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  • 至急この英文の和訳をお願い致しますm(*_*)m

    Societies which recognize that pacta sunt servanda among their own members,do not find it difficult to recognize the advantages of fulfilling obligations and contacts in dealings with individuals and groups in different societies.The fact that all societies appear to recognize that there is an obligation to fulfil contacts,alongwith prudential advantage in fulfilling them (just as,it is often argued,they all recognize rules that limit violence among their members and enjoin respect for rights of property) provides a basis for the extension of the principle of the sanctity of contracts beyond the bounds of particular societies.

  • この文章を訳してください。。

    Thanks for showing your interest in doing business with us. In normally, we will offer the dealer membership to following customers: -Airsoft Retailer (online/street shop) -Skirmish field So if you are in any of above business and able to provide your business details for our record, we are please to offer the membership to you. Here enclosed an application form, You just need to fill up and send back to us with .doc format. Also, please attach your Business Registration for our approval we will process your case and inform you asap. regards, Light and ****** Team (Dealer membership may suspend on anytime without notice, all right reserved to ***** Team)

  • 文章解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 Which is why a popular trick from dieting might be helpful.Some diets allow a "cheat day"-one day per week in which dieters can eat anything and everything they want.Indeed,they're encouraged to write a list during the week of all the foods they craved so they can enjoy them all at once as a treat(the thinking being that if you're eating healthy six out of seven days,you're still ahead). the thinking being thatとありますが、 the thinking の後にbeing が入ってthat が後に続いていることをどのように解釈すれば良いのかわからないです。 意味の取り方と文法的にどのように理解すれば良いのか解説宜しくお願いします。 being を抜いた the thinking that であれば、that が同格で見慣れた形として理解できるのですが、 thinking になぜbeing があるのかわからないです。動詞としてのthink が、後にingを伴った動詞を伴わないと思うのですが、(辞書にはそのような形がありませんでした。) もし、それが実際の英語では、許容されているのであれば、この表現の形は、動詞と名詞の混ざった形であると理解したらいいのでしょうか? 解説宜しくお願いします

  • この文章、どうやって翻訳したらいいですか?

    Please understand that language has a evry important role in this international society of ours. You should realize that a language is not only a tool that you can communicate your thoughts and disires with, but also the base from which you can learn about a nation's culture. The great variety of words and expressions represent the culture that gave rise to that language. New worlds can be discovered through language; a different culture and an encounter with a different sense of values can lend you to have a sense of solidarity with people in faraway countries. Because of the long recession, Japanese people nowadays tend to be mostly concerned with domestic affairs. However, Japan cannot survive without being based on an international foundation. Many countries of the world place high hopes on Japan, not only for economic reasons, but also because they want Japan to play a stronger leadership role. To carry out what the world expects of us and make Japan a country that is held in respect by others in the world community, I hope students make strong efforts to develop their intellecutual curiosity. を日本語にしたいのです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文章構成

    essayを英語で書いてみたのですが、文章構成は正しく書けてますでしょうか??また、文法間違えなどありましたら指摘していただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。 By punishing murderes with the death penalty, society is also guilty of commiting murder. Therefore, life in prison is a better punishment for murderers. To what extent do you agree od disagree with this statement? Given reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. The crimes have been rose dramatically by development of society. All of offenders are obliged to come in the prison in all of countries. Moreover, we believe that it is better to come in the prison. However, it is reported a case which the offenders who sent up at the prison stirs comes again. Although I almost agree with the following statement, I think strongly that there are improvements in the system which the offenders should only come in the prison. First of all, There is a case which the offenders obliged the crimes again. This meant that education of the prison was not speeded to the offenders well. So, I think strongly that the educational system of the prison needs to change greatly. In the solution to the education system, the government should establish a new educational system which has time of the moral educational. Also, the government needs to assure their life after the offenders sent up the prison. For example, the government gives a new job for the offenders. Secondly, we believed that the offenders should be come in the prison because the offenders should atone for the victims. In addition, we think strongly that the system such as the prison need not change. For example, It is a good opportunities to think again that the offenders come in the prison Thirdly, we also should change a view for the offenders. If they go out society, we need watch warmly for them. In conclusion, it is necessary to come in the prison if anyone obliges crimes, whereas the government, including the nation needs to think how to remedy the offenders Besides, When they went out went out society, we should watch warmly them.

