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英辞郎に advisor 《米》指導教師[教官]と出ていました。 私も新聞でこの表現を見た事があります。 現地の経験がないので通常使われているかどうか判りませんのでご参考までに。



ありがとうございました。 参考にさせていただきたいと思います。


  • 英語訳

    There was a time when he was treated like a hero. 「彼が英雄のように扱われたときがあった。」 英文の「time when」はどこの訳にあたるのでしょうか。調べてるのですがどこにも見当たりません。 分かる人教えて下さい。

  • ____にあてはまる英語教えてください

    ____にあてはまる英語教えてください 1. The teenager was arrested for _______________ driving, 2. They have ____________________ a campaign to raise \10 million for the child to go to the States for a heart transplant. 3. I left __________________ when he refused to shake hands with me. 4. The man is suffering from ________________ tuberculosis. 5. He ________________ this afternoon while he was playing golf with his customers. 6. The professor is too strict; I wish he could be a little bit more ________________ with his students. 7. The Japanese police have been rather reluctant to ________________ in domestic conflicts. 8. He _______________ all he had just eaten.

  • 英語を教えてください!

    『while』と『when』はどのくらい意味が変わりますか?ほぼ同じですかね? He studies English while I am taking a bath. He studies English when I am taking a bath.

  • 英語にする練習

    クラス発表の前、一番の関心は誰が私の担任になるかだった。実は私は田中先生が私の先生になるのは嫌だったでも彼が先生だった なぜ私が彼が嫌だったかというと先生はたくさんの宿題をだすので有名だったから。 でも先生を知るにつれて先生が素晴らしい先生だということがわかりました。 英語 the biggest concern for me was who would be my teacher. in fact i was afraid that he would be my teacher but he is the one. the reason i didnt like him is because he was well known as a teacher who assigned his student to a lot of assignments when i got to know him more i found that he was a great teacher. まだまだですが将来は翻訳家になりたいと思い勉強しています。 間違いなどがあればぜひ教えて下さい お願いします

  • 英語の問題

    1.He left this town When he was eighteen. 2.I had been reading a book for some time when he called me up. どうして1はwhenによって導かれる副詞節の中の動詞の時制が過去なのに、2は普通にhad been reading と出来るのかが分かりません 解説お願いします

  • 英語の自然な表現等について

    as soon as possibleの略であるasapは口語で使えないのでしょうか? 「学部」を表現する英単語にはfacultyとschoolがあるようですが、 どのように使い分けをすればよいでしょうか? 友人に聞いたところ、 「faculty of engineering」はundergraduateに使い、 「school of engineering」はgraduateに使うとの事だったのですが・・・ 他に、エキサイト翻訳で学部の表現に「department」なんて出てきたのですけど、 これはどのように使用するのでしょうか? 「宿」はどのような単語が正しいですか? ホテルというよりは、旅館のようなニュアンスで使いたいのですけど・・・ (正確には、一単語で「泊まる所」のような表現が出来るものがあれば嬉しいです) 「予約していないのですけど泊まれますか?」 とはどのようにするのが自然ですか? can i stay here? i didn't book though・・・ ぐらいしか思いつかないのですけど・・・ 泊まる、というのはstayで通じるのでしょうか? 以前友人と話をしていたらいまいちstayでは通じなくて「stay oveer night」とまで言ったのですけど。 (前後の表現が悪かったかも知れないのですが) 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英語長文です!!

    Something happened once when my friend Jack was Living in Minnesota-- something that he didn`t consider any big deal.I called Jack`s house to speak with him, and the phone was answerd by an unfamiliar voice. The radio was playing loudly in the background, and for a moment I thought I might have dialed an incorrect number. The voice on the other end said a few labored words that I could`t understand, and then stopped. The rock music from the radio continued. I stayed on the line, concerned that something was wrong. Three or four minutes passed, and finally I heard another phone being picked up in the house. I heard Jack`s voice say, ‘Hello?‘ I said hello back, and I said I`d thought that a foreigh-born person or a person who was unable to speak clearly had answerd his phone, I asked him if anything troubling was going on. `I`ll tell you in a minute,` he said, and his voice went away and soon enough I could hear it in the room where the other phone was off the hook-- the room from which I was hearing the rock music. I heard Jack say , I`ve got it,honey.` Then.`It`s all right. Thank you for answering.` He hung up that phone,and when I heard him again he could talk without her listening. `She`s such a sweettheart,` he said, and then explained. He had been out of town on business, and when he returned the girl -- the girl who had answerd the phone with such difficulty -- had moved into his house. His wife Janice was working as a schoolteacher, and at the school where she taught there were children who had severe disabilities.This girl was one of those children. She had been born with a serious problem that had affected her both physically and mentally. It was not the kind of illness that surgery or medicine could fix.

  • 英語が合っているか見て欲しいですm(__)m

    (1)『この間怖いことがあったの。』 (2)『閉店の時に男の人がいきなり店に入ってきて「いつも見てました。連絡先教えて」って言ってきて、「そういうのは出来ません」って言っても諦めないから「私、女性にしか興味ないんです」って言ったら渋々帰っていったんだけど店に私一人だけだったし凄く怖かったんだ。』 ↑を英語にしたいのですが、 (1) "There was a scary thing happened the other day. " (2) "When I was about close the shop, a man came in and 'I've been watching you. Please let me have your number. ' he said, 'I can't do such a thing ' I told him but he didn't give up. So, "I only like girls." I said to him. Finally and unwillingly he left the shop, but I was so scared since I was the only one at the shop then.←おかしくないでしょうか?

  • Like we care.

    I just found out that my brother, who I thought was in graduate school studying to be a teacher, is actually working as a prison guard. I'm the only one in the family who knows. When I phoned him to get the details, he told me that he'd quit school after one semester because he never really wanted to be a teacher. He said our parents bullied him into graduate school when he had trouble finding work after his college graduation. Prison guard was the first job he could get. I asked him why he is leading this double life. He said our parents told him that graduate school was "not negotiable." So he figures they can live with their delusions. At family dinners, Mom and Dad ask him about school, and he says, "Fine, but dull." Then they drone on and on about the importance of attending school since he couldn't find a job, and our grandfather makes a point of telling him how easy he has it compared to serving in Korea. Like we care. If they don't want to hear what my brother says, they shouldn't ask. Like we care.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 過去進行形が正しいが過去完了ではどうか。

    (1) I was reading when he came home. (2) I had been reading when he came home. (1)は正しい英文のようです。(2)は間違っているのか、もし、間違っているならどうしてかやさしく説明してください。