• ベストアンサー







そうですね。そういう意味かも知れません。 ご回答ありがとうございました。 参考になりました!


  • 英文の翻訳お願いします

    今は音大の研究科でシマノフスキというポーランドの作曲家について研究しています。彼の作曲した「スタバト・マーテル」という宗教音楽についてです。読んでいて、日本語にうまく訳せない、意味が通らない文章で出会ったので、どなたか翻訳お願いします。 その分からない文章以前の文章の訳したものは 最初にシマノフスキ自身「スタバト・マーテル」を却下したが、結局は最も重要で美しい作品としてみなした。疑いもなく、アルーシアの死と苦しんでいる母親の嘆きに、とりわけふさわしいテキストとして、シマノフスキの注意が向き、曲それ自身、まれなる力と緊急性を求めた。 そして次が分からない文章です。 In no small measure this aspect of the work was enhanced by the composer`s decition to set not original Latin, but a polish translation by Jozef Jankowski, fusing the emotional content of the polish word with its musical equivalent. です。 私の一応の訳は In no small mesure 作品のこの表現力は、オリジナルのラテン語ではなく、ヨゼフ・ヤンコフスキによるポーランド語の翻訳によって高められ、ポーランド語の感情的な内容は、音楽に等しいものに融合している。 です。意味不明です。 どなたか訳が分かる方がいましたら、翻訳をお願いします。

  • 翻訳できる方お願いします!

    色々調べてみたのですが、どうしても分かりません。 あるペンダントに書かれている文なのですが、 「keep venus in your head and mars at your feet」 です。 ちなみこのペンダントはロンドンで作られたものです。 すごく気に入っている為、気になって仕方ありません。 どうか宜しくお願いします!

  • 翻訳出来る方いらっしゃいますか?

    that's cause i'm waiting to match his rank then fight him with my alliance i can have them take down everyone of you forts till you have nothing left so i wouldn't be talking smack

  • 訳せる方、翻訳お願いします。

    Where home and school ways of knowing and speaking are significantly different, differences in ways of using language can be perceived as representing a difference in the ability to think. 翻訳お願いします。 また、翻訳のための文法的な補足もあればお願いします。

  • 翻訳出来る方、教えて下さいm(_ _)m

    翻訳出来る方、教えて下さいm(_ _)m   The freight offer was based on AIR CARGO  not on DHL  this time.  But the Japanese forwarder (partner of Panalpina)  does not accept to make customs clearance for private persons, except if the supplier pre-pays the import duties.  So they are the following 2 solutions now:  1)      We send your shipment by DHL  as allways        -  The freigth charge is Euro 180,00 higher than  with air cargo.  You could pay this difference of Euro 180,00 to us together with your next order 2)      We send it by air cargo  and accept to prepay the Japanese customs duties.  In that case we will send you the invoice for the customs duties after we paid it and will ask you to pay it back to us  by PayPal or bank remittance  Please let us know which solution you prefer.  Your shipment cannot be dispatched before we answer to the forwarder.  Sorry for this inconvience.

  • 翻訳していただける方

    以下の英文を翻訳していただける方に、お願いします。 The fixed stars in your chart have to do with the very powerful love you will feel on meeting or getting to know your soul mate., What you will feel will be compelling and intense. It will be almost mystical Like an ethereal and intangible mist that falls like gossamer over your life, delicate and insubstantial, yet so intense and compelling that it is almost painful. You will feel a strange and magical change in your life, even if nothing outwardly has altered, it will be as though your every day life is enhanced and suffused with a kind of intensely beautiful yet fragile dream like quality that is haunting. Like a silken dream like veil across your life. Your thoughts will be continually drawn back to him. Your soul melted down by him, a kind of fusion. Ass if something mystical reaches down and touches a depth within you, that nothing before ever has, or will again. You’ll long for him and it will seem as though a very subtle yet deep change have taken place. These feelings will become ever more powerful and obsessively strong. They will sink through and through you like water through wool and change the fabric and fibers of your being. It will be as though your life is subtly and indefinably different. Colored a different colour from then on.

  • 翻訳方(かた)、願います…!!!

     早朝から 真(まこと)に以(もっ)て恐縮ですが、次の日本語の原文を、ロンドンのジャーミン ストリート界隈(かいわい)ならではの上品で居(い)て・風雅(ふうが)で格調感の在(あ)る正統派の英語に、可能な限り 翻訳願います…!!! ➡ 「創業130年で あの007の主演男優達からも長年のごひいきがあり、かつ 英国王室御用達の名店でもある"世界第一流の名門ブランドとしてのTurnbull&AsserのVividな色使いが自慢の ストライプ パターンの、クレリック仕立てのドレス シャツ"は、日本の京都付近では、どこでBispokeできますか…?  まことに恐縮ではありますが こちらの都合もございますので、取り急ぎ メールにて、早急に ご回答下さいませ!」。 【補足】 Founded 130 years from starring actor who of that 007 there are many years of your favor, and British Royal Warrant is also a well-established store of "of Vivid of the colors is proud of the stripe pattern of Turnbull & Asser as a prestigious brand of the world's first flow, Cleric tailoring of the dress shirt "is, in the vicinity of Kyoto, Japan, where can I Bispoke ...? Because although there is indeed humbled also available for convenience 'sake here, hasten by e-mail, and as soon as possible (左) 「こちらが、グーグル翻訳の結果! です。」Founded 130 years from that 007 starring actor who for many years please favoritism, and in the area of the United Kingdom Royal "is as prestigious brand of the world's first-rate Turnbull &Asser Vivid colours cleric with striped pattern of the dress shirt", or where you can Bispoke in the vicinity of Kyoto in Japan. We are truly grateful, but we hasten by email as soon as possible to answer please! (左) 「対するこちらは、Bing翻訳の結果! です。」

  • 翻訳していただける方

    翻訳していただけますか?宜しくお願いします You are sensitive and vulnerable that is why you find it difficulty adjusting to men who fall short of your expectations. Indecision in matters of love, but a good marriage when it at last occurs. You also have a subconscious need to sacrifice yourself in love, to suffer for a hopeless cause. So sometimes are attracted to those who need your help or who are unfortunate, weak or unhappy or bad in some way. Those who need your help to reform them and raise them into what they could be. You see the potential in people, you hope for an ideal, a soul mate. You will get one eventually.

  • 翻訳できるかた、お願いします・・

    長くてすみません。翻訳できるかた、どうかお願いします。 The chart does show that there will be an obstacle in the future, that will slow down or seem to block the courtship, or the future marriage between you and your future soul mate, It will make one or both of you very cautious and pessimistic about getting involved., even though the relationship will be irresistible, fated and you'll have no choice either of you. But this obstacle will make you or him slow to make the moves or changes in life that are necessary to bring a marriage and permanent future about. But this aspect shows that in the long term the difficulties will be overcome with perseverance and patience. So don't give up.

  • 翻訳できる方、お願いいたします

    We regret to inform you that since you have purchased some items (face mask, cosmetics, gloves, etc.) cannot be shipped due to logistics shipping policy. in your order GSHMDT0000003B9, we will not send it due to the logistics. In order to allow the shipment of the remaining items for an order normally, we have cancelled the items on your order. The refund has been sent to your SHEIN wallet. The balance can be used for future purchases or transferred to your bank account. Thank you for understanding. 30 points will be sent to your SHEIN account as a compensation in 48 hours. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 海外通販で買い物したら このようなメールが届きました どう対応したら良いか わからなくて…