• ベストアンサー

emotional baggage


  • sukinyan
  • ベストアンサー率38% (119/313)



  • 荒川静香さんの記事

    荒川静香さんの記事 http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/02/24/sports/OLYSKATE.php Her victory came in the first Olympics to make use of a judging system that has scrapped the 6.0 mark and all its emotional baggage for a cumulative points system that supposedly favors complete skaters over phenomenal jumpers. ここのところの意味を教えていただけないでしょうか? 特に、emotional baggage の意味がよく分かりません。 「感情的な荷物」?

  • 訳の見本を見せてほしいand不明な点について教えて

    はじめまして。質問ばかりで申し訳ございませんが、教えて頂けると幸いです。 一応、一通り自分で訳しております。 1)still central, however, is the psychoanalytic therapist's conviction that unconscious motives and fears are at the core of most emotional problems and that insight is essential to a cure. 「しかしながら、未だ主流を成すのは、精神分析療法家たちの確信であり、それは、無意識の動機や不安が、大半の感情的な問題と、その洞察が治療のために不可欠であるという核心である。」 at the core of most emotional problems and that insight is essential to a cure.の、 等位接続詞andですが、andが入る際は、必ず"the core of most emotional problems と、 that insight is essential to a cureをひとくくりにしなければならないのでしょうか? still central, howeverのあたりも自信がないのですが…。 2)people cant tolerate the lack of structure in traditional psychoanalysis and need more immediate relief. 「人々は、伝統的な精神分析学と、それらの症状のより迅速な除去を必要とする構造の欠陥を見過ごすことができない。」 これも同じく、andのところで手こずってます。 3)therapist may be more direct,raising pertinent topics when appropriate rather than waiting for the client to bring them up. 「セラピストは、クライエントをつれてくるために待っているよりも、むしろ適切なときに、より直接的に関連する話題を引き出すだろう。」 なんだか少し訳に違和感がありました…。 以上です。お手数かけて申し訳ございませんが、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語→英語 添削してください

    こちらでいつもお世話になっている英語初心者です。よろしくお願いいたしますm(。-_-。)m It was the victory obtained from the failure on the first. A team this year has the emotional strength which prevents consecutive defeats! Your positive attitude thinks that it has given the teammate power. I will have a competition next week.I do my best like you. I wish you good luck with next game. 1日目の失敗をしっかり修正した勝利でしたね。 連敗しない精神面の強さが今年のチームはありますね!! あなたの積極的な姿勢がチームメートに力を与えていると思います。 私も来週コンペがありますが、あなたを見習ってがんばります。次の試合もがんばってください。 ■1行目の「修正した」をどのように入れたらいいかわかりません。 ■あなたを見習うという表現と文章のつなぎ方をおしえてください。

  • emotional difficulties

    emotional difficulties の意味 宿題でその言葉が出てきて、辞書もトランスレーターを使っても確かな意味が分からなく不安です。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • エモーショナルロックとは?

    エモーショナルロックってどういうものなんですか?「エモ」って呼ばれてるものですよね?! エモーショナルロックのオススメのバンドを教えて下さい。お願いします

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    There was a general disappointment in Italy, which the nationalist and fascist parties used to build the idea that Italy was betrayed by the Allies and refused what was due (Mutilated victory). This led to the general rise of Italian fascism. Prior to Wilson's arrival in Europe in December 1918, no American president had ever visited Europe while in office. Wilson's Fourteen Points, of a year earlier, had helped win the hearts and minds of many as the war ended; these included Americans and Europeans generally, as well as Germany, its allies and the former subjects of the Ottoman Empire specifically. Wilson's diplomacy and his Fourteen Points had essentially established the conditions for the armistices that had brought an end to World War I. Wilson felt it was his duty and obligation to the people of the world to be a prominent figure at the peace negotiations. High hopes and expectations were placed on him to deliver what he had promised for the post-war era. In doing so, Wilson ultimately began to lead the foreign policy of the United States toward interventionism, a move strongly resisted in some domestic circles. Once Wilson arrived, however, he found "rivalries, and conflicting claims previously submerged". He worked mostly trying to sway the direction that the French (Georges Clemenceau) and British (Lloyd George) delegations were taking towards Germany and its allies in Europe, as well as the former Ottoman lands in the Middle East. Wilson's attempts to gain acceptance of his Fourteen Points ultimately failed, after France and Britain refused to adopt some specific points and its core principles. In Europe, several of his Fourteen Points conflicted with the other powers. The United States did not encourage or believe that the responsibility for the war that Article 231 placed on Germany was fair or warranted. It would not be until 1921 that the United States finally signed separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary.In the Middle East, negotiations were complicated by competing aims, claims, and the new mandate system. The United States hoped to establish a more liberal and diplomatic world, as stated in the Fourteen Points, where democracy, sovereignty, liberty and self-determination would be respected. France and Britain, on the other hand, already controlled empires, wielded power over their subjects around the world and still aspired to be dominant colonial powers.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします(._.)

