• ベストアンサー

many of these figures were marginal??








  • one of these と one of the

    Humans differ from other animals in many ways. One of these is that they are willing to engage in activities that are unpleasant in themselves but are means to the ends that they desire. 上の文を読んだときに One of these と言う箇所で私は ”Humansは人だからtheseでは受けないだろうけど、theseはanimalsかwaysのどちらを受けるのかな?” と思ったのですが、 参考書の解説を見ると、 もしhumans か animals を受けるならthemが使われます と書いてありました。 なぜそうなるのでしょうか?

  • MarginalとMinimumの違い

    英語で、最低限を意味するMarginalとMinimuの違いが分かりません。 His grades were marginal but he will be permitted to graduate. 「彼の単位は最低限だが、卒業はできるだろう」 という文章を見つけたのですが、minimumではいけないんでしょうか? marginalとminimumの違いを教えて下さい。

  • Of these foreign-born childrenのofの意味

    下記の文の「Of these foreign-born children」のofの用途は「~については、...」のような「about」に近い意味で使用されているのでしょうか? they say thirteen percent of the adopted children in the United States were born in another country. Of these foreign-born children, one-sixth are from Europe. One-third are from Latin America. And almost half are from Asia.

  • many more pepole

    These days many more people would do anything to get a lot of money この文のmany more peopleって文法的にどうなってるのですか?

  • There are many ges...

    There are many gestures which are still used to express ideas and which almost everybody understands. When one shakes his head on being asked a question we understand that he means yes. But besides these two simple forms of answering a questions we may express a great many other ideas by signs. Putting the first finger to the lips when someone is talking means "keep quiet" just as clearly as if these words were spoken aloud. 最後のif these wordsが、何と比較されているのか分かりません。平行的な構成を持つ二つの文にしてみようと試みたんですが、難しいです。

  • many a person

    Formerly most people used to die of old age in my town, but lately reckless driving has brought many a person to an early grave. (昔は、私の町ではたいていの人が老年のために死んだものだった。しかし最近は、無謀運転のために若死する人が多くなった。) この“many a person”の直訳が、(非常にたくさんの人)となるそうなんですけど、どうしてそういう訳になるんですか? それと、なんで“many” と “a”が一緒にあるんですか? 辞書引いてみたんですけど、それでもわかりません。 おしえてくさい。

  • and actually kinda annoying cause of the amount of people that were there.

    正しい訳をおしえてください。 メールをもらいました i actually went to shibuya cause i havent been there in a loooong time. it was ok. i went to a club called A. it was very crowded, and actually kinda annoying cause of the amount of people that were there. but anyway i was just checkin in to see how you were doing. cya 実はずっといったことがなかったから渋谷へいったんだ。よかったよ。Aというクラブへいったけど混んでたよ。あと・・・・・でも わかりませんでした。教えてください。 あとこの文のようにいわれたとき Aいったんだ。楽しそうだね とか、いいね とかはどういえばいいのですか? 教えてください

  • seamless;この文脈での意味は何だと思われますか?

    "The minister declared the changeover to cashless tolling as seamless, but these figures blow that claim out of the water." (1)この文脈でのseamlessの意味をお教えください。 (2)figuresは「人物」で合ってますか? ご教示、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • "as many of you as"の文法的解説

    次の英文例の中の"as many of you as"がわかりません。どなたかご解説いただけないでしょうか。 For as many of you as were baptized into Chirist have put on Christ. 「as A as B」 は 「Bと同じくらいA」 ですよね。 この文例の場合、二つめのasの後にBに相当するものが無いように思え、理解できずにいます。 ちなみに、前後の文章は次のようになっています。 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • the use of the article 'a'

    To understand the use of the article ‘a’ is especially difficult for me. I wonder why you should put ‘a’ in the phrase of “in a hurry” but not in the case of “in trouble”. Will someone tell me the difference of these two phrases?