• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • fahy
  • ベストアンサー率28% (29/100)



  • 英文を和訳してください

    買い物をする時のポイントとして A さんと B さんが話しているときに出てきた表現です。 You wouldn't want to spend this kind of money and not be fashionable! もう 1 点、「and」がいつもよく分かりません。 文章(文脈)がそこで切れるのか、何かを並列して列挙しているのか悩んでしまいます。 見分けるコツのような物があれば、合わせて教えてください。

  • 和訳お願い致します

    この表現をされた場合、行く行くは付き合いたいといってますか?異性としてみられてますよね?友達にも使うのでしょうか どんなシチュエーションで使うか気になりまた。 I really think you are a wonderful person One of the nicest, kindest people I have ever met in my life I want to get to know you better and I want to spend more time with you

  • どなたか和訳をお願い致します

    I read your words. I wish we had a sweeter reunion. I just wanted to hold you close and love you. It was such a simple hope. That is how I feel. But I am still happy we met. I would like to meet you again if you wish to visit here again. I just got back here today. The truth is I miss you. But if we spend another evening together, please lets make it pure..and sweet. Especially the next time. If you would like to visit me here again and spend the night I welcome it. I could meet you here again like the place we were at before. I am free from 8pm. Infact.. If you want to meet me tomorrow (Tuesday) I would welcome it. I have a gift for you from my travels. I also miss you.

  • 何度もすみません。

    何度もすみません。 こちらの文章の翻訳を宜しくお願い致します。 i want to friendsip with you .becaus your verry nice and lovly gril..so i like to you.,,you want to firend sip with ?me ?

  • 英語翻訳の質問です

    こんにちわ よろしくお願いします! カナダの方からのメールです。 私の力では翻訳できず・・・ 英語の得意な方よろしくおねがします。 長くてすいません。。。 I'm glad you searching Owen Sound on google map. I like exploring Japan on google Earth, however the more I search the more I want to visit. Kyoto is one of the have to see stop I want to visit. I think it would be a beautiful place to visit. I also want to find some beautiful places maybe not as tourist heavy to get a more "aw this is Japan" feeling. I would like to visit Oogata sandy beach, it sounds like I would really enjoy it. The only thing I enjoy to really do near me is to go to Sauble beach with is about 20 minutes from Owen sound. If you come visit Canada it would be a pleasure to guide you around. You'll have to give me a little heads up so I can save some money if you want to visit a different province, or to let me know if theres some place you want to see, so I can make a map of how to get there =D. I do indeed know what you mean. ^_^

  • 彼女からメールが来ました。訳してください。

    i want to meet you too, and you have nice english you know? so what do you do for living ? are you working? see you soon,.

  • この英語、訳してください。

    ever been featured on youtube?? How nice to see you guys ! Your channel is so lovely and What a great surprise you given through the videos you uploaded ! I believe, it will be a great idea to visit sub4sub ( dot ) com because it is a awesome way to get subscribers. Have a nice weekend, Good bye guys Anderson

  • 使い方間違ってますか?

    The place I want to visit is Hawaii . If I go to Hawaii , I want to visit Pearl Harbor . I am interested in Pearl Harbor attack . It happened on December 8 , 1941 . About 2400 people died it . We must not forget it . And I think that I should importantly spend every day . 間違いがありましたら、ご指摘お願いします。 ちなみに中3です。

  • 英訳お願い致します

    Hey friends! Let me know if you want to place a Thirty-One order by Wednesday morning. Spend over $35 and be entered in my party drawing for a free large utility tote. Here's the link to my party. https://www.mythirtyone.com/113007/shop/Party/Parties 基本単語ばかりなのに読めません。よろしくおねがいします。

  • 日本語にして下さい!

    I just saw a petite, and beautiful Japanese girl with a nice set off ass and legs. And you know not many Asians have a nice round ass. But you do.