• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Riverview
  • ベストアンサー率63% (227/355)

William Strunk Jr.のThe Elements of Styleという本があって英語の文章を書くとき頼りにしています。この本にはダッシュとコロンについてこういう説明があります。 A dash is a mark of separation stronger than a comma, less formal than a colon, and more relaxed than parentheses. A colon tells the reader that what follows is closely related to the preceding clause. この説明を参考にすると、「これはa corner boothまで言いきった後で補足的にダッシュ以下が付け足された」といういい方もできると思います。ただ、ここでは後半の表現に力点があると思います。「隅のボックス席で食事をしている少女」とさりげなくその存在を示した後、一呼吸置いて(これがダッシュですが) 「忘れることなどありえない顔の少女」と本題を提示しているといえるのではないでしょうか。



ちょっとじらした言い方ってことですかね。 Riverviewさんの説明でよくわかった気がします。 ありがとうございました。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    "Here's to the kids. Who will never have 100 percent confidence in anything they do, and to the kids who are okay with that." "Here's to the kids. Who second guess themselves on everything they do." "Here's to the kids. Whose idea of a good night is sitting on the food of a car, Watching the stars." 文頭のwhoやwhoseの意味・働きがよくわらず、一体どうやって訳せばよいのかさっぱりわかりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Actually,I noticed many peculiar things about American's eating habits.I mentioned only their habit of rushing through a meal, but there are other peculiar practices.For example, they eat anywhere.I've seen people eating in their cars while they are driving. On campus, I see students and teachers walking while drinking coffee or eating a sandwich.I think these habits are all related to time.They don't want to 'waste' time eating.They have to accomplish something else while they eat,such as walking somewhere, or driving, or studying,or reading the newspaper,or watching TV.

  • in なのでしょうか on なのでしょうか?

    お世話になっております。前置詞でわからなくなっています。ご指導ください。 教室にいる生徒に向かっていうセリフ「この列に座っている生徒は...」を英語にする場合, (a) the students sitting in this row (b) the students sitting on this row どちらが正しいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 訳をお願いします

    It's no problem, I just noticed you never said anything in the comment selection on that picture, and it surprised me to see nobody had informed you. I've noticed, but sometimes people forget :3 よろしくおねがいます。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I come from Buenos Aires, Argentina and attend Boston University.One-third of the students who attend this school are international students.They come from all over the world, many odaf them from Latin American.There is a large, comfortable cafeteria on campus.I go there every day during school with my friends.Many of them are from Latin American and Spain.For the most part, the American students eat lunch in the cafeteria between noon and two o'clock.I rarely see any of them stay for more than an hour.They get their food and eat as quickly as they can.When they leave, the cafeteria is still full of Latinos.The Latinos linger for several hours talking, laughing, telling stories, and drinking soda and coffee.

  • 英訳…お願いします

    何度もすみません; タイトルの通りなんですが、英文を訳していただけませんか? This also has a number of function : to elicit feedback from the students about their experience , to provide feedback to the students on how they had done , to correct errors that the teacher might have noticed in the course of the instructional sequence , and to get students to reflect on the task and engage in self-evaluation. 英語が苦手なため、訳せません;; 「:」や「,」がたくさんあって、文の構成もどうなっているのか、よくわかりません;; 英語が得意、詳しい方、どなたか訳していただけませんか? お願いします;;

  • sitの意味

    次の英文のsitの意味がわからず,何を言っているのかわかりません。 和訳をお願いします。 They have a great big tank in the kitchen, and in the tank are sitting a whole bunch of pots.

  • 長文の和訳 お願いします

    長文の和訳 お願いします a lot of young people became victims of the battle of ofokinawa. some of the most well known are the girls in the himeyuri student corps. their story has been told in movies and books. Student corps were units that the japanese army created for the battle of okinawa. the himeyuri corpy was made of students and teachers from the okinawa first girl's high school and the female division of the okinawa normal school. in decembar 1944, the japanese military felt that it was impossible to prevent the Americans from landing in okinawa. they organized some studebt corps to help wounded soldiers. at the end of march 1945, the himeyuri students were sent to the army field hospital in haebaru . this was just a few days before the americans landede. the himeyuri corps was formed of 240 members : 222 were students from ages 15 to 19 , and 18 were teachers. they were so busy taking care of wounded soldiers that they didn't even have time to sleep. the war situation got worse. in late may, the himeyuri corps retreated to the south. the last fierce battle of the battle of okinawa was fought in the southern part of okinawa island. when the japanese military knew they were losing he battle, they ordered the himeyuri corps to disband. on june 18 , the girls were thrown out onto the battlefield. more than one hundred of the himeyuri students sent to the battlefield lost their lives. the name "himeyuri" sounds peaceful , but the reality they had to face was far from peace. we must never forget the tragedy of the himeyuri student corps.

  • The EaglesのTake it easyが歌詞の通りに聞こえない

    バンドでEaglesのTake it easyをやっているのですが、原曲が歌詞の通りに聞こえなくて正しい歌詞が分からなく困っています。 ネットで歌詞を探したのですが、 二番目の歌詞に Well, Im a standing on a corner In winslow, arizona And such a fine sight to see Its a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin down to take a look at me Come on, baby, dont say maybe とありますが、Ford slowin down to take a look at meのところの「down」が「never」に聞こえるような気がします。 本当のところはどうなのでしょうか?

  • 和訳・英訳の正誤判断依頼

    【和訳】 1、There is no reasonable explanation for her decision to cancel her appointment.-You know, she is selfish. ⇒約束を取り消すという彼女の決定のための筋の通った説明が全くありません。―ご存知のように彼女は利己的です。 2、They made a promise to meet again at the students' conference in Tokyo the following summer. ⇒彼らは次の夏に東京で再び集まる約束を学生の会議でしました。 【英訳】 1、どの辞書を買えばよいのか、その学生はなかなか決められませんでした。 ⇒The student was not decided easily. which dictionary only had to be bought. 2、誰にペンキを塗ってもらったのですか。 ⇒Who painted? 3、あの嵐の中を夜通しで車を運転したことを私は決して忘れないだろう。 ⇒It will forget in that stormy and I never forget having driven the car in all night. 4、傘をバスの中に置き忘れるとは、あなたは不注意ですね。 ⇒You are careless to leave the umbrella behind in the bus.