• 締切済み



  • Shimo-py
  • ベストアンサー率61% (170/275)

◆第一文 (1)帰宅予定から30分を過ぎても帰ってこない、という意味でしょう?  であれば、should have + 過去分詞 (~するはずなのに)を使います。  (もし、その意味でないとしたら、何の30分前なのか、分かりませんね。) (2)at least は修飾する語の前に置く。 (3)家に帰るは come back to a house ではなく come (back) home です。 (4)直訳しすぎです。「わずか5分のところ」は、所要時間の意味でしょう? 動詞の take を使いましょう。 He should have come home at least 30 minutes ago, because the train is supposed to arrive at 5 and it takes only five minutes by bus from the station. ◆第二文 (1)There is no mistake は不可。日本語の「間違いない」とは意味が違う。 (2)one of のあとは複数形。 (3)「甚大なものがある」=「甚大だ」  「もの」をすぐ直訳しないこと。 (4)~のない生活→~なしで生活すること There is no doubt that one of the greatest inventions (which are) made in the 20th century is a car. Its effect on our life is enormous. It is impossible for many people to live without a car (または do without a car).


  • 英作文

    これからあまり文法的にたしかじゃない文章を書いてくよ! という文を英作してみたのですが、(よくわからない日本語だと思いますが、ニュアンス的にはいままで簡単な英語ばかり使ってきたから、もうちょっとレベルの高いすこし複雑な文章をかいていこうという意味です) I'll try to write in the new way which I am not sure if it is correct or not in terms of grammar! というのを作りましたそしてネイティブの友達にこれを送ったら I'll try to write in the new way, which I am not sure if it is correct or not in terms of grammar が正しい文だよと直されました でもよくよく考えてみるとこの which は目的格の関係代名詞だと思いますが、  なにに対する目的格なんでしょうか? I'll try to write in the new way, which I am not sure if it is correct or not __ in terms of grammar! のように not のあとに which= way きているのでしょうか? でもそうすると I'll try to write in the new way, which I am not sure if it is (a) correct or not in terms of grammar! のように a が必要な気がしますけどどうなんでしょう? 本当にこの文章は正しいのか教えてください!!

  • 正しい英作文かどうか添削してください。

    まちがってたらなおしてほしいです。また飛ばしてる場所はわからない場所なんです。おねがいします。 1.「暇なときに窓拭きと部屋の掃除をしてくれない?」「いいよ。今日の午後やるよ」 When free, cleaning of the room is not considered as 窓拭き. 2.彼は修士論文を書き終えたあとは、ニューヨークに在住し働こうと決めていた。 修士論文=master’s thesis He had decided that it lived in New York and he would work, after having finished writing a master paper. 3.「とにかく、今日中に詳細な報告書を作成してもらいたいのだ」「わかりました。できるだけやってみます。」 とにかく=in any case I want to draw up a detailed report by the end of today anyhow. 4.すみません。あなたの感情を害するつもりはなかったのです。2度とそんなことは言いません。 害する=hurt I am sorry. He did not plan to have hurt your feeling. 2 times and such a thing do not say. 5.「この週末はどのようにお過ごしですか?」「海から遠くない小さなホテルで家族と過ごすつもりです。」 How is it over a fault this weekend? 6.5分のところでバスに乗れなかった。次のバスまで1時間またなければならないので、タクシーで家に帰ることにした。 ~のところで=by A bus was not able to be taken in the place of 5 minutes. Since 1 hour had to be to the next bus again, it decided to go home by taxi.

  • 英作文の添削

    こんばんは。 英語で文を書く練習をしています。 自分では間違いが分からないので、添削をお願いします。 特に冠詞と、単数にするか複数にするかが苦手だと思っています。 どう訂正すべきかや、別の書き方も意見して下さると、嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。 1 私は海を見るのが大好きである。二、三時間見ていても飽きることがない。→I love gazing at sea. I am not bored for a little hours. 2 お待たせしてすみませんでした。道が混んでいてバスが20分も遅れたものですから。→I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. The road was crowded,so the bus delayed for 20 minutes. 3 多くの日本人は、日本のテレビコマーシャルの方が、アメリカで見られるものよりもずっと面白いと考えている。→Many Japanese think the TV commercial in Japan is much more interesting than that in America. 4 先日、私は子供が桜の木に登っているのを見かけた。彼らはきれいな花のついた枝を折り取ろうとしていた。このようなことは残念ながら珍しいことではない。→The other day,I saw children climbing a blossom tree. They would break off a branch with a beautiful flower. Unfortunately, happenings like this are not rare. 5 私は、あなたに遅れないようについて行くだけのスピードでは走れません。→I can't run at the speed to keep up with you.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    初音ミクという新しい音楽についてあなたは良いと思うか悪いと思うかに関してです 賛成反対両方について書きました。 文法誤りや10/10で評価願います 反対 I think a new music of Hatsune Miku is no good , because it is not a real voice but a machanical voice . Of coruse, everyone easily can make a lot of music without a real vocalist now. But a machanical voice can't inform a lot of people to like listening to music of feelings , because it is none too lively, whlle a real voice can inform them of feelings and attraction . Therefore, I can't understand music of Hatsune Miku . 賛成 I think a new music of Hatsune Miku is a very wonderful invention, because it caused a variety of merits. For example, there is a success of live peformance. The live of Hatsune Miku in Japan gathered a lot of people ,regardless of thier age , sex or nationality. In addition, japanese people can exchange thoughts and ideas with people all over the world by the shared hobby that you listen to music of Hatsune Miku. Therefore, I can understand the new music of Hatsune Miku.

