The Emergence of Freedom and the Priority of the Political in Arendt's Thought

  • In Arendt's thought, freedom and the priority of the political fully emerge in the present dimension of time, between the past and the future.
  • The political is not the sole focus of human experience for Arendt; it is distinct from individual acts of creation and the intimate relationships between human beings.
  • Arendt emphasizes the importance of the political as a space for collective action and public discourse.
  • ベストアンサー


It is only in the present dimension of time-that which lies between past and future,between what has already happened what is yet to comethat freedom and the priority of the political for the human world fully emerge in Arendt's thought.For her the political is by no means the be-all and end-all of human experience. It is distinct from “what we can do and create in the singular: in isolation like the artist,in solitude like the philosopher,in the inherently worldless relationship between human beings as it exists in love and sometimes in friendship.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

   アレンズの考えに、人間の世界に政治的な物と自由が優先することがすべて現れてくるのは、、現在の時、すなわち過去と未来の間にある、もう既に起こったことと、これから起こることの中間、に於いてである。彼女に取って、政治的な物は、人類の経験のすべてでも、すべての目的でもない。   それ(政治的な物と)は「(例えば)人とは没交渉な芸術家とか、孤独の哲学者が、単数でなし得たり、作り出すもの」とは区別され「愛情や、時として友情に見られるような、内在的に言葉によらない人と人とのかかわり合い」なのである。 (初めの開く ” はありますが、閉じる ” が無いので、多分最後だろうと見当をつけておきました。間違っていたら済みません。また worldless は wordless として訳しました。)


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    What is history?,is that it is a continuous process of interaction between the historian and his facts,an unending daialogue between the present and the past.の和訳と著者名が分かる方教えて下さいm(__)mどちらか一方だけでも構いません。よろしくお願いいたします!!

  • 和訳のお願いです。

    意味論についての論文だと思いますが、和訳お願いいたします。自分でも訳してみましたが、読み返して見て分かりづらいため、和訳が上手な方の文章を参考にしたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。 (1)Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, causally connected with what it signifies, the red flag is a conventional sign of danger: it is a culturally established symbol. These distinctions between the intentional and the nonintentional, on the one hand, and between what is natural and what is conventional, or symbolic, on the other, play a central part in the theoretical investigation of meaning. (2)That the verb 'mean' is being employed in different senses in the examples that I have used so far is evident from the fact that Mary means trouble is ambiguous: it can be taken like Mary means well or like Smoke means fire. Indeed, with a little imagination it is possible to devise a context, or scenario, in which the verb 'mean' in Mary means trouble can be plausibly interpreted in the way that it would normally be interpreted in That red flag means danger. Most language-utterances, we shall see, depend for their interpretation upon the context in which they are used. And the vast majority of them have a wider range of meanings than first come to mind. Utterances containing the word 'meaning' (or the verb 'mean') are no different from other English utterances in this respect.

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    These come from the fact that for small values of b~ and μ, as considered here, Eqs.(2・1) and (2.2) are approximately symmetric with respect to the y-axis. Now, we will see features of collision of a particle with the planet. It should be noticed that, as mentioned in §2, the radius of the planet changes with the distance between the Sun and the planet is assigned. Here we will concentrate on the collision near the orbit of the present Earth. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    "It is a cacophony of sound as millions of these insects emerge in the forests and begin to sing,"Walts said of the loud drill-like buzzing sound cicadas make. 17年ゼミの大発生に関する記事で、なんとく全体の意味は取れるのですが、Walts said of ~の前置詞"of"の用法が解らず困ってます。文法的な解説も併せて御教授頂ければ幸いです。

  • andと省略は・・・

    Language is the expression of human personality in words, whether written or spoken.It is the universal medium alike for conveying the common facts and feelings of everyday life and the philosophers´ searching after truth,and all that lies between. and everyday lifeからandがたくさん続くのですが・・・ これらはconveying feelings searching を つないでいるのでしょうか?となるとafter truth,の後のandは何をむすんでるのでしょうか?all thatがなにを指してるかわからずよくわかりません・・ またbetweenの後には何か省略されてるのでしょうか? 長い文すみませんよろしくおねがいします。

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      In the cases 1.5≦|b_i~|≦3, a particle comes near the planet and, in many cases, is scattered greatly by the complicated manner. Especially, as seen from Fig. 2, all particles with the impact parameter |b_i~| in the range between 1.8 and 2.5, of which interval is comparable, as an order of magnitude, to the Hill radius, enter the Hill sphere of the planet. Such a particle, entering the Hill sphere, revolves around the planet along the complicated orbit. After one or several revolutions around the planet it escapes out of the Hill sphere in most cases, but it sometimes happens to collide with the planet as described later. Fig.2. Examples of particle orbits with various values of b_i~ and with e_i~=0. The dotted circle represents the Hill sphere. All the particles with 1.75<b_i~<2.50 enter the sphere. よろしくお願いします。

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    Aside from forcing a recognition of the personal elements of inquiry, Erikson suggests that personal involvement opens up potentialities for insight. Behavior is reflexive; it emerges through transactions. Understanding the transactional environment requires a “feel” for what is human about behavior. Such understanding demands an appreciation of factuality and a perspective on reality, but also a sense of action and what it can reveal. です。長いですが、どうしても専門書のためうまく訳できません。お願いします。

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      Now, Figs. 3(a) and (b) indicate that there seems to be several discontinuous spikes in the range of |bi| between 1.8 and 2.6, which hereafter is called the discontinuous band.   In order to see the detailed features of the scattering in this region, we have calculated the particle orbits in a fine division of bi. The results, which are illustrated in Figs. 3(a) and (b), show that in almost all of the region ⊿b continues smoothly with respect to bi but there remain the fine discontinuous bands near bi=1.92 and bi=2.38. Again we have tried to magnify the range of bi between 1.915 and 1.925 and found that there are still finer discontinuities near bi=1.919(see Figs. 4(a) and (b)).

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 1)It is a fundamental way of thinking, an essential means of becoming and remaining human. 2)Human being have always joined in groups to imagine how best to live and help one another carry out the plan. 3)The essential function of human community is to arrive at some agreement on what we need,what life ought to be, and then teach our children so that they can go on the way we think is the right way. --- 単語は調べたのですが文全体の意味が理解できません。 よろしくおねがいします

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    3.2. For the case e_i~=4  As seen from Fig.6, an orbit with a finite eccentricity curls (|b_i~|<4(e_i~/3)) or waves (|b_i~|>4(e_i~/3)) for the purely Keplerian motion which is realized when the planetary mass is very small or a particle is far from the planet. Therefore, δ, which is the relative phase differnce between the planet and the perigee point of the particle orbit near the planet, is expected to be one of the important parameters for determining the features of the two-body encounters. It is convenient to introduce, here, a phase parameter δ*, in place of δ, defined as δ*=δ-ε/(1-a^(3/2)).            (3・7) どうかよろしくお願いします。