• ベストアンサー

anybody nobody?


  • ベストアンサー

『今朝彼女が彼の家に電話したら誰もいなかった。』 という意味なので、nobody was です。 anybody wasn'tという形で入れると、 『みんながいたわけではなかった』という意味になり、 目当ての彼はいなかったけど誰かはいたことになります。 これでは文の意味が変わってしまうので、成り立ちません。 not anybodyと入れても『誰もいない』ではなく 『みんなが~』の意味合いが強い表現になるので、 nobody wasが正解です。


  • 高校英語 受動態の書き換え

    ★次の文を2通りの受動態に書き換えよ (1)Nobody took any notice of the fact.  ・The fact wasn't taken notice of.  ・Any notice wasn't taken by anybody of the fact. Nobody took any notice of the fact.を 2個目のAny notice wasn't taken by anybody of the fact. 以外で書き換えることができますか? 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 「公園には誰もいなかった」 を英語に

    公園には誰もいなかった、と言うには以下のうちどれを使えばよいのでしょうか? There wasn't any person in the park. There was no person in the park. No person was there in the park. There wasn't anybody in the park. Nobody was there in the park. 夜散歩してるときにふと公園に立ち入ったが、誰もいなかった。そんなシチュエーションで使うにはどれが一番適切でしょうか?

  • 2つの文の比較

    それぞれどう違うのか教えてください ・When she heard the news, she called her sister at once. Hearing the news, she called her sister at once. ・It is natural for him to help his best friend It is natural that he should help his best friend. ・Tom knows Mary is not at home. Tom knew Mary was not at home.

  • 関係詞の問題で困っています。

    関係詞の問題で困っています。だれかお願いします。 Q(  )に入る適当な語を記号で答えなさい。 1.(  ) surprised me most was a huge rock. (1)That (2)Who (3)Which (4)What 2.He is not (  ) he used to be. (1)which (2)who (3)that (4)what 3.This is the house (  ) Picasso lived as a child. (1)where (2)which (3)in where (4)when 4.This is the house (  ) John bought ten years ago. (1)where (2)which (3)in which (4)when 5.I went to Hong Kong,(  ) as warm as I had expected. (1)when wasn't (2)where it wasn't (3)where wasn't (4)which it wasn't 6.Tom said he was ill,(  ) was a lie. (1)who (2)which (3)that (4)when 7.The man (  ) I thought was a friend of mine turned out to be a stranger. (1)who (2)whose (3)whom (4)of which

  • 過去完了 と 関係副詞について

    初めに、過去完了について宜しくお願いします。 テキストの中で、下記のような例文が載っていました。 "Amy had just gotten home when I phoned. she had been at her mother's. "   "but - Amy wasn't at home when I phoned. she was at her mother's" Amy hadn't been at home when I phoned, she'd beem at her mother's とは言えないのでしょうか、それとも過去形でも過去完了でも大丈夫なのでしょうか? When Amy had gotten there , he was at the party とは言えますか? 関係副詞について。 she went to the school on the day when it was demolished. と例文にがありました。まず、これの先行詞はon the dayなんでしょうか? 関係副詞は前置詞+関係代名詞と覚えてきたんですが、このwhen には on the day which でも言い換え可能ですか?

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    英語の日本語訳で困っています。誰か教えてください。お願いします。 (1)The writer clearly remembers how she was saved when she was two. (2)The writer's mother always watched her children carefully. (3)The writer's father wasn't at home when the writer had a near-death experience. (4)When the writer fell into the pool, her sister and her friend noticed but ignored her.

  • 英文

    英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします My mother laughed. "It wasn't his name," she said. "His name was Harold. He was my mother, my only brother. Harold was eighteen when the war began. I was twelve then, and my sisters were ten and nine. Harold liked to play with us―"

  • 英語

    一通り問題を解いて見ましたが、一番最初の問題だけ、どれだか迷ってしまいました。誰も家にいなかった、という意味には違いないと思うのですが… 1When she called his house this morning, ( ) at home. アanybody wasn't イno one would be ウnobody was エeverybody wouldn't be 2The firemen had trouble getting to the street ( ) the houses were on fire. アhow イthat ウwhere エwhich 3It is often said that rice is to Asians ( ) wheat is to Europeans. アhow イthat ウwhat エwhich 4The professor sternly told the student, “Read the passage ( ) I referred in my lecture.” アin which イof what ウthat エto which 5Zero degrees Celsius (0℃) is the temperature ( ) water changes to ice. アat which イwhose ウin which エto which 6( ) matters is whether you do your best or not. アthat イwhich ウwhat エwhy 7I was just about to sleep, ( ) the front-door bell rang. アon which イwhen ウwhenever エwhere 8I found the book on the kitchen shelf, ( ) was the last place I expected to find it. アwhere イwhich ウwhen エthat 9Unborn babies ( ) mother smoke are in danger of developing health problems. アwho イwhose ウwhom エthat 10The man ( ) I believed was an Australian was in fact an American. アwho イwhom ウin whom エfor who 以上になります。

  • when?

    when? NHKラジオ英会話講座より When was this house built? 質問: (1)第2文型ですね? (2)主語はthis house builtで、補語はwhenで副詞ですね? (3)whenを代名詞と考え、主語には考えられませんか? 幼稚な質問ですみません。よろしくお願いします。以上

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    ROCK STAR DIVORCE AIN'T EASY Robin asked why Scott's performances have been erratic lately (a reference to the time she went to see him earlier this year and he took forever to take the stage and, later, was incoherent) Scott said his failing marriage wasn't the only thing weighing on him: "My brother died [this year]...it was drug related." Scott added that the situation with his wife was "very complicated," as she left him to figure things out on his own when he needed her most: "I have a [new] girlfriend now...a model/actress/director." Scott told Howard that his wife left him for "Joe the Plumber" (not The "Joe the Plumber," just some guy) when he was in rehab: "I don't want to know anything about it...it'll eventually come out. It definitely drove me crazy - my biggest addiction was my wife...I'll always love her...whenever she needed help, I was there at home to detox her. Whenever I needed help, it was all, 'He can't be around here.'" Scott also noted that their break-up inspired a lot of the songs on "Happy in Galoshes."