• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:胸に手をあてての表現)



  • ベストアンサー

相手の方は「胸に」ではなく「乳房に」手を置いていると思われているので、それでセクシュアルなジョークと勘違いされているようですね。 まず、その部分を正して、 She (B) is not letting xxx to touch her breast. Rather, she is placing xxx's hand on her (inner) heart. などとしてはどうでしょう。 その後、 Such gesture shows that she wants xxx to understand/read how she is feeling. と説明するとより伝わりやすいように思います。 コントでよく使われると付け加えたい場合は、This is used in commedy show.あるいはThis is a popular expression used in commedy show.等とすると良いかと思いますが、日本のコントを知らない方にとってはあまり意味はないかと。あとコント以外でも使われると言えば使われますよね。 アメリカ人は胸の痛みや高ぶりを表現するために自分自身の胸に手を当てることはあっても、人の胸に手を置いたり、人の手を自分の胸に置いたりはしないように思います。



ありがとうございます。 詳しい説明で、ただただ、だつぼうしております。 わたしの場合文章が複雑になるとチンプンカンプンになってしまいます


  • 祈りのポーズ

    よく、教会の十字架の前で人がお祈りをしているポーズがあります。指が交互になるように胸の前で手を組み、ひざまずいているポーズですが、付帯状況のwithを使って言うとどうなるでしょうか。She is praying with her hands ???? in front of her breast and with her knees on the floor. どうも、英語になりません。

  • この英文について、文法、表現、教えてください。

    アメリカでアパート暮らししています。先月の家賃を払い損ねてしまい、 管理者から"Three day notice to pay rent or quit"の用紙を渡されました。その中の内容です。 1、Three day notice ですが、Three days なのではないのでしょうか? 2、Of the premises designated by the number, street, and unit number as 1111 XXX avenue..... , state of California.始めのOf the premises のof は? もう1枚の用紙"Declaration of service notice to resident"の内容についてです。 文頭に、 I, the undersigned, declare that at the time of service of this paper herein referred to, I was at least EIGHTEEN (18) years of age, and that I served the following checked notice. 文末に、 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and if called as a witness to testify thereto, I could do so competently. 上記の2つの文章、詳しく教えていただけますか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いいたします。

    すいません、前回の投稿の続きですがYoutubeについての英文を書きました。 もしよろしければ、添削して頂けないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。 I will write about the system of youtube. Youtube is video distribution website and on this website there are many various uploaded videos from the videos about politics to the video about daily life event. When you use the search engine in the top of center and you search the keyword that you are interested in with the search engine, you can find many videos that is related the keywords you searched. And when you click the movie you are interested in and open the page with a click, the site show you the video and also the video that is related to the video you searched next to it. ユーチューブとは、動画配信サイトとのことで、そのサイト上には、政治に関するビデオから、何気ない日常を録画したビデオまで、様々なビデオがアップロードされています。YouTubeの上部中央にある、検索エンジンを使って、あなたが気になっているキーワードで検索すれば、そのキーワードの関連した多くのビデオを見ることができます。そして、あなたが気になる動画をクリックして、新しいページを開けば、その動画の横には、その動画に関連付けられている動画が表示されます。

  • You tubeを見たひとからきました。

    詳しく訳してください( ; ; ) I just caught one of your vids on YouTube. Can you say AWESOME! I really think your video could be the next big thing on YouTube, but I noticed that not many people had seen it yet. It's clear from your videos that you've got the talent, I can't believe you haven't started getting the views yet! I don't say this often, but your videos were really some of the best I have seen on YouTube. You're videos truly are a refreshing take on things. So many of the popular videos on YouTube just repeat the same garbage as someone else. Sometimes making a good video just isn't enough. I know, I used to spend so much time making my YouTube videos and then have no one watch them. That all changed when I found tubechanneldoctor . com How it works is that they send a ton of views to your videos. The views really help your video get into the YouTube search engine which then gets your video even more exposure and views. Right now, they even have a penny promotion going on! You should give them a try, they really helped me increase my views and with it being just a penny, you really have nothing to lose. Please make sure you keep making those videos no matter what. It's refreshing to finally have some good content to watch for a change. Can't wait for more of your stuff!