    Thunderous celebratory gunfire and cries of "God is great" rang out across Tripoli well past midnight, leaving the smell of sulfur in the air. People wrapped revolutionary flags around toddlers and flashed V for victory signs as they leaned out car windows. The outpouring of joy reflected the deep hatred of a leader who had brutally warped Libya with his idiosyncratic rule. After seizing power in a 1969 coup that toppled the monarchy, Gaddafi created a "revolutionary" system of "rule by the masses," which supposedly meant every citizen participated in government but really meant all power was in his hands. Giving himself titles such as ”leader of the revolution” and ”king of the kings of Africa,” he wieded power erratically, imposing random rules while crushing opponents, often hanging anyone who plotted against him in public squares. His regime was blamed in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland and the downing of a French passenger jet in Africa the following year, as well as the 1986 bombing of a German discotheque frequented by U.S. servicemen that killed three people.

  • “emotional journey”の訳を教えて下さい!

    “emotional journey”の訳を教えて下さい! 文の見出しとして“On the emotional journey of the film”の適切な訳を考えています。 調べると「流れに身を任せた人生」などと出てくるのですが、「この映画の流れに身を任せた人生について」だと読みづらく、いまひとつ意味が分かりませんよね。 何かいい訳案があれば、是非教えて下さい。よろしお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 心理学・英論文 翻訳を助けてください!

    英論文を読む授業を取っています。 ですが、英語が苦手なため訳したものの自信がありません・・・ 訳すのが得意な方にお力を借りたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 【論文タイトル】The social face of emotion recognition: Evaluations versus stereotypes 感情認識の社会的様相:固定観念に対しての評価 Fast and correct recognition of emotional expressions is d prerequisite for fluent social interaction. A face carries a wealth of informative cues and can say more than a thousand words. Apart from unchangeable features in the face that carry information regarding identity or social category (e.g. sex or ethnicity), changeable features reveal how someone is feeling at that specific moment (e.g. happy, angry or sad). Previous research has shown that unchangeable features can influence the interpretation of changeable facial features in emotional recognition. More specifically, this research focused on the interplay between social categorization and recognition of emotional expressions (e.g. Becker, Kenrick, Neuberg, Blackwell, & Smith, 2007; Elfenbein & Ambady, 2002; Hugenberg, 2005: Hugenberg & Bodenhausen, 2003: Hutchings & Haddock, 2008). How do social categorization processes influence emotion recognition? One route that has been recently explored is that evaluative category associations facilitate or inhibit the recognition of evaluative congruent emotions. For example, Hugenberg (2005) demonstrated, in line with an evaluative processes account, that white American participants show a recognition speed advantage when judging whether a white target's face displays a positive (happy) facial expression compared to negative (angry or sad) facial expressions. This phenomenon is called the happy face advantage (Leppanen & Hietanen, 2003). This effect was found by Hugenberg to be reversed when the expresser of the emotion was black, with white participants showing a recognition advantage for both negative emotions (angry and sad) compared to the positive emotion. In a similar vein, Hugenberg and Sczesny (2006) found evidence for differences in emotion recognition depending on gender: for female target faces a greater happy face advantage was found than for male target faces. The authors conclude that these effects are best explained by the spreading of evaluative associations: the valence of the target face, as triggered by the category, serves as a prime for recognizing emotional expressions independently of the discrete emotion being expressed.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします(約60語)

    裁判員制度について 【I'm completely against the new trial system.】(固定) It is true people who are not professional judges make a judge from a new point of view, but they have little knowledge of law. For that reason they make a judge in accordance with not reason but emotion. It is obvious that there are a lot of problem to put this system into practice. 私は裁判員制度にまったく反対です。確かに、職業裁判官でない人々は新しい観点から判断をすることができますが、彼らは法律についての知識はほとんどありません。そのため、彼らは理性によってではなく、感情によって判断をしてしまいます。この制度を施行することには多くの問題が有ることは明白です。 2月に受験を控えている高校生です。大学入試の観点から添削をお願いします。