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  • ezokagura
  • ベストアンサー率18% (9/50)

私の訳です。これが正しいとかではなく、部分的にこっちの方がいいな、ここはだめだな、 と比べる一つにしてくださると良いと思います。 (訳例) もしも段落が主な主張のみでできていたら、単調で退屈なものになるだろう。 論理的な説明を加えたり主な主張を裏付ける証拠を示すことによって、 筆者がどのようにして自分の考えを裏打ちするかが、読書を面白くする。 鍵となる言葉や具体例や細部の描写が、話題をふくらませるのに使われる。 これから深読みできることは、文章が実際には単調だったり退屈だったりすることはない。 (仮定法のwould → makes reading interesting 実際には面白い) 「論理的説明や主な考えを裏付ける証拠」の具体例を挙げると、 キーワードや具体例やディーテイルである。 thoughtを積み重ねていき、evidence ができ、evidenceを集めていって idea ができる。 主な主張のみで文がつくられないように、 キーワードや具体例やディーテイルで文章を組み立てていく。 hapihapiさんのもkawarivさんのも私のも、文意は同じく捉えていると思います。 後は私が上に書いたような内容理解(論理展開と文章構造)が必要なのか、 こなれた日本語が必要なのか、という問題だと思います。 ただ訳語は趣味と文脈が大きく入るので、個人的には幅広く認められるものだと思っています。





  • 自然な日本語に訳してください!

    読解の方法に関する英文なのですが、うまく訳せなくて困っています。自動翻訳も試してみたのですがどうも自然にやくせなくて。。。自然な日本語に直してください!(ちょっと内容をかえてもOKです!)特に最後の文はどう訳したらいいのでしょうか? それと、“writer's main idea” というとき、“main idea”って、ふつう日本語で何といいますか? Finding a topic is the first step in reading. But knowing the topic is not enough. You must also know what is being said about the topic. Writers organize their writing around topic sentence, with each paragraph focusing on one issue. Thus, if you know how to find a topic sentence in each paragraph,you will be never left in the dark.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The light horse had gradually withdrawn back until, at about 11:00, the main German and Ottoman attack was stopped by well directed fire from the Royal Horse Artillery batteries of the Anzac Mounted Division and by light horse rifle and machine gun fire, to which the 52nd (Lowland) Division contributed considerable firepower. The attackers appeared to have exhausted themselves, but they held their ground while Austrian and Ottoman artillery of various calibres, including 5.9" and 10.5 cm guns, fired on the defenders and their camps, and German and Ottoman aircraft severely bombed the defenders.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Austro-Hungarian forces retreated and Gorizia fell to the Italians. They, however, didn't succeed in forcing their way to Trieste, and were stopped northwest of Duino.Fighting culminated on 6 August, when Italian forces under general Luigi Capello launched an attack on Austro-Hungarian positions guarding the main transport road leading from the coast town of Duino to Gorizia. The main objective of the attack was to secure the transport road, thus securing their advance to Gorizia from the south. A plan was drafted by Italian general Luigi Capello, to split the army in half, with one side attacking straight at Austrian positions and the other to attack from the rear.

  • 日本語訳にしてほしいです。

    They have also theorized about the causes and consequences of people's behaving in individualistic and collectivist ways and discovered that people are typically both individualists and collectivists. The best states of individual and societal health are linked to the balance between these tendencies. Many problems of modernity can be linked to too much individualism, whereas a lack of human rights can be attributed to too much collectivism. Collectivism may be initially defined as a social pattern consisting of (a ) linked individuals who see themselves as parts of one or more collectives (family, co-workers, tribe, nation); are primarily motivated by the standards of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of these collectives over their own personal goals; and emphasize their connectedness to members of these collectives. One definition (b ) linked individuals of individualism is a social pattern that consists of who view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contracts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages of associating with others. (a) と(b)に入る単語も教えてほしいです。ア~コまで当てはまるものを選んで下さい。 ア. loosely イ. distantly ウ. slowly エ.nearly オ. openly カ. friendly キ.enthusiastically ク.closely ケ.mostly コ.quickly

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    But elsewhere in the north and south the brigades had been fought to a standstill. Turkish artillery fire intensified and at 10:30 Chavaul asked for air support to help locate their batteries. Part of the problem being they were a larger calibre than the British guns and were out-ranging them. At the same time he sent one of his reserve regiments the Warwickshire Yeomanry to support the Composite Brigade. By 11:30 the ANZAC Division was deployed in a crescent around three miles (4.8 km) the Turkish position and could observe the Turkish camel transports leaving to the east. But thirty minutes later the Turkish troops counter-attacked along the length of their line.

