• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

所有のパソコンの性能の話でしょう。 decent one :まあまあ普通の性能のパソコン powerhouse :発電所の意味ですが、超高性能マシン hold over until~:~まで伸ばす・延期する 超高性能PCを手に入れるまで何とかやっていけそうな普通スペックのPC(をいじっているのさ)





  • 英語の翻訳おねがいします。アメリカ人の大学生からのメール内容です。

    英語の翻訳おねがいします。アメリカ人の大学生からのメール内容です。 英語から日本語へ翻訳お願いします。 I understand that and I am in total agreement. So is that a yes you are going to work out something with me so that I can get both bags? If not I may only be able to get one because I am starting college as a freshman soon (in 2 weeks) and won't be working.

  • 英語での表現を教えてください。

    お世話になります。 「一度始めるとなかなか止められない性分です。」のようなことを言いたいのですが、I am the type who gets started something once, who can't stop easily. と表現しておかしくないでしょうか。何だか不自然に感じるのですが、後半のwhoは女性ならsheなどにすべきなのでしょうか。 Once I get started something, I can’t stop easily.と言えば良いのかもしれませんが、「性分なんです」というニュアンスを出したいと思い、お聞きしました。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Yes I make a heat sink for a C6 host in aluminum it is $15.00 and in copper it is $20.00 my heat sinks do not compare with ANY ONE else's as I make mine fit like a glove so the heat can get out and I put two set screws in every heat sink I make, there is no skimping on quality here ! I have yet to see a heat sink made by any one else here on LPF that is as good as mine !! When something cost cheap that is what you are going to get something cheap ! I have found over the years you usually get what you pay for

  • よろしくお願いします

    am a 17-year-old girl living in a stable home with a protective, loving family. I play basketball and have practice or training five days a week. I get one-on-one training from my assistant coach, who is 22 years old. He sends me links to articles and videos about basketball almost daily. These often turn into a conversation that ends up being about something else besides basketball. There’s been nothing sexual at all—he’s a really decent guy who has never made me feel uncomfortable. It’s just friendly conversation with some teasing in there, which is the part I’m a little hesitant about. I really like him, but because he’s my coach I’d never want to pull something with him and get him in trouble. in thereはどのような意味(何のこと)でしょうか?あと、pull somethingの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の訳

    下記は英国での紅茶のあり方について書かれた長文の一節です。 If a person does not feel well, or is sad or disappointed for some reason, someone will immediately offer to make him `a nice cup of tea'. One reason for this is that a cup of tea is something over which one can talk , and talking is a way of easing one's feeling. 内容は大体分かるのですがsomething over which one can talk あたりがどのような文法になっているのかわかりません。解説お願いします。

  • 意味を教えてください

    外国人の友達から言われました。 どういう意味ですか? I am crazy so you know. If I love will you Scare I run I can't go Until if You push Until I hold 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • これはこんな意味でしょうか?

    友人から届いたメールです。 I saw in many japanese animes, and mangas, that the characters are having a cold, and they are geting so weak from them, that they can't go to school, or work, and can faint easy. And I don't really get it. If I have a cold, yes, I can feel really ill, but I wont faint from something like that. I had inflammation of the lungs too, and was still going to work, or to school. So, my question is, can it be, that in Japan you aren't immune to a simple cold? Something else is bothering me from typical scenes in Japanese manga. If the caracters sees something sexy, he / or she gets a nose-bleed. Is high blood-pressure such a problem there? I can be to naiv, but I really don't get it. 私が風邪をひいた話をしたんですがこの返事がきました。日本のアニメが好きな人なんですがこの人がききたいことって日本人はすぐ風邪をひくけどなんで?みたいなことですか?まちがってますでしょうか?詳細わかる方教えてください。とくに最後の鼻血の話でしょうか?そのあたりがよくわかりません・・・よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英語の和訳

    There can be no meaningful discussion of this subject until we resist the impulse to assign blame. Nor can we hold to the simple belief that with will alone, one can consciously resist the attractiveness of food and precisely control one's weight. この文の和訳をお願いします。

  • 日本語の表現について教えてください。

    I am writing a blog post in Japanese to share with my Japanese friends my secret recipe . I want to write something like "I am going to share my secret recipe with you." Can I say in Japanese "自分の秘方をみなさんにシェアです。"?If not, how can I say?

  • 日本語に訳して頂きたいのですが、お願い致します。

    イスラエルの方と知り合いメールをしているのですが、日本語に訳して貰えると幸いです。 I Ichollbks you one little something more? Can I ask you one more thing smaller? になります。よろしくお願い致します