• 締切済み



  • piroko121
  • ベストアンサー率29% (32/109)

後半部分(コンマの後)の主語を「法律を変えること」にしたいんですよね?それでしたら、changing laws to....です。


  • 文章構成

    essayを英語で書いてみたのですが、文章構成は正しく書けてますでしょうか??また、文法間違えなどありましたら指摘していただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。 By punishing murderes with the death penalty, society is also guilty of commiting murder. Therefore, life in prison is a better punishment for murderers. To what extent do you agree od disagree with this statement? Given reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. The crimes have been rose dramatically by development of society. All of offenders are obliged to come in the prison in all of countries. Moreover, we believe that it is better to come in the prison. However, it is reported a case which the offenders who sent up at the prison stirs comes again. Although I almost agree with the following statement, I think strongly that there are improvements in the system which the offenders should only come in the prison. First of all, There is a case which the offenders obliged the crimes again. This meant that education of the prison was not speeded to the offenders well. So, I think strongly that the educational system of the prison needs to change greatly. In the solution to the education system, the government should establish a new educational system which has time of the moral educational. Also, the government needs to assure their life after the offenders sent up the prison. For example, the government gives a new job for the offenders. Secondly, we believed that the offenders should be come in the prison because the offenders should atone for the victims. In addition, we think strongly that the system such as the prison need not change. For example, It is a good opportunities to think again that the offenders come in the prison Thirdly, we also should change a view for the offenders. If they go out society, we need watch warmly for them. In conclusion, it is necessary to come in the prison if anyone obliges crimes, whereas the government, including the nation needs to think how to remedy the offenders Besides, When they went out went out society, we should watch warmly them.

  • 英語のエッセイです。どなたか間違い、訂正、アドバイス等をください。

    英語のエッセイです。どなたか間違いの訂正をお願いします Death penalty has a long history. It has existed at almost the same time human society was formed. People executed it in various ways. Sometimes it executed in very cruel way. Many countries, including Japan, have still been adopting it for the heaviest punishment. However, many advanced countries abolished it in recent years. I think Japan should retain capital punishment, riding this trend for four reasons. First of all, I think no one have a right to kill someone even if he or she is offender. Human dignity is the universal truth that is the basis of ethics. There is nothing more important than life. I think there is the other better way than killing such as life imprisonment. All people have human rights and capital punishment violate them. Therefore, we should not allow the death penalty. Second reason is that there is possibility of a misjudgment of death penalty. Of course, once capital punishment was executed, person who was put to death would never rise again. Even if he or she was proved to be clear, we could not save him or her after death penalty. In this case, government killed innocent person without rational reason. If there is possibility of a misjudgment of death penalty, we should abolish the death penalty. Third reason is that death penalty should not be adopted for the sake of crime prevention. Some defender of the death penalty say that death penalty have strong deterrent effect against crimes. However, it may not exactly be true. There is no evidence to proof it and there are many safe countries without death penalty. I think we need not to use death penalty as a deterrent power. Death penalty doesn’t have deterrent power against crimes. Forth reason is that death penalty is very cruel punishment. Person who is sentenced to death get not only bodily suffering but also mental anguish. Waiting for determined death is very dreadful and there is no possibility to avoid being killed. Death penalty is not just a bodily punishment. It is also a mental punishment and government does not have the right to punish death-row prisoners’ mentality In conclusion, death penalty is very dangerous to threaten our right as humans. Death penalty has possibility to kill innocent people and it is not just a bodily punishment. We all have human dignity and no one have right to damage it. A flow of the global ideas is to abolish the death penalty and we should not ignore this flow if Japan is a country which value human life. We must abolish the death penalty as soon as possible.

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    Coming-of-Age Day Coming of Age Day is a national holiday which falls on January 15. This national holiday was created in 1948 and a described in the N ational Holidays Act as the day when young people are made aware of their achievement of adulthood and are congratulated. On this day large-scale ceremonies are held in all parts of Japan. The local cities and communities play host at the celbration ceremonies to all the young men and women who have had their twentieth birthday during the past year. The new adults gather together to hear congratulatory messages from the heads of their local government. Then one of the young people, speaking on behalf of the others, formally acknowledges that they have reached adulthood and pledges their determination to become good members of society. At the age of twenty young people receive the right to vote, smoke and drink, and obtain the freedom to marry without their parents' consent, but, at the same time, they must bear the responsibilities of adults.

