• 締切済み




ただ,yes か no で答えるだけでいいのでしょうか。 それならば Have you received a full course of tetanus injections?(完了している時) →Yes, I have. Do you have any allergic reactions to any other drugs?(ないとき) →No, I don't. Are you allergic to any foods?(ないとき) →No, I'm not. 違う意図のご質問だったのでしょうか。



早速回答いただいてありがとうございました。 助かりました。


  • Do you have Are thereの違い

    Do you have any other designs? と店員さんに言ったとします。 この場合、Are there any other designs? と言っても通じませんか? Do you haveとIs(Are)there~を使うシーンの違いを分かりやすく教えて頂けると幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Any other question? かそれとも ~questions? 

    「他に何か質問は?」という時は、Do you have any other quesition? なのか、それとも Do you have any other questions? なのか、どちらが文法的に見て正しい言い方なのでしょうか? また話者の意図しだいでどちらも可能ということになるのでしょうか?

  • Why have you decided to do that,の意味

    下記のインタビュー記事の、「Why have you decided to do that、」に現在完了を使っている理由は何でしょうか?現在完了形は、「現在とのつながりを示す」ので、現在でも彼が委員長であることを示唆しているのでしょうか。また、この英文を過去形「Why did you decide to do that,」にした場合、現在は委員長であるかは不明ということでしょうか? 「You are 75, and you were brought out of retirement to head UNMOVIC, and now you are heading new agency. Why have you decided to do that, instead of going back into retirement?」

  • 搭乗手続き(空港)などで聞かれること

    Can I have your tickts and passport? Do you have any baggage to checkin? Do you have any sharp objects? Have you packed the suitcase yourself? Are you carring anything for anyone else? こういう質問以外に何か聞かれることはありますか? いろいろ教えてください

  • 翻訳してください

    Thank you for contacting Canada.ca. This email has been automatically generated to let you know that we have received your message. The Government of Canada privacy policies do not allow us to forward email messages on your behalf to any other Government of Canada organizations, programs, services or representatives. We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.

  • 和訳を...

    5. What foods do you like to eat :D ? 6. Which foods do you not like D:< ? 7. What do people in the US eat that you think is gross? 8. Explain how you perceive your own culture in Japan: 9. What are some of the things you love about your culture in Japan? (traditions, values, practices etc.) 10. What do you think the US and Japan have in common?

  • もしもじゃないif do you know if

    do you know if any of your other shops have it in stock? この中でつかわれている if は~かどうかという訳でいいんですか?

  • 英文契約書の解釈について質問です。

    契約書を翻訳しています。 We have not as at today's date, received: any other notice of any other assignment. の as at today's date, とはどんな意味でしょうか?  「本日まではreceived以降を受け入れていない」 という意味でしょうか?

  • 不定詞の形容詞的用法?

    You are still a university student now, right? Do you have any opportunities to speak English? この英文を文法的に説明してください、そしてどの文型に当てはまるかの説明もしてください。 You are still a university student now, right? こういうのを平叙疑問文というんですか? Stillは副詞?この位置だけですか置けるの? 最後のrightは副詞? svcの第3文型? Do you have any opportunities to speak English? SVOの第3文型? Anyは疑問文だから?someは使えない? to speakはto 不定詞の形容詞的用法でEnglishを修飾している?

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    The Safety of GM Foods Dou you think genetically modified food is safe enough to eat? A number of critics believe that GM foods have been not tested enough and that they must be re-tested to make sure they are not a risk to our health.Some studies suggest that GM foods may be harmful and dangerous to our health. Scientists have discovered in a laboratory experiment that rats fed with GM corn have toxins in their kidneys and liver. More importantly, the same kind of corn has already been approved for use as food for humans in the United States. Another discovery about GM foods suggests that people may have an allergic reaction to the genes which have been newly introduced.For example,scientists were thinking about introducing a gene from Brazil nuts into soybeans. Due to this GM technology,new allergens could be created, and people who have allergies can have a serious allergic reaction to the products made with the GM soybeans. A study indicates that more than 12 million Americans,about 4% of the population, have food allergies. They may have serious allergies,even anaphylactic shock if they eat foods with allergens. This severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) may cause difficulty breathing and shock, ultimately leading to death.