• ベストアンサー


In Japan,all textbooks( )in schools must first be approved by the Ministry of Education. (1)using (2)used (3)to use (4)to useful 選択問題です。(2)か(3)には絞れますが、そこからはどう判断すればいいのでしょうか? (3)でも「学校で使うための本」となって意味が通るように思えるのですが。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • toko0503
  • ベストアンサー率36% (886/2437)

> (3)ではだめですか? all textbooks( )in schools must first be approved ……… に to use を入れた場合、このto-不定詞は 形容詞的用法となって、前のall textbooksを修飾します。 「学校で使うためのすべての教科書は」となりますが、じゃぁ、 それは誰が使うのか、という意味上の主語が無くなります。 教科書それ自身が使うということは無いので、 ここでは「使われる教科書は」としなければなりません。 I bought all textbooks to use in my school. (私は学校で使うための(べき)すべての教科書を買った) のように目的語にかかるto-不定詞でしたら可能かと思います。 主語を直接修飾するto-不定詞は、 His desire to become world champion is great. のような、His desire=to become world champion の同格を表す場合に限られるようです。 説明がヘタで申し訳ありませんが、参考までに 書いてみました。

その他の回答 (3)

  • trgovec
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2538/4879)

1番の方に同意しますが、3の方が自然に聞こえます。不定詞の意味上の主語が明示されていない場合は一般の人あるいは言う必要がないと解釈されます。教科書を使うのは教師と生徒なのであえて言うまでもないと思います。2番の過去分詞でも「使われている」ととれば無理とは言えませんが。 この問題ですが、どこで出題されたあるいは誰が作ったものですか。どうも分詞の用法の確認問題のように見えますが、選択肢を作るとき分詞の方に気がいって作成ミスをしたようにもみえますが。

  • toko0503
  • ベストアンサー率36% (886/2437)

all textbooks(which are)used (by students)in schools 「学校で*使われている*すべての教科書は……」となると思います。 The language (which is) spoken in Australia is English. のパタンですよね。





アメリカ在住8年の者です。 正解は(2)なんですか? (3)の方が自然に聞こえるのですが。 (3)だと聞いた感じ、「あんたが学校で教科書使おうと思ったら、最初に了承が要るのよ」で、未来形で統一されていて分かりやすいのですが。 (2)だとそれに過去分詞が混ざって変に聞こえます。 学校文法だと(2)なんですかね。すみません分かりません。





  • 不定詞? 分詞構文?

    TOEICの問題です。 ( ) the cash register, you must first open the cash drawer with your key and punch in your employee number. A) used  B)Using  C) To use  D) To using 答えは不定詞の C) To use として、レジを使用するためには でもいいし、分詞構文として、When(If) you use the cash register ~、の接続詞と主語をとった分詞構文の形 B)Using で、レジを使用する時には(レジを使用するなら)と、どちらでも正解の様な気がします。 何か考えが間違っていますか??

  • 添削していただけませんか?

    英作文を作ったのですが、英語が苦手なのでどなたか添削していただけませんか? Difference in elementary school life between Japan and America The first is going to school. In Japan, people basically walk to school.On the other hand, in the United States, parents usually go to school by school bus or send their parents to meet them. This has reasons such as, "It's dangerous when a bad person comes." Second, there is a swimming class. In Japan, swimming is a compulsory subject in physical education classes.In the first place, there are only about one or two physical education classes a week. ·The third is the textbook. In Japan, the Ministry of Education presents children free of charge.In America, however, textbooks are rented from schools. Therefore, children cannot bring back textbooks from school. There is a big difference between elementary school life in Japan and the U.S.

  • 完了不定詞をあえて使わない場合

    President Obama said the United States has a duty as the only country to use nuclear weapons in the past. 文法通りに従うと、to have usedと完了不定詞にすべきだと思うんですが、 何で現在形になってるんですか?

