• ベストアンサー



  • shinsen
  • ベストアンサー率28% (101/355)

1.that apporoach そのようなアプローチも 2.tap into 罠に陥る 3.agricultural waste 農業の荒廃 4.huge stream 大きな流れ そのようなアプローチが農業の荒廃という大きな流れに陥ることもないだろう。





  • 和訳問題

    For others it is the anxiety or the threat of being found out that creates a keen desire to be honest in order to escape the consequences. 「他社にとって、その成り行きから逃れるための熱心な熱望に気づかれるので、それは不安や脅威なのである。」 と訳してみたのですが、 ひょっとしてこの訳では点数もらえない訳になってしまってるんでしょうか・・。そんな気がしてならないのですが (for othersが何かの動詞の意味上の主語、だとか)

  • すいません、和訳お願いしたいです。

    Jensen and coworkers traced the annual spring outbreaks of earthy-musty odor in tap water derived from a major Canadian river to actinomycetes, which were introduced into these surface waters during snowmelt and runoff. Klausen et al. concluded that actinomycetes were responsible for low concentrations of geosmin and 2-MIB in streams flowing past trout breeding aquaculture operations, because isolated strains of Streptomyces from these habitats were able to synthesize geosmin and 2-MIB, while cyanobacteria were not present in large numbers.

  • 英語の和訳がうまくできなくて困っています。

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 Nevertheless, one might speculate that deterministic way will play an increasingly important role, if only because they allow us to tap into our highly developed intuition as to the behavior of individual vortices. We do not have the same intuitive relationship to statistical theories, which in any event are plagued by the curse of the closure problem. ちなみに、 vortices:渦 closure problem:クロージャー問題 です。 英語苦手なので、よろしくお願いします。

  • should it ?

    He also said it makes sense that Tepco began pumping nitrogen into rector 1's containment vessel first because the level of damage to its fuel rods means it poses the greatest danger of releasing radioactive substances should it explode. because以降はmeansの直後にthatの省略でその中にposesを動詞とするSVOですか?そうするとshould以降はどんな用法なのですか?助動詞+代名詞+動詞の形もきになります。 意味は損傷の状態は爆発による~を引き起こす事を意味する。だと考えています。

  • VOA NEWS(3) 

    http://www.voanews.com/english/news/Obama--Iran-Must-be-Held-Accountable--131813823.html の中の11段落目の分です。 We agreed that North Korea's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons poses a serious threat to peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and the world. 1.weaponsの後にはwhichが省略されてますか? 2.Korea'sの’sはhas ですか?そうすると意味が通じません。また所有格と考えても上手くいきません。何でしょうか?

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    If we learned that Al Qaeda was secretly developing a new terrorist technique that could disrupt water supplies around the globe, force tens of millions from their homes and potentially endanger our entire planet, we would be aroused into a frenzy and deploy every possible asset to neutralize theat. Yet that is precisely the threat that we’re creating ourselves, with our greenhouse gases. While there is still much uncertainty about the severity of the consequences, a series of new studies indicate that we’re cooking our favorite planet more quickly than experts had expected. The newly published studies haven’t received much attention, because they’re not in English but in Scientese and hence drier than the Sahara Desert. But they suggest that ice is melting and our seas are rising more quickly than most experts had anticipated. The latest source of alarm is the news, as reported by my Times colleague Andrew Revkin, that sea ice in the northern polar region just set a new low — and it still has another month of melting ahead of it. At this rate, the “permanent” north polar ice cap may disappear entirely in our lifetimes.

  • 英文の邦訳

    For developing and/or small economies, though—which must conduct international operations in foreign currencies that their central banks cannot backstop—a reactive cycle of crisis and bailout, driven largely by overseas regulatory failures, poses an existential threat to national independence. 上記英文の和訳をお願いします。特に, reactive cycle of crisis and bailout のreactive を「反応的」としてみましたが,意味が善く掴めません。宜しくお願いします。

