• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

fix には (壊れたものを)直す、物を(固定する)と言う主要な意味があると思います。これからの派生語が沢山英和辞書にはありますが、英語で考えれば基本的な意味は似ていると思います。例文の fix は be fixed で、固定される、固まる。→好み・趣向ができあがる。 By the time she was in her teens. は、彼女が10代になる頃には と訳せば良いでしょう。 10代というだけの限定なので、はっきりといつ頃までか分かりませんが(この英語表現自体にそこまでの論理性は無い)、だいたい10代中頃と考えておけば良いと思います。


  • 英訳お願いします。

    (12)“Ahem ! ahem ! ” he said, and everybody listened except the the poor Catherine Wheel, who was still shaking her head, and murmuring, “Romance is dead.” (13)“Order ! order !” cried out a Cracker. He was something of a politician, and had always taken a prominent part in the local elections, so he knew the proper Parliamentary expressions to use. (14)“Quite dead.” whispered the Catherine Wheel, and she went off to sleep. (15)As soon as there was perfect silence, the Rocket coughed a third time and began. He spoke with a very slow, distinct voice, as if he were dictating his memoirs, and always looked over the shoulder of the person to whom he was talking . In fact, he had a most distinguished manner. (16)“How fortunate it is for the King's son,” he remarked, “that he is to be married on the very day on which I am to be let off. Really, if it had been arranged beforehand, it could not have turned out better for him; but Princes are always lucky.” (17)“Dear me !” said the little Squib, “I thought it was quite the other way, and that we were to be let off in the Prince's honour.” (18)“It may be so with you,” he answered; “inded, I have no doubt that it is, but with me it is different. I am a very remarkable Rocket, and come of remarkable parents. My mother was the most celebrated Catherine Wheel of her day, and was renowned for her graceful dancing. When she made her great public appearance she spun round nineteen times before she went out, and each time that she did so she threw into the air seven pink stars.

  • 英訳

    Hence by the time Chloe left Japan around 28 October for what was to be most extended holiday of her lifetime, she was in a compositionally expansive mood. 上記の英文の訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文法 慶応大学 入試問題

    慶応大学の英文法の四択問題です。 空所に正しいものを選びなさいという問題です。 Her letters always (     ) from books. (1) can read as she copied them (2) could read as if she copied them (3) read as if she copied them (4) read as if she would copy them 正解は(3)ですが、(1)(2)が不正解である理由がわかりません。 訳は「彼女の手紙はいつもまるで本を写してきたみたいだ。」です。 文法的な説明をお願いします。

  • 英訳教えてください

    英訳教えてください 1 彼が私に言ったことは本当だった   → What he ( × said to) me was true. 2 彼がそんなことを言ったことは我々みんなを驚かせた   → ( ) that he ( ) said so surprised us all. 3 彼は(貸すことが)できるだけの本を貸してくれた   → He (× lend) me what books he colud. 4 彼は少ないながら(貸すことが)できるだけの本を貸してくれた   → (× He lend me what little books he could.) 5 彼女は君が想像するような人ではない   → She is not ( ) you ( ) her to ( ). よろしくお願いします

  • loomed over her

    Recently, my daughter “Sarah” and her best friend, “Lauren,” were playing outside. Lauren’s mom, “Kerry,” and I have become good friends, so she was over as well. Kerry is white, and Lauren’s father is black. While the girls were playing together and I was inside, Sarah apparently cracked her jump rope at Lauren and called her “my ——.” Kerry flew into a fury. She took Sarah’s jump rope, loomed over her, and read her the riot act. loomed over herはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 分詞

    (1)She was sitting on the sofa.(2)Her legs were crossed. の(1)と(2)を「with」を用いて1つの文にする時、 She was sitting on the sofa,with her legs were crossed. でいいですか?添削をお願いします。

  • 英訳が分かりません。

    the woman who disagrees well she sure has disagreed for many things in her life....you man really thanks for whatever you were talking there. Respect and bear in mind who made you. Thanks respect以下がわかりません。 どなたか翻訳おねがいいたします。

  • 英訳をお願いします

    私の英訳に誤りがあれば指摘してくださると助かります。 (1)我が家のトイレには小さな本棚があって、そこにはいつも、父の読みかけの本が入っていた。 The toilet in my house had a bookshelf, where there was always books which my father had been reading. (2)私は、つまらないから最後まで読むかどうかわからない、と言うこともあった。 I often said that it was boring me so I didn't know whether I read it till the last page. (3)父は私に、自分が読んで楽しかった本を教えて、楽しい気持ちを共有したかっただけなのだと思う。 I think that he only wanted to share happy feeling with me by telling me the books which he felt was interesting.

  • かっこ内の間違えを直してください

    Read the paragraph and change the underlined mistakes My friend Jane likes to study so she is really smart, but she also likes to exercise so she is really (smart) as well. Recently she passed her driving test and went for a drive but a stone cracked (the front glass) and she had to take the car to the (gas stand) to get it repaired. There she met a car mechanic who had many (charm points) and they started talking. He told her she was beautiful, but she said “I want (to lose my weight)”. He replied “But you are perfect”. Within a year they were married. He still has not fixed her (front glass) though.

  • 参考書の英文、訳、註記です。註記ではasをwhatとして扱っていますが

    参考書の英文、訳、註記です。註記ではasをwhatとして扱っていますが、辞書には that which に当たる説明は見当たりません。この用法が載っている辞書があるのでしょうか? He looked at her as he hadn't looked at her for years. She was as she always was, quiet and selfpossessed, a middle-aged woman who made no effort to look younger than she was.[意味]何年にも絶えてしなかったような眺め方で彼は彼女を眺めた。いつも通りの彼女だった、物静かで、落ち着いた、年寄りも若く見せようと化粧などしない中年の女だった。 ※ as[←what] she always was を具体的に説明するのが続く部分。