• ベストアンサー




おっしゃるとおり,市販の解答の訳はおかしいですね。 結果を表す副詞的用法である点も, 試訳の方もよろしいのではないでしょうか。 ただ,only to ~ や never to ~などの結果の副詞的用法と同様, 前にコンマがあってもいいと思います。 もちろん,なくてもかまいません。





  • 次の英文について質問です。

    次の英文について質問します。 Harry was just thinking that all he needed was for Dumbledore's pet bird to die while he was alone in the office with it, when bird burst into flames. 日本語訳は、「ダンブルドアのペットの鳥が、僕の他には誰もいないこの部屋で死んでしまったら、万事休すだ、僕はもうダメだ―そう思ったとたん、鳥が炎に包まれた。」です。 質問は次の部分です。 all he needed was for Dumbledore's pet bird to die 彼が必要であるすべては、ダンブルドアのペットの鳥が死ぬことです。(?) 死なないことが必要だと思うので、toの前にnotがいる(?)と思うのですがどうなんでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈について

    english Instead of rushing to respond to the human rights flavor of the month -be it protecting the elderly or defending the peasants-liberal democracies should support institutions and treaties that embody the ideals that inspired the human rights movement in the first place. 質問部分 -be it protecting the elderly or defending the peasants- この部分がよくわかりません。 それ以外はわかります。 解答よろしくお願いします

  • この英文の意味を教えてください。

    施設に入所したさいに感じる孤独についてまず言及があり、つぎの文がつづいています。 You will feel the freedom taken away from you, only to be remembered and to be preaised. 人は自由を取り上げられた(奪われた)という感をいだくだろう まではなんとなくわかるのですが、only to be ~からがイマイチよくわかりません。どなたかお教えください。

  • 英語の質問

    現在中二です。 英語の問題をやっていたところ、 「一生懸命に勉強しなさい、そして、お年寄りには親切にしなさい。」 という問題を私が解くと Study hard,and be kind to old people. でした。 解答をみたら Study hard and be kind to old people. コンマをつけてしまいました。 次の問題を解く時、 「一生懸命に勉強しなさい、そうすれば、あなたは試験に通るでしょう。」 だったので、 今度はコンマをつけないぞっと思って Study hard and will pass the exam. にしました。 自信満満で解答を見たら、 Study hard, and pass the exam. なぜか、コンマがありました。 コンマには、使う場面などでつけたりつけなかったりするのでしょうか。 分かるかた、教えてください。 分かりやすい解説もお願いします。

  • 英文の添削してください!おねがいします

    前後の文を多少抜いてありますので日本語で付け加えました。間違いなども多いと思いますがどうぞよろしくおねがいします。  <現在日本は世界で1番、高齢者が多い国である> というような文章のあと↓ 1.For elderly people to live rich, full lives    it is therefore vital for us to understand    how best to care for them. 「従ってお年寄りが豊かで満喫して生活をおくるにはため、我々がどうやってその面倒をベストに看るのか理解が必要不可欠である。」 という意味で書きたいのですが、もう少しわかりやすくしたいのです。。 2.Few elderly in Britain live with their children or spend their days restricted to bed. Rather, they can be found on sofas in   communal areas, interacting with others around them. 英国で子供と暮らし、ベッドに限られた生活を送る老人は少ない。むしろ彼らは共同スペースのソファでまわりの他の人と交流している日々を過ごしている。  3.Japan, though, confines its sick or injured older people to beds. しかし日本は病気またはけがしている老人をベッド限られた生活をさせる。 これらの日本文をもっと相手に伝わるような分かりやすい文章にしたいのです。 どうぞよろしくおねがいします。

  • 次の5つの英文について教えてください。

    面倒な場合は、全部でなくとも結構ですので、どうか解説をお願いします。 ○In one experiment, chickenpox sufferers were either treated with a drug often used to lower their body temprature, or were given no treatment at all. ~s were either done ・・・, or were done ・・・.の部分について、 either were done, or were done としない理由は何ですか? ○Each year, thousands of people die in automobile accidents in which ordinary drugs, alone or in combination with alcohol, are present. 最後の ”, are present” の意味は何ですか? また、もし無くても論理的な間違いは生じませんか? ○Suppose your friend has just been to the dentist and cannot talk clearly. She is trying to tell you, with the help of hand gestures, that at the dentist's she had several injections of anaesthetic. 第二文目にある ”at the dentist's” の 's は「(歯医者の)医院」の省略だと思いますが、第一文目の ”been to the dentist” に、第二文目で使われている 's が無いことには、何か特別な理由がありますか? ○・・・ there aren't many distracting messages coming in from the left hemisphere, ・・・ ・・・ messages coming in from the ・・・ について、”come in from”は熟語でしょうか。必要でしたら文法的な説明お願いします。 ○People generally know soon enough when they are dehydrated, in need of food, or exposed to some kind of noxious stimulus. ”enough when”の enough はこの英文においてどんな役目を果たしているのでしょうか。 だって when だけで「~すると」という意味がありますよね。英語的な言い回しですか?

