


  • 上手な日本語訳にしていただけませんか?

    上手な日本語訳にしていただけませんか? お願いします。 Acute Alcohol Poisoning Do you know the signs of acute alcohol poisoning? Your friend who had ways too much to drink, may not just be sleeping it off. If he or she is suffering from acute alcohol poisoning, as a result of drinking too much too quickly, They could die if you do not intervene. How do you tell the difference between being passed out and alcohol poisoning? If they are suffering from alcohol poisoning the person may be unconscious but cannot be awakened. If you try to wake your friend up and they do not respond, check to see if they have cold, unusually pale or bluish skin. Check their breathing also. If they are breathing slowly or irregularly ? less than eight times a minute ? or ten seconds or more between any two breaths, they are in trouble. Another sign is if they vomit while passed out and do not wake up during or after vomiting.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    1 Because they could create a good public image for themselves. 2 Because the design of seatbelts is not very important for selling cars. 3 Because it does not have any rhythm. 4 You may answer, “No, that one doesn’t, but the one next to it does.” 5 We do this because although the tooth is physically close to us, it is psychologically closer to the dentist when he is examining it.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Falkenhayn wrote in his memoir that he sent an appreciation of the strategic situation to the Kaiser in December 1915, The string in France has reached breaking point. A mass breakthrough—which in any case is beyond our means—is unnecessary. Within our reach there are objectives for the retention of which the French General Staff would be compelled to throw in every man they have. If they do so the forces of France will bleed to death. — Falkenhayn The German strategy in 1916 was to inflict mass casualties on the French, a goal achieved against the Russians from 1914 to 1915, to weaken the French Army to the point of collapse. The French Army had to be drawn into circumstances from which it could not escape, for reasons of strategy and prestige.

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    日本語に訳してください! 最近風邪をひきDAYTIMEとNIGHTTIME用が12錠ずつ入った風邪薬を購入したのですが使い方(使用量?)がわかりません。どなたか日本語訳を教えて下さい! Adult Use Only (12 years and older): Take 2 Daytime OR caplets every 6 hours. Do not exceed a combined total of any 8 Daytime or Nighttime caplets in 24 hours.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    1. The ability to speak and understand Japanese. Extra bonus points if you can read and *appreciate* the newspapers, “Yomiuri shinbun” or “Sankei shinbun” in Japanese. 2. The ability to read the atmosphere without any verbal communication. 3. The knowledge of tacit protocols that are unique to Japan to help accomplish No.2. (Maybe you can pick up some from the other posts). 4. The ability to push yourself onto a packed train every morning. The Nightmarish Reality For Japanese Commuters 5. The ability to accept any unfortunate/unreasonable/disconsolate situation or outcome by saying “Shoganai” especially when it’s caused by authorities or people in power. 6. The ability to not think for oneself and blend in the whole community as not to draw attention to oneself. (we know we’ll suffer the consequences if we do). 7. The inclination to be obsessed with being clean and hygienic. 8. The inclination to classify people with Japanese nationality as foreigners due to their looks or their willingness to ignore protocols — especially nonsensical protocols. 9. The ability to be intentionally naive without knowing it.

  • 日本語訳を!(13)

    お願いします (1) Ancient Egyptians recognized the importance of the right name. It announced to the world who you were, where you came from, and what was expected of you. Almost all of the kings from the 18th dynasty had the birth names Amenhotep or Thutmose. Their names showed the world that they pleased the gods. Amenhotep links the king with the sun god Amun―it means, "Amen (or Amun, or Amon depending on how you choose to spell it) is satisfied." Thutmose links the king with the god of wisdom Thoth―it means "Thoth is born." By the Middle Kingdom, kings were adding four official names to their birth name, but they could add many, any more. If you could give yourself a few more names, what might you choose? Amenhotep III liked to call himself "The Dazzling Sun Disk." Historians have nicknamed him "Amenhotep the Magnificent." Not bad for a child-king who began his reign when he was only 10 or 12 yearr old. (2) If you were forced to pick one word to sum up the essence of a king's rule, you might pick "trade" for Hatshepsut's time in power, "conquest" for Thutmose III's reign, and for Amenhotep III the word might be "diplomacy." From the start Amenhotep III made sure the world knew about him. In a time without newspapers or television, getting the word out about your accomplishments wasn't easy. Amenhotep III used beetles. Not live beetles―fake beetles. These pocket-size, turquoise-glazed stones, carved in the shape of beetles called scarabs, bore testimony on their bellies. Details of Amenhotep III's big moments were inscribed on their undersides. Because dozens of these scarabs have been found in neighboring countries scholars call them imperial news bulletins.