  • 不定詞についてご教授お願いいたします。Japane

    I personally believe that the current English education system in Japan should be reformed as soon a s possible because it is useless for Japanese students wishing to learn to express their thoughts properly in English. 不定詞の意味上の主語は Japanese students だと思うのですが、その後の不定詞はどこから始まるのでしょうか?意訳をいれて解説して頂きたいと思います。

  • わたしの英文見てください。

    The U.S. education has progrresed with the U.S. history, ant the education has been influenced by the history. Also, the education has itsb own history. Many dramatical changes were made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own made.In order to become a teacher, it is important to know his or her own country's historical aspects of edcation. もう一つ Many people think that schools today are worse than they were in the past, but this is not true. For example, in the past it was difficult topoor to go to school. 80-90percent ofstudents droped out by the 9th grade.Other example,the schools did not provide them textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her textbooks, so each student brought a book from his or her house. African American were segregated. According to this essay, we cannot say that schools in the past were better than schools today. アメリカの大学の宿題の一部なんで、そんなにフォーマルな文でなくて大丈夫です。ただ、NATURAL英語にしたいです。お願いします。

  • 分詞の使い方。

    Isherwood, 38, says she initially thought about selling the ring but decided not to, figuring it must be precious to someone in Japan. この文に使われているsellingはなぜ現在分詞なのですか? 学校では現在分詞は「実際の行為や状態」とならいました。 この場合は「売ろうと考えていた」なので、「現実にはまだ起きてないこと」のto 不定詞では? think about はそんなの関係なく現在分詞しかとれないのでしょうか?

  • 文法の解説をお願いします!不定詞

    Robots can be built [to work] in conditions which might be too uncomfortable or dangerous for humans. の[]内の不定詞の意味用法に最も近い不定詞を含む英文を選びなさい。 1)He will be the first person to climb that highest mountain. 2)It is necessary for you to finish the report by tomorrow. 3)She did her best to pass the examination. 4)I have nothing to tell you right now. 上記5文の文法の違いの解説をお願いしたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削をお願いします

    簡単なparagraphを書いてみたので文法などの添削をお願いします。また、内容的にも変なところがありましたら指摘をおねがいします。 Through this class, I have learned a lot of things to write a good paragraph or essay. One of the most interested thing is differences of sentences that translated by using translator and sentences that native spearkers use. In the beginning of class, I often used tranlator, because I was trying to use sentences structure from my first language- Japanese. But those sentences that I translated from my 1st language by using translator almost doen’t make sense for native spearker or include wrong words that native speakers don’t use. So, in the beginnung of the class, I was often commented by professor “I can’t undestand what this sentence says.” or “ This word is not used in this situation.” Since then, I tried to write a paragraph or essay without using translator, but it was very difficult at first. Also it took so much time to write a paragraph or essay, it were woes for me. In short, there are differences between english and translation of translator. There are differences between english and not only japanese but also another language. The most important thing is to understand the differences in addition to learning english.

  • asとto不定詞の意味

    次の文中のasとto不定詞の意味がうまく取れません。 asは前置詞として、to不定詞は「結果」の用法として処理すれば良いのでしょうか? 文法的な解説と和訳をお願い致します。 He was tired of hearing words like sumimasen and shiturei shimasita all the time. As someone who often travels in Europe and America,he felt the frequent use of these kind of words to be a strange and negative custom unique to Japan.

  • 文章の意味がわからない

    「Staggering students has been used in many countries to reduce overcrowding, including Japan and Australia.」 日本でも行われてるって、どうゆう意味なんでしょうか? NYTの記事から In Ghana, Free High School Brings Opportunity and Grumbling https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/15/world/africa/ghana-free-senior-high-school-brings-chaos.html At dawn on a recent Tuesday, 18-year-old Jane Newornu pulled on her blue gingham school uniform, stuffed her books into her knapsack and grabbed a banana as she ran off to school. Her twin sister, Jennifer, still in her pajamas, watched with a pang of envy. Instead of going to class, Jennifer was staying home from school on a two-month hiatus mandated by the government. The twins, like all high school students in Ghana, now must take turns. The problem is the result of the tumultuous rollout of a new government program, intended to expand access to free secondary education. When President Nana Akufo-Addo took office in 2017, he made good on one of his chief campaign promises: tuition-free high school for all. It was part of a broader effort to make Ghana internationally competitive in educational standards, agriculture, tourism and more. But the program has proved so popular — 430,000 students are enrolled this school year, up from 308,000 in 2016, according to the education ministry — that demand has overwhelmed capacity. “We want parents to see education as what can transform this nation,” said Yaw Osei Adutwum, deputy minister for education. “And therefore, even if they have to make some sacrifices, it’s worth it.” ここから注目 Staggering students has been used in many countries to reduce overcrowding, including Japan and Australia. Ghana’s idea was inspired by California, according to Dr. Adutwum, who ran a network of charter schools before being appointed deputy education minister in 2017. Starting in the 1970s, some school districts in California adopted a multitrack system after a boom in the student population.