• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー率17% (16/89)

それでよいと思います。 ただ川岸はriver bankかかなと思いました。 堤防と川岸はちょっとちがうかな、と。



ご回答ありがとうございました またよろしくお願いします<(_ _)>


  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Retirement frequently brings on an economic crisis that leaves little money for luxuries and travel, and often leaves little room for necessities. Furthermore, failing eyesight, arthritis, and other health problems often accompany old age, curtailing activity and promoting isolation by restricting mobility. Instead of serenely contemplating the past and future, the old may be continually frustrated by tip-of-the-tongue forgetting of the past, and their ill health may make them despondent about their future. お願いします。

  • 以下の英文を和訳して下さい。

    As day broke, the Tigris Corps found itself advancing through a heavy fog. On left bank, Younghusband's brigades began their advance in the mid-morning. Approximately two hours into the advance, the brigades paused in their movements to break for lunch. At midday, the fog began to clear and turn into an unseasonably hot day. As the British and Indian battalions were cooking their food, the Ottoman forces launched a spoiling attack. Even though it was driven back, the left bank Tigris Corps' attack on the left bank was further delayed. Eventually, Younghusband's troops reached their positions and launched their attack. However, the objectives of their attack turned out to be the center of the left bank defenses. Through the rest of the afternoon, Younghusband's brigades failed to make much headway against the Ottoman defenders. With no cover on the ground, the assault battalions came under fire at long range from rifle, machinegun, and artillery. Few units made it closer than 300 yards before having to dig in for some cover.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The ammunition included 200 rounds of 4.1-inch ammunition for the remaining Konigsberg guns and 300 shells for other guns. The 3rd Battery South African Field Artillery deployed on the river bank and supported a crossing by part of the brigade headed by the 5th South African Horse which reached a ridge on the east side of the river. Captain Bloomfield’s Scouts were deployed forward of the ridge but the other South African troops on the ridge were halted by heavy fire from higher ground to their front and from a defended farm to the north.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In August 1916 the Bulgarians launched the Lerin operation. The Entente troops started a counter-attack and on 30 September took Kajmakčalan with heavy casualties and continued to Bitola. In the area of the River Crna (Macedonian and Serbian: Црна/Crna, Bulgarian: Черна Река/Cherna Reka) the Bulgarian 8th Tundzha Infantry Division had taken hastily defensive positions in September 1916. That division took the main enemy blow. On 5 October the Serbian troops made their first attempt to cross the river. Some of them reach the right bank but were counter-attacked by the Bulgarians and defeated and had to retreat.

  • (266)Often even ……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか

    (266) Often even a whole city suffers for a bad man who sins and devises presumptuous deeds, and the son of Cronos lays great trouble upon the people, famine and plague together, so that the men perish away, and their women do not bear children, and their houses become few, through the contriving of Olympian Zeus. And again, at another time, the son of Cronos either destroys their wide army, or their walls, or else makes an end of their ships on the sea. 試し訳 時々、都市全体でさえ、悪事を犯し、生意気な振る舞いを企む悪人に苦しむことがあり、クロノスの息子は(こうした)大きな問題を、飢餓や大病と一緒に人々に課す。それで、オリンポスの人ゼウスのたくらみによって、男たちは死に、その妻たちは子供を産まず、彼らの家はほとんど無くなる。そして、再び、時をあらためて、クロノスの息子(ゼウス)は彼らの抜け目のない敵、あるいは彼らの城壁を破るか、(あるいは、)さもなければ、海上の彼らの船を沈める。 質問 (1)destroys their wide army, or their walls……their shipsについて theirが三回使われているが、これは市民a cityの意味で、悪人(a bad man) ではあり得ない。この文の限りでは、ゼウスは人々を苦しめ、城塞を 破壊し、船を沈めると読めます。 これでは、ゼウスは市民にとって、災いの神であり、(質問者の)イメージと 大きく違います。しかし、書いてあることは、この通りでよいでしょうか。 (2)their wide armyについて    「幅の広い」は意味が不明で、英俗語に「抜け目ない」があるようです。     どうでしょうか (3)makes an end of their ships on the sea. について    海上での事ですので、「沈める」意味だと思いますが、どうでしょうか。 (4)ships on the sea. について    onについて、議論の余地がない程当たり前でしょうか。    辞書を見ると、「海上で」ではなく、「海上の」であるらしい。     この点はどうなのでしょう。

