
  • ハリケーンの被害について心配し、復興を願う気持ちを英文に表現しようと思います。
  • 災害で被害を受けた方々に対しての思いや、日本企業の支援についても言及したいです。
  • ハリケーンの被害からの復興を祈りつつ、心配と支援の気持ちを英文で伝えたいです。
  • ベストアンサー


ハリケーンの件について英語にしたいのですが、気の使う言葉で、 どのように英文にしていいか検討がつきません。 「今回の災害で沢山の方が被害に見舞われ、とても 落胆されてると思いますが一日も早く街が復興される事を 願っております。 日本は企業は50億ドルの支援を発表しました」 "A lot of one undergoes the damage by this disaster, and I think that it is discouraged very much, but a town prays for it being revived as soon as possible". In Japan, the company announced support of 5000000000 dollars" take care.

  • legs
  • お礼率92% (1500/1623)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Ukay
  • ベストアンサー率34% (25/72)

I'm very sorry that so many people have suffered for Hurricane Katrina, hoping the cities are recovered as soon as possible. 「日本は企業は50億ドルの支援を発表しました」 の文ですが、legsさんはthe companyと書いており特定の1社が50億ドルの支援を発表したとしているので僕も単数形で書きます。 In Japan, the company announced $5 billion support. あとtake care.だけではぶっきら棒なので、God bless you.など祈りのことばを付け加えた方がいいとおもいます。



ありがとうございます。 会社の支援だったか、 国か忘れちゃいまして.... 単位はbillionを使うのですね。 God bless you.とても参考になりました。


  • As anonouncedについて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 As announced at the company meeting on January 10, we will be changing the regular work hours for most employees as part of our initiative to reduce energy costs. (1)As announced はAs it is announced のit isが省略されているのでしょうか? (2)もしそうでしたら、主節と従属節の主語が違っても省略することができるのでしょか? どう考えてもwe areが省略されているとは考えられないのでお伺いさせていただきました。 これまでと類似の質問で恐縮でございますが、どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • ハリケーンの記事について

    アメリカではハリケーンに人名がつけられていますが、名前の付け方にはルールがあるようです。そのシーズンの最初に発生したハリケーンにはアルファベットのaから始まる名前を、2番目に発生したハリケーンにはbから始まる名前をつけているというような記事があります。 この記事によると2005年はカトリーナをはじめ、たくさんのハリケーンがきたので、もし22番目が発生したらどのような名前をつけるかが話題になっていたようです。(アルファベットは21個しかないため) 下記はその記事です。 In two thousand five, Greek letters had to be used for the first time to name storms in the Atlantic. That was the plan -- to call storms Alpha, Beta and so on -- if there were ever more than twenty-one named storms in a season. As it happened, there were twenty-eight. A> The two thousand five Atlantic hurricane season was the first on record to have fifteen hurricanes. 一番目の段落には、2005年に28個のハリケーンがきたとの記事がありますが、それにコメントする形でAさんは、15個のハリケーンがきたといっています。 これは何かの間違いなのでしょうか

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    After almost a year, SAG-AFTRA, a union representing video game voice actors, announced it may soon be ending its strike against 11 video game companies, penning a new contract for voice actor safety and company transparency.

  • Toyota is as much a state

    Toyota is as much a state of mind as it is a car company. を訳してください。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13134085338 で答えがあったのですが、あまりにひどい誤訳だったので、びっくりしています。

  • asの用法について

    The company announced its quarterly profit rose a surprising 13 percent as strong growth in its international beverage and snacks businesses offset weak sales of carbonated drinks in the U.S. ここで使用されているasの用法を教えていただけないでしょうか? 「~として」でしょうか?「~なので」でしょうか? あるいは、as 以降の部分がa surprising 13 percentを修飾していますでしょうか? (私はasは接続詞なので修飾はできないと認識していますが。。) 海外での飲料およびスナック事業の目覚しい成長が米国内での 炭酸飲料の売上げ不振を相殺したので=>a surprising 13 percentを修飾。 このasの用法の例文等を教えていただけると幸いです。

  • 下の文を和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? Sue McGregor finds it difficult to continue her presentation of Britain as a ‘good boy’ because as soon as a pronoun reference is needed, ‘she’ emerges automatically, causing the journalist some confusion and embarrassment. It appears that as far as pronouns are concerned, our ideas about the gender of, not just mechanical objects, but also countries, are deeply in our thinking.

