• 締切済み



  • lingual
  • ベストアンサー率31% (9/29)

1. whomの代わりに特定された人物、あるいは代名詞ならおかしくありません。 Was this diary kept by him?というように。 あるいは、誰がこの日記をつけていたのか?と訊く場合は Who kept this diary? Whom was this diary kept by? By whom was this diary kept? となります。 2.この文の最後が?ではなくピリオドだったらおかしくありませんが、何か食べるものを下さいませんか?と訊く場合はpleaseの代わりに Can/could/would you give me something to eat? となります。しかしながら口語体の場合は2番のような言い方をしますのでおかしくないと感じても不思議ではありません。 3. Had it not for his help, I could not run this restaurant.あるいはIf it weren't for his help, I could not run this restaurant.というのが正しい言い方になります。


  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    Once confidence had been destroyed between children and their parents , it is difficult to recover it . The child will keep even his most ordinary thought and feelings to himself , and will turn to other people ―not necessarily the best ones―to whom to give his confidence. という文章で、to whom to give his confidence の構造がよくわからないです。 最初のtoは、turn toのtoというこでしょうか? 解説だとこの一文が、to whom he can give his confidence. となっているのですが、これは、he can を省略したということなのでしょうか? では何故to give というふうにgive にtoがつくのでしょうか? 解説お願いします。

  • 話法の転換。

    1) He said to me, "Please give me something to eat. I have eaten nothing since yeserday," 2) He said to me, "Which do you like better, this or that?". よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文間違い探し

    間違い探しです。問題一つにつき、【】のうちの一つが間違っています。ふたつともじゃなくていいので、一つでもわかったら教えていただきたいです。 1…The students 【were】 told to take 【one book each】. Anyone who took two books 【was told】 to 【return back】 the extra one. 2…Would you 【please】【don't】use flashes in the workshop【while】you【take】this factory tour? 私は、1番は 【one book each】→【a book each】で、2番は 【don't】→【not】だと思いました。

  • 英文書き換え教えてください

    英文書き換え教えてください 1.It is no use trying to run away from difficulties. (不定詞を使って) 2.This book is very difficulut,and you can't understand it. (不定詞を使って) 3.He is proud that his father was educated in London. (単文に) 4.Please tell me his address as soon as you have received his letter. (動名詞を使って) 5.It had rained all the night, and the road was wet. (分詞構文に) 6.As the door was open.we walked in. (分詞構文に) 7.As I did not feel well,I stayed at home all day. (分詞構文に) 和訳もお願いします!

  • わたしの英文見てください。

    The U.S. education has progrresed with the U.S. history, ant the education has been influenced by the history. Also, the education has itsb own history. Many dramatical changes were made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own country's historical aspects of edcation. もう一つ Many people think that schools today are worse than they were in the past, but this is not true. For example, in the past it was difficult topoor to go to school. 80-90percent ofstudents droped out by the 9th grade.Other example,the schools did not provide them textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her house. African American were segregated. According to this essay, we cannot say that schools in the past were better than schools today. アメリカの大学の宿題の一部なんで、そんなにフォーマルな文でなくて大丈夫です。ただ、NATURAL英語にしたいです。お願いします。

  • 次のotherwiseはどういう意味でしょうか

    The male and female guppies were kept in separate tanks so they could see each other but not otherwise directly interact. 意味としては、見ることはできるが触れ合うことはできない、ということだと思いますがこのotherwiseは必要ですか?

  • だれかこの英文を解読お願いします(>人<;)

    This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not found. Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try sending it again if there were any mistakes. It is also possible that a network problem caused this situation, so if you are sure the address is correct you might want to try to send it again. If the problem continues, contact your friendly system administrator. Host i.docomo.nejp not found. The following recipients did not receive this message: This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not found. Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try sending it again if there were any mistakes. It is also possible that a network problem caused this situation, so if you are sure the address is correct you might want to try to send it again. If the problem continues, contact your friendly system administrator. Host i.docomo.nejp not found. The following recipients did not receive this message: Please reply to <Postmaster@i.softbank.jp> if you feel this message to be in error. Please reply to <Postmaster@i.softbank.jp> if you feel this message to be in error.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送の数の事でメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Please note that we have the previous order put together. These are full boxes so we are able this time to reduce the quantity. Please remember however to give me the correct and final order only for next time, as I may not be able to reduce the quantity next time.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を複数購入しました。ですがいくつか買ってない物が入っていました。相手にその事を伝えたら下記のような返事をもらいました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 thank you very much for this. I am still awaiting a message from 発送業者名. I will surely forward them your email to let them know about this. These bags are definitely not ours. When I have spoken to 発送業者名 they told me that they had to re-package the cartons so I am 100% sure they made a huge mistake there and send 2 wrong cartons. Please bare with me. For your next shipment I will not be using this company as I do not want something like this happening again and I am sure you do not want this either.

  • ドリンクバーを説明する場合は?

    いつもお世話になっております! 来週からファミレスでバイトをする事になりました。 そこは駅前なので、外国人の方も結構利用されると面接の時に店長に言われたので今から緊張しております^^; そこにはドリンクバーがあるのですが、 日本語が話せない外国人のお客様だったら、 どのように説明すれば親切で解りやすいかな~って。。。 ”Coffee,please" ともし言われたら、 「当店はドリンクバーになっております」 と説明する思うのですが・・・ 頭に浮かぶ英語は 1)食べ放題の All you can eat これをeatではなく、drinkに置き換えたらおかしいでしょうか? もしくは、 2)as you like という言葉をつかう。 そして、一番伝えたいのが、 「何杯お好きなドリンクを飲まれても同じ値段ですよ!」   私のレベルでは英語には出来ません(/_;) Our restaurant has many kind of drinks over there. You could drink many cups or not,you will pay same price! ああ、たすけてぇ~o(>_<)o