  • 至急教えて下さい

    明日テストなんですが、この英文の訳をして頂けきたいのです。お願い致します。 The Japanese are often attributed at least in part to the inadequacies of their university system,though more obvious causes would be the tendency toward mechanical memory work in earlier education and the whole conformist nature of their society.No one can doubt that the Japanese have great artistic creativeness,but their achievements in the fields of science and philosophy do seem less impressive.No modern Japanese thinker has appeared worth noticing to the rest of the world,though we should remember that the language barrier is probably in part responsible for this.Japanese have made relatively few contributions to basic science,and only a few have been singled out for Nobel Prizes.Japanese industrial triumphs have been based largely on efficient borrowing or ingenious adaptations of foreign technology rather than on independent scientific discoveries.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Battle of the River Cherna opened with the Serbians trying to gain a foothold on its northern bank. Initially their progress was slow and further west the French and Russian initial attacks were repulsed. During the next weeks the battle developed in a series of attacks and counter-attacks in which the Allies were gradually gaining ground, owing to their artillery superiority. The Bulgarian and German commands also tried to stabilize the situation by reinforcing the Eleventh Army with troops transferred from the First and even from the Second Army.

  • 英文翻訳をお願い致します。

    Given the strength of the Ottoman defences at the Hanna, the Anglo-Indian forces needed to find a way around them. On the left bank of the Tigris, this would mean swinging wide around the Ottoman defenses and marching at least 30 miles through the desert. Then, relying on Shatt al-Hayy for their communications, the force would break through the Ottoman lines and link up with the Kut garrison. The other option was to continue along Tigris River, but switching to the right bank. However, this would mean having to break through the Ottoman defenses at Dujaila. Unwilling to leave the Tigris, which provided the British forces with an easy line of communication to Basra, Lieutenant-General Aylmer made the decision to attempt an advance along the right bank. Like the left bank, the terrain was mostly featureless and devoid of cover. The Ottoman units, with their German advisers, had become adept at camouflaging their positions, making it hard for the British and Indian units to fix them properly. What was known was that Ottomans were in the process of constructing a redoubt at Dujaila. Since there was no way to cover a move across the river and through the Dujaila position, Aylmer and his staff put together a plan that called for a night assault by the majority of his force while a detachment would remain behind on the left bank as a diversion. However, prior to putting the plan into effect, Aylmer had to get approval of the new commander of I.E.F. D, Lieutenant-General Sir Percy Lake. After the Battle of the Hanna, General Lake had begun to lose faith in Aylmer's abilities as commander of the Tigris Corps. In order to exert greater control over the coming battle, he had replaced Aylmer's chief of staff with his own man, Major-General George Gorringe.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Ottomans, who had become adept at trench warfare during their victory at Gallipoli, had put their experience to good use. The Ottoman Sixth Army had invested Townshend’s position with an elaborate trench network since December 1915. Downriver, the Field Marshal von der Goltz and his senior Ottoman commander, Khalil Pasha, erected a series of well sited defensive positions at the Hanna and the Sanniyat on the left bank of the river and the Dujaila along the right bank. Because Townshend had adopted a passive defensive stance, even more so since losing his ability to cross the river with the destruction of the pontoon bridge from Kut to the Woolpress village, Von Der Goltz had been able to shift more and more of his troops south. In all, the Ottoman Sixth Army could muster approximately 25,000 men, 1,200 cavalry, and 80 artillery pieces. With Townshend's passivity, Field Marshal Von Der Goltz was able to move the bulk of his forces south, leaving only about 2,000 men to maintain the siege itself. On the left bank, the 52nd, 38th, and part of 35th Ottoman Divisions continued to occupy the Hanna line. 8,500 men, 1,500 cavalry and 32 artillery pieces of the 2nd and 35th Ottoman Divisions defended the right bank of the Tigris at the Dujaila position.

  • 英語の文章を訳して下さい。

    The area of the Sheikh Sa'ad defenses was flat and featureless. The Ottoman positions were well camouflaged. There was no elevated ground to help provide observation posts for the advancing Tigris Corps. As Younghusband's troops advanced up both banks of the Tigris, they began to run into Ottoman emplacements around 10:30 a.m. Without waiting to concentrate his forces, or for Aylmer to arrive with the rest of the Tigris Corps, Younghusband ordered his troops on both sides of the river to attack. The 28th Brigade, supported by the 92nd Punjabis, attacked the Ottoman positions on the right bank, while 19th and 35th Brigades attacked the Ottoman defenses on the right. Younghusband's forces had only a vague idea as to where the Ottoman positions were. Lacking any elevated ground, effective aerial reconnaissance, or sufficient cavalry, the British and Indian troops had to feel their to discover where the Ottoman positions started and ended. Trying to manage the battle on both sides of the river, Younghusband was unable to effectively manage his forces. On the right bank, Kemball's forces attempted to flank the Ottoman positions, but ended up attacking the center of defenses. Meanwhile, on the left bank Rice's brigade was ordered only to probe the Ottoman lines.