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  • ベストアンサー
  • yutaka777
  • ベストアンサー率52% (30/57)

"never to eat anything with a face on it"ですが…、 "never to eat anything"は大丈夫ですよね? 「(ものを)決して食べない」 さて、どんな"anything"かというと、 "anything with a face on it"なのです。("it"="anything") 直訳で考えてみると、 「その上に顔のついたもの」=「顔のついたもの」 なのです。 ですから、"never to eat anything with a face on it"は、直訳的ですが、 「顔のついたものは決して食べない」 となります。 では、「顔のついたもの」とは? それは、この後で、"animals"「動物」の話しをしていますよね。つまり、動物(生物)です。この人(Linda McCarthyさん)は菜食主義者だったんですね。



詳しい説明ありがとうございます。 そうですね。 菜食主義者だからですね。


  • 和訳お願いします2

    以下の文章を和訳お願いします>< 同時に質問しているものの続きの文章になります。 少々長いのですが宜しくお願いします>< 4. Month 2: Since starting her diet, Shumpert has gained endurance and self-discipline. She needs plenty of it as she faces temptation from her family and her fiancé. "Food is a huge part of our relationship. And so if I'm not eating as much as him, I don't know if it fmakes him feel bad, but he's just like, ’Come on, eat it. Don't make me eat by myself.'" Despite the temptations, Shumpert is sticking to her diet and talking an extra step: Although she's limiting herself to a meager 1,500 calories. And she's keeping a close record in her food journal. But is all her hard work paying off? At her second weigh-in, Shumpert, who started out at 308 Ibs., is down a whopping 14 Ibs. 5. Things are running down to the wire for Shumpert. Adding to her mounting stress is the fixer-upper house she and her fiancé bought, which needs extensive remodeling. She decides to give herself a break and relieve some tension. On her last birthday as single woman, she throws her worries aside and hits her favorite Mexican restaurant. "I don't feel bad about it. I don't feel guilty. I'm enjoying my birthday," she said that night. Of course, she pays dearly the next morning: As she's doing her leg presses, she hates those tacos. Her gown has finally arrived and it's the moment of truth: Lisa gets the dress on, but still can't zip it up. Her dressmaker holds off on alterations for three weeks-which is not alot of time to lose another four inches from her waist. 6.Her Wedding Day: by her wedding day, Shumpert has lost a total of 30 Ibs. It's short of her 40-Ibs. goal, but for her, it's an amazing achievement. The woman who couldn't fit in the largest size of her wedding dress can comfortably zip her gown. She went from a size 24 two a size 18. Did she keep the weight off? A year after her wedding, Lisa Shumpert has maintained her weight.

  • 和訳してください!!

    自分で訳してみても全然わからないので和訳してください!! Eventually,she has to stop and follow the ropes with her hands. She tries to get them straight by touch alone. This time,her hands are not enough, so Rachael gets her helper, Matt,to assist her. During the race, Matt has traveled along with Rachael on a snowmobile. After he helps her to move the dogs into position, she is able to continue the race. Later, Racheal reflects on the difficulties she had. ''I think the hardest part was just keeping it together,"she says. "I was just thinking, 'okay, either quit right now and stay in the cold,or finish this leg and them do this again tomorrow.' "Rachael decided to continue the race, but unfortunately, she was last across the finish line for the day's leg. Day five of the race was difficult for Rachael, but at least she made it!

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 自分で訳してみても文にならず意味がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。 The next morning it is snowing, but Rachael still has a lot to do. Tonight, she will camp with her dogs in the woods before finishing the race tomorrow. She must carefully pack her sled with all the supplies she will need. Rachaei's friends and family help her to check and re-check her sled and equipment. Later that morning, race organizers go over a map of the course. It is a map that Rachael cannot see. She will rely on her dogs to follow the way. She will also have Matt close by on his snowmobile if she needs help. Day six of the race is a leg that covers a total of 43 miles. Just before she starts, Rachael stops to pet and encourage each member of her dog team. She knows that each one of them has a difficult job to do,so they are her primary concern. Finally, the race starts for the day. The weather is not great, but this leg of the race is going better than yesterday for Rachael. However, there are many difficult turns in the course. Matt has to use his radio to warn Rachael about them several times during the day.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    My mother came in from the pantry with a steaming pot in her hand. She stopped midway between the table and the fire, feeling the tension flowing through the room. She followed their stare and saw me in the corner. Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot. Then she crossed over to me and knelt down beside me, as she had done so many times before. "I'll show you what to do with it, Chris," she said, very slowly and in a queer, choked way, her face flushed as if with some inner excitement. Taking another piece of chalk from Mona, she hesitated, then very deliberately drew, on the floor in front of me, the single letter "A." "Copy that," she said, looking steadily at me. "Copy it, Chris." I couldn't.

