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日本語に直訳しますと: 「その奴らを除いた腹のすいた集団が食卓でガツガツ食べ、肉と飲み物を沈黙の中でむさぼるがごとく」 中途半端ですが、完全に一文を挙げてくれていませんので、このような形になります。 Save of the chapsは「奴ら(Chaps)を除いて」という意味です。 Saveの使い方については参考URLの【前-2】をご参照ください。



早速のご解説、ありがとうございます。 理解できてすっきりしました。


  • 英文解釈

    下の英文の最後の一文の、文法的な解釈をお願いします。 Everybody loves a good story, and when it's finished, this will be the greatest one ever told. It begins in Africa with a group of hunter-gatherers, perhaps just a few hundred strong. It ends some 200,000 years later with their six and a half billion descendants spread across the Earth, living in peace or at war, believing in a thousand different gods or none at all. In between is a sprawling saga of survival, movement, isolation, and conquest, most of it unfolding in the silence of prehistory. 和訳では「その始まりと終わりの間には、生存、移動、孤立、そして征服の長編冒険譚が広がるが、そのほとんどはもの言わぬ先史時代の中に花開いている。」とありますが、この英文の主語・文型・文頭の"In"の品詞・"between"の目的語など、よく解りません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 分かりにくい英文の意味を教えて下さい

    以下はTHE PLEASURES OF IGNORANCEの冒頭の部分です。 下記のうち、 1. many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo. この部分の構文と意味。 2.whether Chapman drew on his fancy or his knowledge of nature in the lines: この文章の意味。 3.最後の詩の意味もよく分かりません。 宜しくお願いします。 It is impossible to take a walk in the country with an average townsman—especially, perhaps, in April or May—without being amazed at the vast continent of his ignorance. It is impossible to take a walk in the country oneself without being amazed at the vast continent of one's own ignorance. Thousands of men and women live and die without knowing the difference between a beech and an elm, between the song of a thrush and the song of a blackbird. Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush's and a blackbird's song is the exception. It is not that we have not seen the birds. It is simply that we have not noticed them. We have been surrounded by birds all our lives, yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo. We argue like small boys as to whether the cuckoo always sings as he flies or sometimes in the branches of a tree—whether Chapman drew on his fancy or his knowledge of nature in the lines: When in the oak's green arms the cuckoo sings, And first delights men in the lovely springs.

  • 英文解釈

    The poor not only suffer unequally from environmental damage caused by those better off,they have become a major cause of ecological decline themselves as they have been pushed onto marginal land by population growth and bad development patterns. これの構造と訳教えてください。

  • 英文解釈について

    During the Age of Silence, people communicated more, not less. Basic survival demanded that the hands were almost never still, and so it was only during sleep that people were not saying something. No distinction was made between the gestures of language and the gestures of life. The labor of building a house, say, or preparing a meal was no less an expression than making the sign for I love you or I feel serious. When a hand was used to shield one’s face when frightened by a loud noise something was being said; and when fingers were used to pick up what someone else had dropped something was being said; and even when the hands were at rest, that, too, was saying something. (質問1) 第2パラグラフのThe labor of a building, say, or preparing a meal...ですが、このsayというのは「例えば」と訳すのだと思いますが、普通Can you play a wind instrument, say, a flute?というふうにa wind instrumentの具体例=a fluteという並びになるとい思います。しかしここでは(the labor of) building a houseの具体例がpreparing a mealではなく、恐らくthe gestures of lifeの具体例がbuilding~とpreparing~だと思うのですが正しいでしょうか?さらにこういう使い方(全文の具体例を次の文に持ってくる)のはよく有ることでしょうか?さらに例文があれば紹介していただきたいです。 (あと2~3個質問があるのですが入りきらないので次にします

  • 英文解釈

    下記の文の"and progress against that plan is very much on target"はどう解釈すればよいのでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 "When the program started, there was a global plan produced by the WHO for how you could achieve this goal within 20 years, and progress against that plan is very much on target. --補足-- 【前後の文】 Andy Wright heads up GlaxoSmithKline's elephantiasis program. "When the program started, there was a global plan produced by the WHO for how you could achieve this goal within 20 years, and progress against that plan is very much on target. So there is a lot of very strong evidence that the program is succeeding, and a lot of confidence that in the vast majority of countries, it will be successful before 2020," he says. 【出展】 VOA:http://www.voanews.com/english/news/a-13-2009-10-04-voa21.html

  • 英文解釈について

    以下の英文解釈について文法的解釈も含め教えて下さい。 becouse of 以下の意味があやふやです。 I did the calculations and showed that a townhouse — because of its common walls and its decreased external surface area — was actually more energy-efficient than a single-family passive solar home in most climates. よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の意味を教えてください!

    この英文の意味を教えてください! "Relative self-sufficiency has been typical of every developing civilization across the globe, and is being achieved now in remote areas of the Amazon Basin and New Guinea Highlands." "The more gold and silver and trade goods an empire could acquire - by theft or trade - the wealthier it was, and the wealthier empires were the more powerful and could best defend themselves against the other empirs that were after the same booty."

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    On 1 July 2016, at 7:28 am British Summer Time, the UK observed a two minute silence to mark the start of the battle which began 100 years earlier. A special ceremony was broadcast on BBC1 and all BBC radio stations participated in the silence. At the start of the silence, the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery fired a gun every four seconds for one hundred seconds and a whistle was blown to end it. Just like a Remembrance Sunday silence, a bugler played The Last Post after the silence. The silence was announced during a speech by the Prime Minister David Cameron who said, "There will be a national two-minute silence on Friday morning.

  • 英文の解釈についての質問

    質問があります。 People who delay might base their self-worth on their work and doubt their abilities. The thinking goes like this: to avoid a judgment of themselves that could be damaging to their self worth, they just avoid completing the task. 上記の文ですが、直訳すると 遅れる(ぐずぐずする)人々は、彼らの仕事と、疑わしい技術力で、自尊心を築いている。 この考えを推し進めると:自身の(能力の)ジャッジを避けることは、彼らの自尊心を傷つけているかもしれない。彼らはただ、仕事を完了することを避けているだけなのだ。 となるのですが、どうもto avoid a judgment of themselves that could be damaging to their self worth, they just avoid completing the task.がピンとこないというか・・・。 thatが途中にあるということの意味がいまいちわかりません・・・ つまり、to avoid a judgment of themselves がSということでしょうか?それとも関係代名詞のthat? Finally, for motivation I imagine how good it will feel to finish whatever it was I was putting off. こちらですが、 最後に、モチベーションについては私はいかに良いかをイメージする。 何かを終わらせること。 この辺までで後はピンとこないです・・・。なぜ , がないのに I was putting off.があるのか・・・。 記事はhttp://www.japantimes.co.jp/shukan-st/english_news/essay/2009/ey20091211/ey20091211main.htm?print=noframe  です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味を教えては下さいませんでしょうか?

    こんにちは。 お世話になります。 英語初学者です。 英文を読んでいたら、主人公たちがおもちゃのロケットを組み立てる場面で、次のような描写が有りました。 They made a rocket ship out of bits and pieces. 早速ですが、表題にも有りますように、上段の英文の意味が分かりません。 特に、out of bits and piecesの意味がどうしてもとれません。 どなたか、教えては下さいませんでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。