  • この文章を和訳してください

    It is only in the present dimension of time-that which lies between past and future,between what has already happened what is yet to comethat freedom and the priority of the political for the human world fully emerge in Arendt's thought.For her the political is by no means the be-all and end-all of human experience. It is distinct from “what we can do and create in the singular: in isolation like the artist,in solitude like the philosopher,in the inherently worldless relationship between human beings as it exists in love and sometimes in friendship.

  • 英語の和訳

    だれかこの英語の訳を教えてください。 The purpose of your report is to show that you have studied the textbook. Below you can see information about 5 different situations. For each situation,read the Information and then write a conversation, that you think the people (sometimes you are one of them) might have in that situation. Do the same for all of the situations. You must write 5 conversations in all. Each conversation must be 80~100 words long (no more,no less). In each conversation that you write you must use 3 phrases of expressions taken from your textbook. Please underline the phrases that you use and write the textbook page number above your writing.

  • この文章の区切り方を教えてください。

    今度英語の音読テストがあるのですが、下の文章の読むときの区切り方を教えてください。 the difference between these expressions is interesting in a number of ways,but the most obvious is that the japanese does not say very much at all overtly. 自分で考えた区切り方はこうです。 the difference / between these expressions is interesting / in a number of ways, / but the most obvious is / that the japanese does not say very much / at all overtly. また区切り方のコツなどがあれば教えて頂けると嬉しいです。

  • 文章を正してください!

    下記の文章に間違いがあるのですがどなたか教えてください!! 1. All of the windows in our house were broken in the earthquake. (no errors) 2. A lot of the people in my class works during the day and attends class in the evening. 3.Many o the satellites orbiting the earth is used for communications. 4.The news about the long-range effects of air pollution on the development of children's. 5. Studying a foreign language often lead students to learn about the culture of the countries where it is spoken. 6.One of the most common names for dogs in the United States are "Rover." 7. A number of planes were delayed due to the snowstorm in Denver. 8. Most of the mountain peaks in the Himalayan Range is covered with snow the year round 9. The number of passengers affected by the delays was great. 10. Seventy-five percent of the people in New York City lives in upstairs apartments, not on the ground floor. 11. Approximately 76 percent of all the data in computers around the world is in England.

  • 文章の訳を、また自分の訳の確認をして欲しいです

    訳を教えて欲しいです。 I expect the reason that disabled people are said to have easier lives in Western societies is because Westerners are willing to let other people be who they are. said to have と続いているのがよく分からないです それと n Western societies is because と isのあとにすぐbecauseがきてるのもよくわからないです。 Where a great many ethnic groups live in one nation, as in the U.S.A ore parts of Europe, if you rejected others because they were defferent in the way that happens in Japan, there`d be no end to it. Where a great many ethnic groups live in one nation, as in the U.S.A ore parts of Europeは a great many ethnic groups live in one nation in the U.S.A ore parts of Europeと考えていいんでしょうか? それとthere`d be no end to itというのがうまく訳せず、困っています。 Discrimination and prejudice await those who do. これも訳がうまくできません。。 I am not the only one who has been given a part to play. 私は役割を与えられてきた唯一(の人間)ではない。という訳はあっているでしょうか? Japanese children and teenagers today often dwell on what they see as their own imperfections (and they are probably not the only kids who do that). 日本の今日の子供たちや10代は自分自身が完璧ではないと自分を見ることにたびたびくよくよ悩む。 という訳はどうでしょうか? 括弧内と dwell on以降がなんかよく分かりません。。 I would like to see everyone live with a proud awareness of who they are so that they don`t waste the life they have been given, but live it to the full. さいごのほうのthe life they have been given, but live it to the fullがよく分からないです どのように訳せばいいんでしょうか? 長くなりましたが、おねがいします。