• ベストアンサー



  • pyamaneko
  • ベストアンサー率17% (5/29)

英英辞典などを使ってはどうでしょうか。 ロングマンなどおすすめです。 オンラインでもありますので紹介しておきます。 丸いONLINEというのをクリックすれば辞書にいけると思います。 ロングマンは基礎単語のみを使って説明していますのでわかりやすいと思います。





  • よろしくお願いします

    I live in a small town where many of the twenty- to thirtysomethings are part of the same social circle. Many people in that circle, including myself, have some form of depression, anxiety, etc.—basically, high-functioning mental illness. My question is: What types of behavior does having a mental illness excuse? What types of behavior does having a mental illness excuse?の和訳を教えてください。excuseは動詞でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • お願いします!

    英語の意味が分からないので教えて下さいお願いします(w_-; ウゥ・・ 1.a cap of 2.is abie to 3.each ather 4.many kinds of 5.on人way to どうやって使うかなども教えてくれるとありがたいです(´・ω・`) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文問題

    ( )の語句を並べかえて次の文を完成させてください! (1)Australia is country (visit/to/I/want) (2)Doraemon is the best (ever/comic/I've/read) (3)(like/the food/I/the best)is pizza 次の文の~に当てはまる語句を下の中から選びなさい! (1)A doctor is a person~ (2)A dictionary is a book~ (3)A phone is a tools~ ・that we use to talk with people far away. ・which shows the meanings of words. ・who helps sick and injured people. 教えて下さいお願いします(´>ω<`)

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・A set of events that follow each other in a particular order. ・A complete change in form or appearance. ・Touching is a means of communication which shows physical closeness. ・A close relationship needs not only words but also touching. ・Touching is one of the communication tools for sick or injured people. ・Touching is essential to have an intimate friend. ・A person who is receiving medical treatment.

  • due to と because of の違い

    due to と because of は同じでしょうか? His absence is due to illness. は His absence is because of illness. と言い換えられますか?どなたか教えてください。

  • 英作

    間違いを直してください。ひどい英語なのは知っています(^^;) が、はやくとても上手になりたいのでおねがいします! Today, I took an exam. So I'm so tired right now. I watched television two hours ago, but I turned the television down and am listening to music because I was tired of it. Seddenly, a man nocked the door. He was dressed in a black suit.

  • 英作

    Do you think a college student should have a part-time job?Why or why not? という問題なのですが文法や単語の使い方を間違っていないか見てください。50字程度です。 I think a college student should have a part time job.Bcause,through the work,we can learn many things which we can`t learn on the textbook.To talk and see many people will help us our views become widely and moreover it will be our great fortune for our own. (53)

  • TOEICの問題です。教えてください。

    Because of the fire in the building, there were______50 injured people taken to the neighboring hospital. A) estimation B) estimated C)an estimated D) estimating 答えは、C)だそうですが、なぜ50injured peopleなのに an がつくのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • お願いします

    中学の英訳問題です。 「動物園には約100種類の動物がいます。」を英訳を 自分は There are about one hundred kinds of animals in the zoo. としましたが。 模範解答は 「There are about a hundred kinds of animals in the zoo.」と one が a になっていました。 私の解答ではダメでしょうか。お願いします。

  • 英語の日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    次の英文を日本語に訳せる方、教えて下さい。 (1)To whom is this notice most likely addressed? (A)tailors and seamstresses (B)Anyone who washes clothes (C)Members of the FTC (D)Television viewers (2)What does the notice say is likely to occur? (A)It will take several years to create symbols. (B)The FTC will use the FCC symbols. (C)People will be delighted with the simple codes. (D)Garments will not be washed as they should. (3)What can be said about the new brochure? (A)It is expensive. (B)It is printed by the FCC. (C)It is flashy. (D)It will take several years to be printed. よろしくお願いします。