  • 至急日本語訳にお願いします。

    至急お願いします! この英語が自然な日本語訳になるようにしていただきたいです。 ちなみにこのタイトルは、 健康とスポーツです。 It is a simple fact of life that people do not be come very much excited about anything unless they can see the rea-sons for doing so. Many values to be derived from health education are not immediately apparent and are often unrecognized even by highly intelligent and well-educated persons. 自然に訳せず困ってます。 至急になりますが、 お願いします。 補足 ちなみに、 インターネットで訳すと 人々がもし彼らがそうするための、rea-息子に合うことができなければ何に対しても非常に興奮するようにはならないのは生命の単純な事実です。 健康教育に由来する多くの値が直ちに明白でなく高度に知的及び教養のある人によってさえ多くの場合未承認です。 と、意味不明です。 お願いします。

  • 契約書の日本語訳について

    初めてのことで契約書の中で日本語訳がわからなくて困っています。 概要を教えて頂ければありがたいです。 契約書は販売代理店契約書です。 PRICE: Prices are also void of any sales, use, excise, value added, withholding or similar tax of any kind Distributor agrees to pay, and to indemnify and hold DISTRIBUTOR harmless from any sales, use, excise, value added, Quantity discounts will be provided at Manufacturer’s discretion for large orders on a case by case basis provided Distributor has received prior written approval from DISTRIBUTOR. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARTIES: All Products supplied to Distributor hereunder shall be purchased by Distributor for its own account at its own risk and resold only in accordance with the terms hereof. MANUFACTURER and DISTRIBUTOR are “linked entities” and are not, and shall not represent themselves as, principal and agent or joint ventures. Distributor shall act as a principal on its own behalf and has no legal power or authority, expressed or implied, to act for or obligate MANUFACTURER & DISTRIBUTOR in any manner. TERMINATION: (b) Following the initial 6 months of this agreement, by either party upon written notice if the other party has breached the terms of this Agreement in any material respect and fails to cure such breach with 60 days after such other party's receipt of written notice of such default. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Responders who reject small offers show that even when dealing with a complete stranger, they would rather punish unfairness than gain money. Why would people act in ways that seem contrary to their own interest? The most reasonable answer is that moral intuitions like fairness developed because they improved the reproductive fitness of those who had them and the groups to which they belonged. Among social animals, those who form cooperative relationships tend to do much better than those who do not. By making a fair offer, you signal that you are the kind of person who would make a good partner for cooperating. On the other hand, by rejecting an unfair offer, you show that you are not going to put up with being treated unfairly, and thus you discourage others from trying to take advantage of you. There are also social advantages to such intuitions. A society in which most people act fairly will generally do better than one in which everyone is always seeking to take unfair advantage, because people will be better able to trust each other and form cooperative relationships.

  • 訳がよくわかりません。(短いです)

    見かけは簡単そうですが、自分はうまく訳ができませんでした。お願いします。もし、熟語などがあれば指摘してください。私の考えた結果は、the thingsとI'veの間に関係代名詞のthatが省略されており。because以下の訳は「あなたはもうここにいないからです。」だと思います。get toはどのように訳せますか? Sometimes, we never get to see or do the things I've talked about because you're not here any more