• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

 name O (C) after A で,「Aにちなんで,Oを(Cと)名付ける」という意味ですが,アメリカでは after の代わりに to を用いることもあります。  そして,the two consuls, for whom the years were named, began to be chosen on January 1 では,「2人の執政官(当時,各年はその年の執政官の名前をとって名付けられていたが)は1月1日に選ばれるようになった」となります。  年の始まりが January になったのは紀元前153年で,その年から1月1日に2人の執政官が選ばれるようになった,ということだと思います。for whom ~の部分は,consuls について,補足説明し,「執政官というのは,その名をとって,その年の名前がついていたような存在なのですよ」と言っています。  the years というのは,当時の各年のことを言っています。この文の the two consuls というのは,153 B.C. の執政官(だけ)のことを言っているわけではないのです。153 B.C. から,1月1日に選ばれるようになった,ということを言っており,the two consuls というのは以降(あるいは以前も)の執政官のことも含まれています。  したがって,the years で間違いないと思います。


  • 英文で分からないところがあるので教えてください。

    1~7と13の英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。8~12の日本語の文章をどのように英文にすればいいのか分からないので教えてください。 1.夏休みが7月30日から始まりました。 (My summer holiday began on July 30.) 2.私の町では、2週間くらい前からほとんど毎日、1時間から2時間雨が降っています。 (Our town almost is raining every day for one hour between two hours for two weeks ago.) 3.4年前にイギリスに行ったときのことを思い出しました。 (I remembered that I went to England four years ago.) 4.なぜなら私がイギリスに行ったときには、1日に30分から一時間毎日雨が降っていました。 (Because England always had rained every day for half hour between one hour.) 5.そんなことは、私の町では初めてです。 (In our town, its phenomenon is first.) 6.私たちは、毎日傘を持って歩かないと行けません。 (We walk to have an umbrella every day.) 7.だからすごくめんどくさいです。 (So, I’m very difficulty.) 8.まるで梅雨の時期のようです。 10.日本人が裸でサウナーに入るのは、本当です。 11.しかし私は、タオルを身に付けて入ります。 12.私の町に長距離レースの練習場があります。 13.しかし日本の長距離レースについて知りません。 (But I don’t know about Japanese drive rally.)

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    In 1913, the Belgian government created the Company of Aviators (Compagnie des Aviateurs), the antecedent of the Belgian Air Force, just two years after the inauguration of the country's first airfield at Brasschaat in 1911. Attached to the fortresses, the Company was equipped with a total of 16 Maurice Farman biplanes. The Belgian army also had had four observation balloons which, like the aircraft, were also attached to the fortresses, and two small airships.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The British had some 50,000 well-trained and well-equipped troops: mostly British India troops of the Indian Expeditionary Force D together with the 13th (Western) Division of the British Army forming the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force. The Indian divisions of the Indian III Corps (also called the Tigris Corps) included British Army units. The Ottoman forces were smaller, perhaps around 25,000 strong under the overall command of General Khalil Pasha.There were no setbacks for the British on this campaign. General Maude proceeded cautiously, advancing on both sides of the Tigris River. He earned his nickname Systematic Joe. The Ottoman forces contested a fortified place called the Khadairi Bend which the British captured after two weeks of siege work (6 January to 19 January 1917). The British then had to force the Ottoman forces out of a strong defensive line along the Hai River. This took them two more weeks (from 25 January till 4 February). Another Ottoman position, called Dahra Bend, was taken on 16 February.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The uprising was led by John Chilembwe, a millenarian Christian minister of the "Watch-Tower" sect, in the Chiradzulu district of Nyasaland (now Malawi) against colonial forced labour, racial discrimination and new demands on the population caused by the outbreak of World War I. Chilembwe rejected cooperation with Europeans in their war, when they withheld property and human rights from Africans. The revolt began in the evening of 23 January 1915, when rebels attacked a plantation and killed three colonists. In another attack early in the morning of 24 January in Blantyre, several weapons were captured. News of the insurrection was received by the colonial government on 24 January, which mobilized the settler militia and two companies of the King's African Rifles from Karonga. The soldiers and militia attacked Mbombwe on 25 January and were repulsed. The rebels later attacked a nearby Christian mission and during the night fled from Mbombwe to Portuguese East Africa. On 26 January government forces took Mbombwe unopposed and Chilembwe was later killed by a police patrol, near the border with Portuguese East African border. In the repression after the rebellion, more than 40 rebels were killed and 300 people were imprisoned.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Large numbers of machine-guns were organised to fire offensive and defensive barrages and signal detachments were organised to advance with the infantry. An observation balloon was reserved for messages by signal lamp from the front line, as insurance against the failure of telephone lines and message-runners. The divisional trench mortar batteries were to bombard the German front line opposite the 142nd Brigade, where it was too close for the artillery to shell without endangering British troops. Wire-cutting began in mid-May, against considerable local retaliation by German artillery. At the end of May the two attacking brigades began training at Steenvoorde, on practice courses built to resemble the German positions to be attacked, using air reconnaissance photographs to mark the positions of machine-gun posts and hidden barbed wire. Divisional intelligence summaries were used to plan the capture of German company and battalion headquarters. The 140th Brigade with four tanks attached, was to occupy White Château and the adjacent part of Damstrasse, while the 142nd Brigade attacked the spoil heaps and the canal bank to the left. On 1 June, the British artillery began the intense stage of preparatory bombardment for trench-destruction and wire cutting and the two attacking brigades assembled for the attack from 4–6 June. British fighter aircraft tried to prevent German aircraft observing for their artillery, by dominating the air from the British front line to the German balloon line, about 10,000 yards (9,100 m) beyond. Better aircraft like the Bristol Fighter, S.E.5a and the naval Sopwith Triplane had entered service since Arras and matched the performance of the German Albatros D.III and Halberstadt D.II fighters.