  • 英文チェックをお願いします・

    以下の英文の添削をお願いできますでしょうか? I took part in volunteer work in Tohoku where I was searching for missing people from the horrible earthquake which happened a year and a half ago. There are still over 2800people who have not been found. I had to have a feeling of helplessness when I saw the horrible scars of the disaster, but it is a reality that there are still a lot of people who lost their family and have to continue to live in the scares. I think it is an important to find missing people as soon as possible so that the family of them will be able to take a step toward recovery. (原文) 1年半前に発生した地震による行方不明者を捜索するためのボランティア活動に参加してきました。今なお2800名以上の方々が行方不明となっています。 災害のすさまじい爪痕を見て、私は自分の無力さを感じざるを得ませんでした。でも、家族を失って、その爪痕の中で生活を続けている方々がいるのも現実なんですよね。 行方不明者のご家族の方々が復興の一歩を踏み出せるようにするためにも、一日も早く行方不明者を見つけることが重要だと感じています。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Maxim,having thus studied Edison's ideas,announced in the Scientific American of October 23,1880,his new lamp,which in reality was but a bad imitation of the Edison paper lamp Instead of making a carbon in the shape of a horseshoe,Maxim made his at first in the form of a Maltese cross and later in the form of an M. His company,the United States Electric Light Company,made several installations during its struggling existence,and then passed away, as did also Maxim the electrician-through Maxim the gun maker survived in England where he found it more congenial to live than in America.The trouble with most of the early imitators of Edison's ideas was that they had no system,while Edison had worked out a fundamental one which embraced all the necessary accessories and of which the lamp was but one of principal parts. In those days spies were plentiful;it appeared that there existed a regular inaugurated system of espionage for years.Later we obtained conclusive evidence of the existence of printed confidential reports from private operators-of which I hope soon to tell you more.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Maxim,having thus studied Edison's ideas,announced in the Scientific American of October 23,1880,his new lamp,which in reality was but a bad imitation of the Edison paper lamp Instead of making a carbon in the shape of a horseshoe,Maxim made his at first in the form of a Maltese cross and later in the form of an M. His company,the United States Electric Light Company,made several installations during its struggling existence,and then passed away, as did also Maxim the electrician-through Maxim the gun maker survived in England where he found it more congenial to live than in America.The trouble with most of the early imitators of Edison's ideas was that they had no system,while Edison had worked out a fundamental one which embraced all the necessary accessories and of which the lamp was but one of principal parts. In those days spies were plentiful;it appeared that there existed a regular inaugurated system of espionage for years.Later we obtained conclusive evidence of the existence of printed confidential reports from private operators-of which I hope soon to tell you more.

  • 英文スピーチの添削をお願いします。

    英文スピーチの添削をお願いします。 テーマは日本企業の英語の社内公用語化についてです。 英語が全くと言っていいほどできないので、 ほとんどを翻訳ソフトに頼ってしまいました。 間違っているところがたくさんあると思うので 英語がわかる方、教えてください。 Companies such as these days, Uniqlo or Rakuten announced the English office official language. Employees go to the English conversation school and seem to hurry measures. It is said that it is the globalization of the company,and the mutual understanding in the English is essential. But the Japanese who has an image to be negative even if they hold a meeting by the language that they are not used to, It may be hard to come to give an opinion even more. It employ a foreign employee and it is important that it have a global field of vision for the growth of the company. However,there is not a meaning to be a Japanese company when a Japanese is hard to work. It's not limit all to English and think that one devising usage with the Japanese is effective.