  • この英文の訳をお願いいたします。 長いです。

    Every society makes laws to protect its way of life. By looking at a country's laws, we can learn something about the culture of that society. We can also understand what is important to its people. Sometimes these laws may surprise outsiders. In Switzerland,for example,you can't hang out laundry on Sundays. It is also against the law to use a power lawn mower on Sundays because it is too noisy. These laws tell us that Sunday are very important to the Swiss. これをお願いいたします。 あとit'sとitsの違いは何なのでしょうか。 よければお願いいたします。

  • 英語でのディベートのアドバイスお願いします。

    明日学校で、『体罰は良いか、悪いか』というテーマで、英語のディベートをします。私はくじでModeratorをすることになりました。全体の進行は先生が行ってくれるのですが、ディベートがより円滑に進むように、賛成派と反対派に対して質問を考えてくるように先生に言われました。 そこで、ちょっと考えて 1.(反対派に対して)時間をあまりかけずに、悪いことをしたと分からせることは、良いことだと思いませんか? 2.(反対派に対して)言葉だけで、小さな子供は聞く耳を持ってくれると思いますか? 3.(反対派に対して)言葉を用いても使い様によっては精神的な傷を負わすことがあると思います。言葉でも使いようによって子供を傷つけるのは同じではありませんか? 4.(賛成派に対して)中学生や高校生の子に、体罰は有効的だと思いますか? という質問を考えて英文に直してみたのですが、こんな感じの英文できちんと私の言いたいことが伝わるでしょうか?アドバイスお願いします。 1. Do you think that it is good to discioline quickly? 2. Do you think that young children will listen to adults? 3. Some times children can be inflict on mental by verbal punishment. Do you think that it is a same thing as corporal punishment? 4. Do you think corporal punishment is effective for the junior high school students and high school student? また、何か質問内容についてのアドバイスがあれば、ぜひお願いします。

  • to不定詞の用法

    The death penalty is needed to show society's resolve never to let hateful crimes happen again. の中の to let と同じ不定詞の使い方をしている不定詞は以下のどれか。という問題なのですが、いまいちよくわかりません。判断の根拠はどのようにしたらいいのでしょうか。教えて頂けないでしょうか。よろしくお願い致します。 a) He pretended to solve the problem by himself. b) She made a promise to see me soon. c) They must be crazy to do such a thing.

  • 関係副詞whenについて

    As the world becomes increasingly complex, the transition from child to adult in our society becomes increasingly nuanced. In the olden days, an ability to work in the fields signified adulthood. Intersetingly, the term "adolescent" did not start to be used until the fifteenth century, while the concept of the young adult did ont appear until much more recently, when the munber of older adults increased and could be used as a comparative base. while the concept of the young adult did ont appear until much more recently, when the munber...の途中の文にあるwhenは関係副詞のwhenですか? もしそうだった場合recentlyは時間の先行詞になる単語の1つということですか?

  • 英語教えてください!(ちょっと長文です)

    今学校の問題を解いているのですが、どうしてもいまいち自信が持てない文があります。よろしくお願いします。 (1)カッコ内の英文を並び替える問題です。 扇情的な新聞・雑誌は、ともかくまともなニュースよりも、犯罪やスキャンダルな記事を呼び物にする。 →Sensational journals (articles, crimes, tend to, rather, feature, scandalous, news, and, than, serious). 私はこのようにしてみましたがどうでしょう? →Sensational journals tend to feature crimes and scancalous articles rather than serious news. (2)日本文から英文へ訳問題です。 日本人が外国へ行って生活の仕方を変えるのは難しいことだ。(It's difficult... とtheir way of livingを使わなくてはいけません) 私は2つ考えてみましたがどちらがいいでしょうか? →A:It's difficult for Japanese people to go to a foreign country and to change their way of living.  B:It's difficult for Japanese people to change their way of living when they go to a foreign country. 「生きた人間」にぴったりの訳し方はただの「human beings」よりも「the living human beings」になるのでしょうか? 以上の点、是非お分かりになる方いらっしゃいましたらアドバイスをお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    the tide change after 2025の部分をどう訳したらいいか分かりません。前後の文章も載せておきます。 Even Tokyo, which enjoys an influx of young people from across the country, expect to see the tide change after 2025, according to a forecast. The capital’s population is tipped to fall to 11.73 million in 2060, down 13 percent from 2015

  • 英文の穴埋め・間違い訂正の添削をお願いします

    ※間違い訂正 間違い→訂正の順で書きました 1)Everyone of us has a responsibility to the society which he is a part. which→? 2)I'll think about that you have asked me and give you my decision later. that→what 3)Malaysia is a country in a tropical area,which the leaves never change colors. which→where ※()内穴埋め 4)This is the boy (who) I am sure will win the first prize. 5)The view of the lake from my window is different from (what) it used to be. 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。