  • 長文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    Contingent Renewal Market Do Not Clear In the absence of an enforceable contract, why do agents keep their promise? Of course, some agents are just honest but there are doubtless enough dishonest people that exchange would break down if enforcement were based on the integrity of the agents. The answer is that if agents do not keep their promises, principals dump them. This actions present trigger strategies: the exchange between principal and agent is renewed indefinitely (perhaps with some exogenous probability of dissolution), the principal using the threat of nonrenewal to secure compliance. A contingent renewal market is a market in which exchange between buyers and sellers are regulated by contingent renewal relationships. Excess supply of labor market take the form not only of unemployment but of underemployment: workers hold one position but are capable and willing to fill a better position, even at the going wage, but they cannot secure such position. Risksharing, requiring the borrower to put up a fraction of the equity in a project, is the most widely used in a credit markets, it follows that lending is directed predominantly toward wealthy agents. Contingent renewal (making available a line of credit, contingent on performance) adds the dimension that a certain subset of nonwealthy borrowers with good projects can get loans, facing the threat of falling into the pool of unemployed credit seekers should their credit line be terminated. In our game-theoretic model, equilibrium price in markets with quality goods must exceed marginal cost, not because a high price ensures that it is costly to lose a client, thus reassuring the buyer that the seller has an incentive to produce a high-quality goods.

  • この英文が正しいかおしえてください(*´ェ`*)

    外国人のお友達に、 what do you think is the most important ingredient in a relationship? と聞かれて、 考えた英文です。 間違っているところや、もっといい表現があればおしえてください。 あと、この英文全体の話なのですが、 私は三つthe most important ingredient in a relationshipをあげたのですが、 何度もthe most important ingredient in a relationshipとしか書けなかったので、 それはどう英語で表現したらいいのかおしえてほしいです。 また、私は、何度もeach otherを使っています。 それも何だか不自然というか、英語が下手な感じがするのは分かるのですが、 どうしたらいいか分かりませんでした。 そこもおしえて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 (1) i think that one of the most important ingredient in a relationship is respecting each other. 恋愛関係において最も大切なことの一つはお互いを尊重することだと思います。 (2) because respecting each other is to know our good things and bad things. なぜならお互いを尊重することはお互いのいいところわるいところを知ることが出来るからです。 (3) Secondly, one of the important ingredient in a relationship is helping each other. また、お互いを助け合うことも大切です。 (4) When he or she in a trouble, they need empathically giving advices. 彼または彼女が困難にあったとき、親身になってアドバイスをすることが必要です。 (5) Finally, one of the important ingredient in a relationship is loving each other. 最後に愛し合うことが大切だと思います。 日本語もおかしいですよね・・・。 どうまとめればいいか分からなくて・・・。 どうかよいアドバイスをお願いいたします。

  • 英語の和訳に困ってます;;

    英語の和訳に困ってます;; 最初の方は頑張って訳せたんですけど、英語が得意な方教えてください!! 確かCBCニュースでのキャスターとレポーターの方の会話です。 When George Washington arrived in New York for the first inauguration, he was met by an army afficer assigned to his security. The President-Elect told him, quote,"The affection of my fellow citizens is the only guard I want" My,how times have changed. Bob Orr has a look at the tightest security for an inauguration ever. ↓ここから翻訳お願いします。 River and air patrols,bomb-sniffing doggs,and undercover agents are all on guard,looking for anything resembling a threat.A record crowd in the swearing in of America's first Afican American President presents a double worry for the FBI. We're asking our agents and our partners to go back. We contact sources to ensure that we've scrubbed and rescrubbed every potential threat that we have. A three and a half aquare mile red zone from the White House to the National Mall to the Capitol is virtually locked down. 20,000 law enforcement officers will be backed up by more than 16,000 National Guard and active duty troops. We look at every type of threat out there, whether we're talking about a...a simple uh...lone,individual type of threat or something that is a,uh...more complicated,organized terrorist type. Those nearest to the swearing in and those lining the parade route will be heavily screened,their movements restricted.It would be impossible to run everyone through metal detectors and spectators are expected to outnumber police about a hundred to one,so surveillance cameras will be critical in spotting potential trouble.Some 5,000 cameras spread all through the city will pipe real-time images into security command centers. So it's gonna be constant information flow and constant on-the-ground eyes and ears. Officials say there is no known threat against President-Elect Obama,but they recognize the inauguration is an attractive target. 次に続きます。