  • 簡単に日本語に訳してください

    Your Recent Video Hi there, I watched some of your videos last night and I have to say I was impressed. The one thing that really struck me was that you weren't getting many views. I am always amazed how good videos can get so few views when some of the other crap gets millions. Ultimately, I thought your vids were some of the best on the site. Isn't it crazy that people would rather the same garbage over and over instead of new and fresh material? You shouldn't feel alone though. I used to have a problem getting views on my videos too, then I found http://tinyurl.com/35hczew Basically the service sends a ton of views to your videos so that you can get ranked in the YouTube search engine. Right now they have a free trial going on, so it really doesn't cost you a cent. Give them a try, maybe they can help you the same way they helped me. But no matter what, make sure you keep making those videos. I can't wait to watch the next one. Take care. __________________________________________ エキサイト翻訳で訳しましたが意味がよく分からなかったのでお願いします。

  • 英語の表現でおかしいところをおしえてください。

    In the experiment of administering Isoprenaline to a rat, rat's heart rate went up. This shows that Isoprenaline stimulates a sympathetic nerve. And it shows that Isoprenaline caused decrease in blood pressure. In the experiment of administering to a rat, showed that cocaine caused decrease in rat’s haert rate. On the other hands, its blood pressure was increased. Thus it is suggested that Cocain stimulates parasympathetic nerve which is involved in the decreasing of heart rate and central nerve which lead to increase of blood pressure.

  • この英文の訳をお願いできませんか?

    Under the terms of the new agreement, YouTube will promote NBC's fall programs and other shows for one year. The site will host an official NBC Channel with exclusive clips and long-form promos for popular programs. NBC also plans to run a contest on YouTube that will allow users to submit their own 20-second promotion videos. The network will promote the contest on air, and winners' videos will appear on NBC and on the show's official Web site. This seems to be the obvious solution and one that provides a win-win situation for all. As information technology moves from the exclusive domain of corporations and into the hands of the average person, it is no longer possible for media giants to battle the interactive nature of new media technology, and should welcome the public participation in the marketing of their products. よろしくお願いします(^_^;)

  • youtube コメントについて教えてください。

    Hi, My name is Mike I am recruiting videos for an exciting new video sharing social network called ShowMe.TV. I saw your Youtube channel and thought I'd introduce ShowMe where a football tricks video can be entered into a contest for the chance to win a share of £6,450 if you are in the top 10, £5k of which goes to the winner. Please click here to view full details and upload your video http://www.showme.tv/contests/most-amazing-football-tricks When you browse the site for the first time and hit the 'videos' section, the first thing you will notice is that there are currently no video submissions to view. The reason for this is that we are a new site and we have just launched our first round of contests. Due to the voting mechanism in place, we collect all video submissions, and then at the start of the voting period we publish all videos on our website. The first contest to enter its voting period will be Jam Planet's 'Pop-star impersonation' where voting begins on 30th August. Thereafter, our 4 categories will have contests running in differing lifecycles, i.e. the voting periods will be at different times. So there will always be videos for members to view and vote on. You have until 11th September to upload your video for the 'Most amazing football tricks' contest, voting will then commence on 14th September. If you have any questions about any aspect of ShowMe, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service team on customerservices@showme.tv. You can also view our Youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/wwwshowmetv and read our review on http://www.killerstartups.com/Video-Music-Photo/showme-tv-video-contests-for-everybody I hope to see your football tricks video entered into this contest soon. Please note that the submission deadline for your video is 11th September. Kind Regards, Mike www.showme.tv これはどういう意味なのでしょうか、さっぱりわかりません。 分かる方、長いですが教えてください。

  • NHKの徹底トレーニングからの質問です。

    There were so many dads there taking videos that our view was totally blocked. [とてもたくさんの父が居てビデオを撮っていたから僕達の視界が 完全にさえぎられてたんだよ。] 不勉強の私には下記のように思えるのですが There were so many dads who taking videos that our view was totally blocked. さらにthat は接続詞ですか?私にはandの方がしっくるするのですが 宜しくお願いします。

  • youtubeからのメールなんですが・・・。

    What's up, I just finished watch some of your videos on YouTube and have to say I was highly impressed. I just don't get why videos as good as yours aren't getting more views. I just don't understand it, I mean your videos are much better than most of the crap on there. They were completely enjoyable to watch (much more so than many videos on the site). Isn't it crazy that people would rather the same garbage over and over instead of new and fresh material? I used to have the same problem with low views until I found, TubeTrafficMembership . Com They send a bunch of views your way and really help make sure that the YouTube community takes notice of your videos. If you try it right now it won't even cost you a cent. They have a free trial going on now! Why not give them a try and see if they can help you the way they helped me. No matter what you decide I hope you keep sending your videos in, they make YouTube all the more enjoyable. Have a great day. 上のメールが来たのですがよく分かりません せっかくメールをくれたのに無視・・ではなんだか嫌だしグーグル翻訳してみたり 自分ではできる限りはしましたが 結果よくわかりませんでした 自分が英語得意だったらスラスラっと意味がわかると思うのですが・・・ もしよければ翻訳してください 完璧でなくてもいいです  内容がだいたい分かれば満足なのでどうか御願いしますorz