• 締切済み



  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

よりよいかどうかは判りませんが、 As legend goes, it is believed that you can lead a happy life full of health throughout this year when you eat same number of beans as your age at the closing day of winter. As legend goes....言い伝えによれば it is believed....そう信じられている lead a happy life full of health...無病息災で暮らす at the closing day of winter....節分に (traditional end day of winter)..春の節分


  • 英文と英訳の間違え教えてください。

    (1)So he agreed to it のitを本文の内容から日本語で答えてください。 Jack thought that it was wonderful to have a magic bean. So he agreed to it and carried the bean proudly back home. He showed the bean to his mother. “Is this all that you have got for that cow?” she said. “Now we have no cow to give us milk. All we have is this bean.” 英訳してください。 (2)Try to get as much as you can. (3)He walked on happily until he met another man who had some fine beans. これを解いてみると、 (1)素晴らしい魔法の豆 (2)できるだけ手に入れなさい (3)彼はいい豆を持っている人に会うまで楽しそうに歩き続けた. になりました。 しかし、先生に間違っていると言われたのでどこが間違っているのか訂正も含めて教えてもらえませんか。

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2020. I hope you have some amazing memories from 2019 and are ready for an exciting new year. I have been very blessed this year and take none of it for granted. Today is great day to spend with those you care about, reflect on your blessings and eat something good. Thank you. Xxx .

  • 英訳の修正をお願いします

    初めて質問をするのでお手柔らかにお願いします。 英語のメールを作ったのですが間違っている部分の修正をお願いします。 こんにちは hi 私は元気です。 I've been good. 私は先週までテストを受けていました。 I've been taking some tests at school until last week. テストは難しいですね。 The test is difficult. 私はテストが嫌いです。I hate tests. 最近、ヒロオと連絡を取っていますか? Recently, do you contact Hiroo? あなたはゲンとどんなメールをしますか? What mail do you do as Gen? 私は多分来年、再びオーストラリアに行きます。 Maybe I will visit Australia again next year. 私は、もう一度、あなたに受け入れてもらいたい。 I want you to accept again. もう一度受け入れてくれませんか? Could you accept again? あなたの返事を楽しみに待っている。 I look forward to hearing from you. みたいな感じです。少し長いですがよろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Guideline are made to help people eat healthy. If we consume the recommended amounts of calories and nutrients every day,we can stay in good health. これを訳してください。 あと How ( )sugar do we have? Desserts like cakes and cookies usually contain ( )calories. We can prevent ( )diseases by eating a healthy diet. Calories are untits for measuring how much energy foods contain. You sholdn't put too ()salt on your food. カッコないにはmuch、manyのどちらが入りますか? いまいちよくわからないので教えてください!

  • Green Card 抽選プログラムからメール?4月11日USAFIS(helpdesk@usafis.org)からこんなメールが届きました。

    You have been selected for USAFIS new program Guaranteed Registration don`t miss your chance to become American citizen Dear ×× ○○, USAFIS Organization, Office of Visa Application Processing,is calling you to use your right and get a legal Green Card to live and work in the United States of America. ○○ , We have noticed that you did not yet complete your application. You have a good chance to live and work in the USA with this program all you need to do is Click here and complete the payment information to be included inthe American Green Card Lottery - Year 2004. You should know that statistically one person out of every 70 applicants wins the American Green Card Lottery every year. This is not a dream Green Card Lottery (DV Program) Is The Official USA Congress Law 怪しいんですが、どうなんでしょうか?

  • 英訳助けてください!!

    オーストラリアのホストファミリーに手紙を書こうと思っています。 英語はまったくできないので、ぜひ修正お願いします!! Hi,Mom and ○○!!How are you?I’m very fine. There are earthquakes almost everyday in Japan. A quake came in last year was so big how we couldn’t stand up. Happily, we escaped injury but we couldn’t escaped radioactivity.My high school removed radioactivity but there is a little. Japanese Government is saying safety but I think it is doubtful. I wish peaceful come to Japan. I'm going to live in Tokyo in March because my university is in Tokyo. Its name is 『○○university』. I'm going to study psychology and English. It will start in April so I have a lot of holidays. So I'm trying to obtain driver’s license for manual gear shift cars. But I often kill the motor...it is very hard for me. I want to go to Australia in next year. Can you let me going to Australia? I intend to study English very hard until I meet you. 12年生を終えたらしいのですが、それは卒業ということでしょうか? 卒業であればこのような文で正しいですか? Congratulation, ○○!! I congratulate you on your graduation. You want to be army, isn’t it? I sure of you will be a powerful army. Please take care of yourself!!

  • グーグルが翻訳してくれません。

    グーグルが翻訳してくれません。 Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! で切れてしまいます。Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! May all your dreams come true! Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. You’re a miracle and a charm! (kiss) 何て書いてありますか?。

  • in whichについて

    いつもお世話になっております。 以下の文についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 Every year since 2010 there has been a Yurukyara Grand Prix contest in which fans can vote for their favorite yurukyara. この文でin はwhich以降に持っていくことは可能なのでしょうか? 文章によってはin whichのままで、inを切り離すことができないと学びましたもので、、ここではどうなのでしょうか? which he live in.のような感覚になってしましどうもわかりません。 類似の質問ばかりで恐縮ですがどうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • この英訳あってますか?

    Dear Mr.●●● My name is ○○○. I live in Akita. I'll enter junior high school in April. our school's excursion in June of last year, I saw DRALION. I see Mr.●●● in June of last year when. I was very impressed by Mr. ●●●'s performance. It was impressed by the show too much when the show was seen, and it shed tears. I could felt your sincere attitude toward daily show and I thought, "Human being is really wonderful". Mr.●●● cool. I love Mr.●●●!is real Please write your sign on this drawing paper. Be sure to take good care and keep up of yourself. I love you. From ○○○ ・私は○○○で、秋田に住んでいて、4月から中学生 ・去年の6月の修学旅行でドラリオンを見て、Mr●●●さんを見て、すごく感動した ・ショーに感動して涙を流した ・みなさん(ショーの出演者)がチームワークよく演技していたことが伝わってきたということ ・Mr●●●さんはすごくかっこいい ・Mr●●●さんのことが好き。サインをくださいお願いします。 ・体に気をつけてがんばってくださいということ ・(最後に、好きですということ) を伝えたいのですが・・・ちゃんと伝わるでしょうか?もしよければ直して正しい英文を書いていただけませんか?お願いします!

  • もう一度お願いします!!

    訳がどうしても知りたいです!! 単語の意味は辞書を引けば分かりますが、言っていることがよくわかりません。 どなたか分かりやすく説明していただけないでしょうか。 お願いいたします.... American mothers, warning their children to eat what they were supposed to eat, would order the children to do so or tell them that they ought to eat it because it was good for them. Japanese mothers would ask their children a question,such as "How do you think it makes the man who grew these vegetables for you to eat feel when you reject them?"Thus very early age American children are told what to do. while Japanese chiledren are encouraged not only to consider other persons'feelings but also to control themselves as a result of their own considerations.