  • 次の英文.を日本語訳していただけないでしょうか。

    The organic chemistry of membrane transport processes and carrier molecules has been developed only rather recently , considering that their physico-chemical features and biological importance have long been recognized. The design and synthesis of receptor molecules binding selectively organic and inorganic substrates has made available a range of compounds that , if made membrane soluble , may become carrier molecules and induce selective transport by rendering membranes permeable to the bound species. Thus , transport represents one of the basic functional features of supramolecular species together with recognition and catalysis. The chemistry of transport systems has three main goals : to design transport effectors , to devise transport processes , and to investigate their applications in chemistry and in biology. Selective membrane permeability may be induced either by carrier molecules or by transmembrane channels.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    However, all aircraft in No. 1 Squadron had to return to their new landing ground at Rafa, as nothing of the ground could be seen from the air. Dallas', 53rd (Welsh) Division was moving forward, despite the fog to make a direct assault on Gaza. At 05:20, the division's 158th (North Wales) and the 160th (Welsh Border) infantry brigades were crossing the Wadi Ghuzze while the 159th (Cheshire) Brigade was in reserve. By 06:50 the 160th (Welsh Border) Brigade had moved towards Shaluf and the 158th (North Wales) Brigade was moving towards Mansura, but they were ordered to slow down because artillery support may not be available, if the fog were to suddenly lift. By 07:50, the leading battalions were approaching Sheikh Seehan without having encountered any Ottoman defenders. Between 08:15 and 08:55 hostile planes flew over the advancing infantry, firing their machine guns into the columns. At 08:30 the 160th (Welsh) Brigade was about 2,400 yards (2,200 m) from Gaza, with their leading battalion 2 miles (3.2 km) southwest of the commanding heights of their main objective, Ali Muntar.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    When they arrived at a plateau 2,500 yards (2,300 m) from El Magruntein, the Warwickshire Yeomanry on the right was ordered to attack the B1 and B2 redoubts, while the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars were "sent to the left along the edge of the sand-dunes" to attack the right of the A1 redoubt, the most westerly of the defences. The troops dismounted to begin their attack 2,000 yards (1,800 m) from their objectives, but were immediately engaged by heavy machine-gun fire and shrapnel from two guns. By 10:00 the attack from the north, led by the Auckland Mounted Rifles and supported by two machine-guns, with the Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment on their right, had ridden into Rafa as they circled around El Magruntein. Here, they quickly captured the village along with six German and two Ottoman officers, 16 other ranks and 21 Bedouins.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    A school was opened in January 1917 to teach infantry commanders the new methods. Given the Allies' growing superiority in munitions and manpower, attackers might still penetrate to the second (artillery protection) line, leaving in their wake German garrisons isolated in Widerstandsnester, (resistance nests, Widas) still inflicting losses and disorganisation on the attackers. As the attackers tried to capture the Widas and dig in near the German second line, Sturmbattalions and Sturmregimenter of the counter-attack divisions would advance from the rückwärtige Kampfzone into the battle zone, in an immediate counter-attack, (Gegenstoss aus der Tiefe). If the immediate counter-attack failed, the counter-attack divisions would take their time to prepare a methodical attack, provided the lost ground was essential to the retention of the main position. Such methods required large numbers of reserve divisions ready to move to the battlefront. The reserve was obtained by creating 22 divisions by internal reorganisation of the army, bringing divisions from the eastern front and by shortening the western front, in Operation Alberich. By the spring of 1917, the German army in the west had a strategic reserve of 40 divisions.

  • 日本語訳

    次の文章を日本語訳してくださいお願いします。 What better way is there to invest in Japan than to create programs that train young Japanese , to show them abroad at their best , and to aid people and the environment?