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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳を教えてください!!)









  • 訳を教えてください

    Two weeks ago I attended a holiday party with my boyfriend and his family. We’ve been together for three years, and since we moved to his hometown, I’ve gotten to know his parents and sisters better. I forgot about new medication I was taking, had a few drinks, and became drunker than I have ever been in my life. (Counting this event, I’ve only been drunk three times, so it’s extremely out of character for me.) I now know that I did something so horrible at the party that my boyfriend broke up with me via text and told me he has no interest in speaking to me ever again. I’m devastated. My now ex-boyfriend is the sweetest man I know, so I had to have done something cruel for him to do this. I had to have done something cruel for him to do thisの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳を教えてください

    I'm a survivor of childhood incest, and fairly certain I know who perpetrated the abuse. I've suffered the repercussions throughout my life (nightmares, sexual dysfunction, multiple failed relationships, a much lighter wallet due to years of therapy), but I have no actual memory of the abuse aside from brief flashes with no clear image of the person responsible, despite finding pictures of myself as a child in clearly compromised positions. compromised positionsの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • テスト勉強に訳がほしいです。お願いします

    And there was the vast, unsuspected cataclysm of my parents’ divorce,that redrew so many boundaries,and created, with the proverbial stroke of the pen, vast new areas of confusion and dismay. And then one day I left Columbia, and discovered the bitter truth about race relations,and for a while I was inclined to view the lessons I had been taught with a certain amount of rueful anger. I felt that I had been lied to,that the map I had been handed was a forgery. And after a11,I would hear it said from time to time,Columbia had failed in its grand experiment. It had become a gardenvariety suburb in the Baltimore-Washington Corridor;there was crime there,and racial unrest. 

  • 訳を教えてください!

    Remember, I am not recording the vision of a madman. What I affirm is true: after days and nights of labour and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life. More! I became myself capable of giving life to inanimate matter! What had been the study and desire of the most learned men since the creation of the world was now within my power! 【But do not think, my friend, that I am going to communicate this secret to you. Listen patiently to my story and learn from my example how dangerous is such knowledge, and how much happier is that man who believes his village to be the world than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.】 この【】内の文章の訳し方がまったくわかりません。わかる方訳を教えてください。お願いします!!ちなみに途中まで訳したのは以下のとおりです。 しかし、考えないでください。そして、私はこの秘密を友人に伝えるつもりです。 そして私の話を辛抱強く聞いて、このような危険な例から学ぶのはこのような知識です。

  • とても分かりづらい英語ですが訳を助けてください!

    訳を見てほしいのですが、ちょっとわかりづらい英語で困ってます。おしえてください。ちなみに相手mの方はアメリカンなんですが英語がちょっと自己流な感じです・・・ 分けました。 (1) I told myself That I well send you a email before I go to sleep so you well know me alittle more. This email maybe long or not, I don't know right now LOL. But what I want to say is. Alot of time when I think I know the woman or girl I can see myself marring. 寝る前に君にメールを送るということを話したけどもう少し私がわかる。このメールが長いかそうじゃないかいまはわからない(笑)でも私が言いたいこと。。。?? 私が考える多くの時間は・・・・・・・??? (2)I have to hold back what I feel and what I really want to say. I don't want that girl or woman run away of me because she think that I'm moving to fast. It is just all of my friends but one are married. And they are happy. And there is me, fun, kind, caring, a joy to be around. But a little sad. But for the good news! I do hope that are that one person I do end up with. And yeah I well be happy. 私は・・・私の感じること私が本当に言いたいこと・・・??私から逃げる女の子はほしくない。なぜなら彼女は・・・・・れは私の友達でも一人だけ結婚してる。彼らは幸せだ。・・・・・でも少し悲しいでもいいニュースだ。・・・・

  • 英語の訳を教えてください!