  • 英作文ができない。

     英語の簡単な文章を書いてみたんですが、ちゃんとかけているのかどうか、よくわかりません。文法が間違っていないかどうか、文章の流れが不自然でないかどうか見ていただきたいのです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I’m Masato Oda. I was born on March 29, 1987 in Nara, so I’m now 20 years and two months old. I’m a junior at the School of Literature, Jonan University. I major in Education. I’m taking 23 courses this semester. I’d like to be a teacher at a junior high school or a high school. So, I must be a good speaker of English. I live at home with my parents, brother, sister, and grandmother. Our house is located in the southeast of Nara, and I come to college by bicycle. It takes me about an hour and ten minutes from my home to the college. My hobbies are cycling, reading and seeing movies.  I do cycling for exercise and I come to college from my house. I’m reading a paperback pocket edition well recently.  I'm busy recently, so I don't see any movies at a movie theater, but I want to see it there.

  • 私の英作文の添削お願いします。

    神戸女学院大学の受験を考えてるのですが、 必ず5文以上の自由英作文が課されます。 塾などに通っていないので、 近くに添削してもらえる人がいません。 よければ添削お願いします。 問題文は 「科学技術が日常生活をどのように変えたか、その一例を挙げよ」です。 Car is one of the most marvels technology in the world. It brought me big chenges in my everyday life. Thanks to car, I can travel to faster. However, it also causing disaster. For example, cities are crowded. and air is polluted. 以上です。 実際の試験の英作文の採点はネイティプの 人がされるそうなので、細かい文法のミスは減点にならないそうです。 なので多きなミスや、 もっと書きやすい表現の仕方などを指摘して頂けると嬉しいです。

  • 英作文の添削を

    課題で、"A Part-time Job for Me"というタイトルの英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な表現がなく、ちゃんと意味が通るかどうか不安なので、添削をしていただきたいと思い、投稿しました。 よろしくお願いします。 I don’t work part-time now.   Because I’m very busy with study now and I cannot find an offer of a part-time job that condition conforms to me, nearby my house. However, it is not that I don't work at all.  My relative sometimes asks me to mow the grass of the field and vacancy.  And she asks me help with the final income tax return at the end of the year.  Another relative, cannot use computer, sometimes asks me to make documents with a Microsoft Office Word.  The member of a municipal assembly of the acquaintance’s husband of my father asks me to create his Website.  The reward of these work is more expensive than the wage of the general part-time job.  However, there are few incomes because there is little work. I will want to do work of distributing mails at the post office in next winter vacation if I work part-time.  I've ever done this work when I was a tenth grader, and this work was pleasant.  And there is a post office near my house.  I can go there by bicycle in about thirty minutes. It is not suitable to deliver mails for me.  When I worked once to deliver mails by bicycle, I took time very much to finish work because I cannot ride a motor bicycle.  So I delivered it by bicycle.  But I ran slow by bicycle.  And I wasn’t good to learn the route very much.   Therefore the vice-postmaster changed my work into distributing mails.  This work was easier than delivering mails.  It was worm in post office and I was able to have confectionery, oranges, juice and for a break.  But my wage was higher than the other part-time worker because the wage of the postman was applied even after work changed because at first I was adopted as the postman that is higher wage than worker of distributing mails.  So I was able to work easily and get much money.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    前回に引き続き、英作文の添削をお願い致します 文法や段落構成の仕方など、なんでもご指摘いただけると嬉しいです 構成を3段落以上にすること 150字以上 序論・本論・結論が明確であること テーマ:医学部6年間の学生生活における期待と不安について書きなさい It is expected that medical students are required for acquiring all kinds of knowledge about human and establishing the faithful relationships with other students, teachers, and patients during the school day at medical college. Considering about this, I am looking forward to acquiring various kinds of knowledge about human. If I got to know first-aid, I would be able to help people around me at emergency. I think this is the first step for becoming a doctor. In addition, making best friends is my dream. Years ago, a doctor did all cures for a patient by himself or herself. However, these days team work is needed and it is not over mentioned whether a patient can recover from illness is up to doctor’s team work. On the other hand, I worry about that I can keep up with the speeds of lessons at college. High leveled subjects need not only memorizing, but also understanding. I also think just memorizing for exams dose not make sense at practice. Needless to say, I should study hard at college, when I cannot understand something, it is important to ask other students or teachers. It is not just because I get to understand the subject, but this lead to make good relationships with them. (210words)

  • 英作文チェックしてください!!

    Although the reading section claimed that it is possible to evaluate people’s intelligence by simply taking IQ test, the lecture said that human intelligence is too complex to evaluate. First, human intelligence is multiple. There are a variety of intelligence exist in the human world. For example, someone has linguistic intelligence and the other people have mathematical intelligence. Second, all human intelligence are not related each other. As I mentioned, a linguistic intelligence and a mathematical intelligence is totally different type of intelligence. So, it can’t evaluate people by just simple test such as IQ test. In addition, the balance of intelligence is not the same. For example, someone has a high score of IQ test, however, it is not simply connected with mathematical skill. ところでHumana intelligence って可算名詞なんですか? a linguistic intelligence かlinguistic intelligenceどっちですか?

  • 英作文

    次の英作文が合っているかどうかを添削してください。 (1)彼は日本が生んだ最も偉大な小説家の一人だ。 He is one of the greatest a writer of all Japan produced. (2)ケンは数学では私に勝っている。 Ken is superior to me in math. 細かい所まで添削していただけると、幸いです。