  • 接続詞とカンマについて

    閲覧ありがとうございます。 今日授業で ( )by herself in the cellar , the little girl began to cry bitterly という問題をやりました。 この答えはleftにしましたが、他の選択肢にBe left がありました。 その時先生が、『Be leftは命令文だからカンマで文と文は繋げない』と仰っていました。 他にカンマ(,)で繋げない文というのはどう言った場合にあるのでしょうか…? 仮定法ではカンマがよく使われていますが、接続詞がなくても文が成り立っていますよね…? 意味不明で申し訳ありません… 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    Even New Zealand Brigade which has only recently been engaged lost heavily and is to some extent demoralised. If troops are subjected to shellfire again tomorrow morning there is likely to be a fiasco, as I have no fresh troops with which to replace those in firing line. I know my representation is most serious, but if we are to re-embark it must be at once. Hamilton conferred with his naval commanders, who convinced him an evacuation would be almost impossible, and responded; "dig yourselves right in and stick it out ... dig, dig, dig until you are safe". The survivors had to fight on alone until 28 April when four battalions of the Royal Naval Division were attached to the corps. On the Turkish side, by that night the 2nd Battalion 57th Infantry were on Baby 700, the 3rd Battalion, reduced to only ninety men, were at The Nek, and the 1st Battalion on Mortar Ridge. Just south of them was the 77th Infantry, next was the 27th Infantry opposite 400 Plateau. The last regiment, the 72nd Infantry, were on Battleship Hill. As for manpower, the Turks were in a similar situation to the ANZACs. Of the two regiments most heavily involved, the 57th had been destroyed, and the 27th were exhausted with heavy casualties. Large numbers of the 77th had deserted, and the regiment was in no condition to fight. The 72nd was largely intact, but they were a poorly trained force of Arab conscripts. The III Corps, having to deal with both landings, could not assist as they had no reserves available. It was not until 27 April that the 33rd and 64th Infantry Regiments arrived to reinforce the Turkish forces. The ANZACs, however, had been unable to achieve their objectives, and therefore dug in. Gallipoli, like the Western Front, turned into a war of attrition. The German commander, Liman von Saunders, was clear about the reasons for the outcome. He wrote that, "on the Turkish side the situation was saved by the immediate and independent action of the 19th Division." The division commander, Kemal, became noted as "the most imaginative, most successful officer to fight on either side" during the campaign. As a commander he was able to get the most out of his troops, typified by his order to the 57th Infantry Regiment; "Men, I am not ordering you to attack. I am ordering you to die. In the time that it takes us to die, other forces and commanders can come and take our place."

  • 次の英文の正しい訳を教えてください。

    数年前の、電子商取引に関する英文問題を和訳していたのですが、次のフレーズの正しい訳が判りません。解答がないので、ここで質問させてください。 (問題のフレーズ)  E-commerce over the Web has created a relatively new type of information system. So it is hardly surprising that little attention has been given to the maintenance of such systems - and even less to attempting to develop them with future maintenance in mind. But there are various ways e-commerce systems can be developed to reduce future maintenance.    自分で、次のように訳してはみましたが、  「WEB上での電子商取引は比較的新しいタイプの情報システムとして作られました。そのシステムがどの様な管理を受けているのかと言うことに注意が向けられていないのは少しも驚くべきことではありませんし、そのシステムは将来のシステム管理を念頭においてさえもいるのにもです。しかし、電子商取引は数多くの方法で、将来の管理を減らすために開発することが可能なのです」    日本語として不十分で、意味が判るようでわからない文章になってしまいました。特に2文目のSo it is hardly~and even less~の部分をどのように訳せば良いのかが判りません。  ご教授頂ければ幸いに存じます。

  • 次の英文を和訳してください!

    A high-tech granny used to be an oxymoron. But in Japan, a growing number of elderly are learning to use the Internet. "I turn on my compter the first thing in the morning. It's a pleasure to see the e-mail that came overnight," says Roko Shinohara, who is a member of the Computer Grannies Society, started in 1997 to encourage a new breed of Net-savvy elderly. The group, which accepts men as well, has members all across Japan. Most of them are in their 70s. The oldest member is a 97-year-old woman who lives alone in Kyoto. The members exchange messages and photos, and show each other their creative work―paintings, novels, poems and music. They organize tours of big electronics stores. They also shop online. "Bookstores are becoming bigger these days and it's hard to find a book I want," Kikue Kamata says. "It's quite easy online." Kayoko Okawa, 77, who founded the group, remembers how things have changed over the past decade. "Computers for old women? No way!" was the initial reaction Okawa met when she was trying to start the group. "No companies wanted to lend me computers," she recalls. But according to recent data, nearly half of Japanese in their late 60s are now online. The number of people between 70 and 79 who used the internet jumped from 15.4 percent to 32.3 percent over two years through 2006. Above the age of 80, the percentage went up from 6.9 percent to 16 percent. The hardest thing for Okawa is to drop deceased members from her mailing list. "I know it's impossible to get anything from her once she passed away. But I can't help thinking to myself,'Just maybe...,' " she said. Okawa has been contacted by the children of deceased members, who had no idea that their mothers knew how to use a computer. A son once sent an e-mail to Okawa that said:"I realized my mother had these joyful, bright days in her last years of life. I'm glad to know that." よろしくお願いします。