    You know why I hired you? I always hire the same girl...stylish,slender,of course...worships the magazine. But so often they turn out to be...I don't know,disappointing. And stupid.So you,with that impressive resume,and the speech about your so-called work ethic,I thought you would be different. I said to myself,go ahead. Take a chance. Hire the smart,fat girl.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I was in the cafe by the north entrance to the station, reading my paper and having a coffee .I had an appointment with a client nearby and I was killing time because I'd arrived half an hour early.I suddenly heard a terrible shout, and when I looked out of the window,I saw that a woman was in the middle of the crossing. I assumed she'd fallen off her bicycle because it was lying on the tracks and all her shopping had come out of her basket.People were calling out to her from the road.Some were telling her to stay put and others were telling her to get off the crossing. She didn't seem to know what to do.She just say there.One of the waiters in the cafe saw this and ran out to get her.

  • I choose to kickとは?

    シーナ・アイエンガーの「The Art of Choosing」からの英文です。 I have overcome almost certain death. I now have a choice: to pilot myself to a new life or to give up and watch myself die. 【I choose to kick as long as I can.】 【】の中は「私は出来る限り蹴ることを選びます」 という訳でしょうか? どういう意味でしょうか?

  • 添削してください

    シシ神は、命を与えもするが奪いもする、生と死を司る神であった。そしてそれは、一見正反対のことであるかのように見えるが、「生」も「死」も実は、「命」という存在の 中の一個の現象に過ぎない。「生」も「死」も、生活の中の一部であり、それ と共に「生きる」事が、シシ神の司る自然の中の掟。だから、シシ神はアシタカの傷を癒しはし たが、右腕の呪いを解いてはくれなかった。 Shishigami is a God that controls life and death, it gives life but also deprivation life. At first glance, it seems to be the opposite of thing, but both "life" and "death" are only one phenomenon in the existence of "life." Both "life" and "death" are part of life, and "living" with it is the commandment in nature under the rule of Shishigami. So Shishigami healed the wounds of Ashitaka, but it did not unravel the curse of his right arm. ・「生」をlifeとしてしまったため、「命」もlifeで、life続きになってしまったのですが、特に違和感ないでしょうか? ・またシシ神をhe/sheとしていいのかわからずitにしたのですが、おかしいですよね? (it did not unravel the curse of his right arm.)この文です。 こういう場合主語はどのようにしたらいいでしょうか? 上の英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この文の訳を教えてください。

    "Nonsense," I told her. " He's a fine, happy boy and you know it." "But she is an expert in child care," Carolyn protested. "She must know." "Even experts can be wrong," I said. I told her of an incident that had happened to an editor I know. One cold morning a warning light in her car came on. She quickly stopped at a service station. "Don't worry about it," the mechanic who checked her car told her. "The light will go off as soon as the car gets warmed up." She knew the car, and knew the warning light had never lit up on any other cold morning——but the expert had said it was OK, so she drove on. It turned out that the radiator was frozen; she almost ruined the car. "I learned my lesson," she told me. "I should have paid attention to my own sense of the situation instead of listening to someone who was supposed to know." "And that's what you're doing with your son," I said to Carolyn. I was scolding her, but I was sympathetic too. The world has become so complicated that we're no longer sure of our ability to understand and deal with it. But common sense is as useful now as it ever was. No amount of expert knowledge can take the place of an intimate understanding of a person or a situation. At times you just have to trust your own judgment. It almost cost me my life to learn that. I was reading a book one day, scratching the back of my head, When I noticed that, in one particular spot, the scratching echoed inside my head. I rushed off to my doctor. "So think you've got a hole in your head?" He joked. "It's nothing——just a nerve." Two years later, and after seeing four doctors, I was still being told it was nothing. To the fifth doctor, I said almost in despair, "But I live in this body. I know something's different." "If you don't believe me, I'll take an X-ray and prove it to you," he said. Well, there it was, of course, a tumor as big as a golf ball. After the operation, a doctor stopped by my bed. "It's a good thing you're so smart," he said. "Most patients die of these tumors because we don't know they're there until it is too late." I'm really not so smart. I believe experts too easily. I shouldn't have listened to those first four doctors. It's hard to question opinions given with absolute certainty. Experts always sound so sure of themselves . この文の訳をお願いします!