  • 20年目

    「来年の一月で結婚20年目です。」を英訳せよ。という問題があり、解答は 「By next January we will have been married for twenty years.」 なのですが、20年目ってことは、19年しか経っていないということなのではないでしょうか?そうだとすれば、 「for nineteen years」になるはずだと思います。この解答は間違っているのでしょうか? ぜひ皆さんのご意見をお聞きしたいです。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Not until 26 January, did a British intelligence summary report a new line of defence between Arras and Laon. In February, attempts to send more aircraft to reconnoitre the line were hampered by mist, snow, rain, low cloud and an extremely determined German air defence. British air reconnaissance discovered diggings between Drocourt and Vitry en Artois at the end of January and on 15 February, found a line between Quéant and Etaing. The British were able to trace the new line (named the Drocourt–Quéant Switch) south to Bellicourt on 15 February and St. Quentin on 25 February, the day after the first German withdrawal on the Ancre. British aircraft losses on these flights were severe due to the presence of the Richthofen Circus near Douai; six British reconnaissance aircraft were shot down on 15 April, along with two escorts. Winter weather in mid-November 1916, stopped the Anglo-French attacks on the Somme, rather than the defensive efforts of the German army.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    Early on 24 August, Joffre ordered a withdrawal to a line from Verdun to Mézières and Maubeuge and began to transfer troops from the east opposite the German border, to the western flank. The French armies were to destroy railway facilities and inflict as many casualties as possible on the German armies, preparatory to resuming the offensive. Two strategic alternatives were possible, to attack the eastern flank of the 1st Army or to envelop the western flank of all the German armies. On 25 August, Joffre issued General Instruction No. 2, for a withdrawal to a line from Verdun to Reims and Amiens and the assembly of two corps and four reserve divisions near Amiens, to carry out the envelopment operation. Joffre called for much greater integration of the infantry and artillery and for more tactical dispersal of infantry to nullify German fire power.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Steven and I dated for two years. The first year was wonderful. My family and my in-laws all accepted him. As year two began, he began to change. He stopped being attentive, and started to randomly go out by himself. We eventually broke up because he couldn't commit. At the beginning of our relationship, he didn't seem to have a problem with commitment. He took advantage of my life and of my children being secure with him. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    With the ground still frozen, assembly trenches could not be dug, so it was decided that the troops would assemble in the open for the attack. The artillery of II Corps began a destructive and wire-cutting bombardment on 14 February, using the new fuze 106 against the German wire, which proved an effective wire-cutter, although fog and mist made aiming and observation of the results difficult. At zero hour, four siege groups were to begin a bombardment of rear lines and machine-gun nests and four counter-battery groups were to neutralise German artillery within range of the attack. Artillery tactics were based on the experience of 1916, with a creeping barrage fired by half of the 18-pounders, beginning 200 yards (180 m) in front of the infantry and moving at 100 yards (91 m) in three minutes.