  • 和訳

    “To interpret certain sounds with your body you just have to be very sensitive. It’s certainly not easy, but with time, practice I seem to have found a way to do it.” The low sounds Evelyn feels mostly in her legs and feet, and the high sounds she feels in particular places on her face, neck, and chest. This is how she “listens” to the notes. She often performed with bare feet―mainly because she feels the vibrations of the music through the floor. “The thing about percussion,” Evelyn says, “is that you can create all these emotions―sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly, sometimes sweet, and sometimes as big as King Kong. There can be a storm of sound, or the sound can be so refined.” Not all percussion is loud and pounding. Evelyn gives more than 100 performances a year around the world. She wants audiences to focus on her music rather than on her deafness, and she wants them to be entertained. Evelyn gets upset with reporters because they sometimes ask too many questions about her deafness. As Evelyn puts it, “If you want to know about deafness, you should interview an ear doctor. My specialty is music.” 問1、What is her specialty? お願いします。

  • 和訳してください。

    英語に詳しい方、翻訳機を使わずに和訳してください。 細かい部分がよく理解できません。 I trying to convince her that she didn't need to ask me for everything, that I wasn't always right about everything, that she should speak up and stand up for herself and argue with me when I had the wrong idea... but she just didn't want to learn. Deep down inside, I discovered, she was the sort of woman who wanted a strong man to dominate her, whom she could lean on and rely on for anything she needed. She wanted to feel safe and taken care of. I don't think that's a bad thing on its own... but over those years I started to become a man I don't want to be: arrogant, controlling, overconfident. Like I couldn't help but enjoy all that power she was always giving me. But I don't want to be that man. And I don't want to live that relationship. I *have* to be able to grow, to learn, to always be taking life as a new lesson, but how can I do that if I'm never wrong about anything? It was too tempting, and it made me a darker person. So, though I loved her very much and it tore my heart to do it, I had to end our relationship. I was not the man she was looking for, even though she wanted me to be. And she was not the woman I have been looking for, even though I desperately loved her beauty and inner light

  • 英語教科書の和訳です

    英語教科書の和訳です。 一部分だけなので、文章の流れがよくわかりません。 A young man, a long scarf twisted around his neck, was standing outside the Curzon cinema, his muscular body supported on an umbrella that seemed on the point of snapping beneath his weight. It was not the young man seen in the train that evening but this one, too, had gazed at her on some occasion in the recent past, though she could not remember when or where. Now, too, he gazed at her as she passed: first at her legs, then at her face, then at her breast. Should she stop, making the photographs on display outside the cinema her excuse? For a moment she did so; and as she paused, the man himself straightened and began to wander over. But then, with a shake, she hurried on. Surprised, she realized that so far from this possible encounter filling her excitement, it had caused in her a jolting kind of strong disgust. 1. 最後の文ですが、 驚いたことに、この偶然の出会いが彼女の興奮を満たすよりむしろ、衝撃的な嫌悪感を彼女の中に引き起こした。 というような訳になるのでしょうか。 日本語らしくするのは、どのような訳がよいのでしょうか。 2. 構文は分詞構文でしょうか。 3. she realized that ~ ~を思い出した、でしょうか。 4. Should she stop, making the photographs on display outside the cinema her excuse? の訳は、写真を撮ることを言い訳にして、彼女は止めさせるべきでしょうか。 となるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     When things go wrong, I urge you to stop thinking about yourself. If you look around, you will see that everybody has disappointments, often far worse than yours. Watch and study how other women and men cope with disappointments. Many face their problems with courage and determination. Their example can inspire you to find the strength to react.  I would like to share with you the moving story of a young woman who courageously overcome the stress caused by a terrible burn accident. This young woman was a talented and successful ballerina. Dancing gave meaning to her life. Whenever she danced, she communicated the joy in her heart and the inspiration in her soul to the people who watched.  One Christmas day when she was preparing a special dinner for family, her dress caught fire. Within second, she became a human torch. The flames burned so quickly and cruelly into her flesh that she was mad with pain. She would have died if her father had not heard scream. He laced kitchen, threw himself on top of her, and put out the fire with his own body.

  • 和訳してもらいたいです。

    Evelyn was born on a farm in Scotland. She began taking piano lessons at age eight. Later that same year, she began to notice that her hearing was gradually failing. “As I was losing my hearing, I tried hard not to be sad, but I was becoming a very angry person,” says Evelyn. “Then one of my teachers said, ‘Evelyn, put your hand on the copper ball of one of the timpani drums.’ I could feel the vibration. Then he tuned the two timpani drums to different pitches. I noticed the difference between the vibrations.” Evelyn gives a lot of credit to her secondary school teachers for encouraging her to take drum lessons at the age of 12. After just a few lessons, she seemed to have found the right thing for her. She soon began working with various percussion instruments, but it wasn’t long before she had lost most of her hearing. However, she simply refused to worry about it and continued to follow her dreams. What does Evelyn think about her success? She often points out, “I’m not a deaf musician. I’m a musician who happens to be deaf.” 問1、Who encouraged her to take drum lessons? 問2、Does Evelyn think of herself as a deaf musician? やってもらうと助かります。

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    She said she initiated the project with a nine-years-olds on Jan. 4 1971, to show her students what one million of some-thing looked like. The project continued with subsequent classes over the years. 'What does one million mean ?' one student asked, viewing the complicated project. ' It means a lot.' 宜しくお願いします!