• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:【至急】英訳のチェックをお願いします.)

日本の勤務先の要請により帰国を急ぎたい - 英訳チェック依頼


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9774/12176)

>My employer in Japan told me to go back to Japan as soon as possible because of Coronavirus. So, I would like you to move up the date of inspection of the premises and the professional cleaning. ⇒このままで完璧とお見受けいたしますが、次のように変更なさると、「ほんの少し」改善できるかも知れません。いかがでしょうか。 (語句) *退去の立ち合い日およびクリーニングの日:the date of inspection of the premises and of professional cleaning for my eviction。 *可能な限り早めてくださいますように:I would like you to move forward。 (添削文) My employer in Japan told me to go back to Japan as soon as possible because of Coronavirus. So, I would like you to move forward the date of inspection of the premises and of professional cleaning for my eviction.



丁寧に教えて頂き本当にありがとうございます!大変助かりましたm_ _m


  • 英訳

    日本で車の所有に大変費用がかかるのは、安全検査制度だけでなく、その他に複数の要因がある。 The cost of car ownership in Japan a lot, as well as the safety inspection system, there are several other factors. もっとなめらかな形ありませんか?

  • 【至急】この英訳お願いします!!!!!

    Bobsledding is often likened to Formula One on ice, because European carmakers have been competing fircely to develop optimal sleds. The first made-in-Japan sled made its debut last December, displaying high-performance capability. Now the factories have set the goal of helping the Japanese team win its first bobsled medal in the Sochi Winter Olympics in February 2014. Satoshi Kosugi, 36,, of the ward's industrial promotion association, hit on the idea of undertaking business related to Olympic events using the high techniacl skill of the small factories to support their survival. Above all, the association has zeroed in on bobsled, the popularity of which is centered primarily in Europe. Traditionally strong F1 teams, including Ferrari and McLaren, have been engaged in bobsled development because of its similarity to the development of F1 cars in terms of aerodynamics and other mechanical aspects. Kosugi called on association members to take part in the sled development project, saying,"It provides a golden opportunity to showcase our manufacturing capabilities to the world."As a result, the project started in December 2011. Thirty-two companies in the ward,which are led by presidents in their 30s to 40s,were involved in manufacturing sled parts. Junichi Hosogai, 46, president of metal processing company Material said, "We want to compete on the international stage and share the effort to win gold medals with the athletes."

  • 英訳をお願いします

    「先月分のインボイスはまだ受領してませんが、できるだけ早めにご送付ください。以上 よろしくお願いします」 英訳は下記内容でよろしいでしょうか?ご指導をよろしくお願いします。 「We haven't received The INVOICE of last month , I would like you to send that to us as soon as possible. Best Regards,」

  • 至急、英訳のチェックをお願いします!

    東京について、作文を書き、英訳してみました。 不安なので、直すところがあれば、ぜひ、教えていただきたいです! また、簡単な表現に直せるときは、直していただけるとうれしいです! ご協力お願いします! 下に、日本語訳もつけてます。 Japanese capital is in Tokyo. Have you ever been to Tokyo ? In Tokyo, there are various tourist spots. I want to introduce some tourist spots to you today. It is one Tokyo Tower of the most famous sightseeing spot in the beginning. Tokyo Tower was famous as the highest building in Japan in 333-meter height. However, it is pulled out on March 29, 2010, and is still second famous in the Tokyo sky tree at the planned completion date as a high tower in 2012 in Japan. Next, it is Akihabara. Akihabara is a popular sightseeing spot in the place where the electric appliances store and the animated cartoon shop gather among a lot of animated cartoon Otaku and foreigner. Finally, it is Shibuya and Omotesando in the place of dispatch of the young person's fashion. Neither a lot of brand shops nor the fashion shops become, it exists here, and it crowds with a shopper everyday. In Tokyo, other various sightseeing spots are. Everybody also must find the sightseeing place that I like in Tokyo. 日本の首都は東京にあります。 みなさんは東京に行ってことがありますか? 東京には、さまざまな観光名所があります。 私は、今日みなさんにいくつかの観光名所を紹介したいと思います。 初めに、最も有名な観光地のひとつの東京タワーです。 東京タワーは、高さ333メートルで日本で最も高い建造物として有名でした。 しかし、2012年に完成予定の東京スカイツリーに2010年3月29日に抜かれ、今でも日本で二番目に高いタワーとして有名です。 次に、秋葉原です。 秋葉原は、電気屋とアニメショップが集う場所で、たくさんのアニメオタクや外国人に人気の観光スポットです。 最後に、若者の流行の発信地の渋谷と表参道です。 ここには、たくさんのブランド店や、ファッション店がならんでいて、毎日たくさんの買い物客でにぎわいます。 東京には、他にもさまざまな観光スポットがあります。 みなさんも、東京で自分が気に入る観光場所を見つけてみてください!

  • 英文法チェックしてください

    1 I was late not because I was not be able to take a train, but I had to get up early in this mooring. 2 the Japanese education is the worst in comparison to the education in the United States. Everyone should realize how bad that is as soon as possible because which collapse to japan in near the future. 3 You gave me not only motivation bur also spiritual support. 4 I believe Takshi is unique and genius, while other people do not think the same way as mine. 1 In summary, I won the game competition in San Francisco. I am being proud of myself. 2 For this reason, I have to say such a rude word for you.

  • 和訳チェックお願いします。

    The interior of the cell is normally negative with respect to the outside. This potential collapses as soon as the cell dies, and is apparently due to an active separation of ions by the membrane. 2文目の訳なんですが、 「この電位(のバランス)は細胞が死ぬとすぐに崩壊し、そしてそれはどうやら細胞膜によってイオンが激しく分離することによって起こる。」

  • 英文チェックしてください

    English education in japan is very bad, because which mainly focus on input way of studying such as listening and reading, on the other hand, we don't usually practice output such as writing and speaking. Even though, we have been studying English from middle school to college. TOEFL(test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers) score of Japan is at the worst level in Asia. On the other hand, Germany people can speak English very well because English education system in Germany is very good, which focus on more practical, so that people can speak English, they spend more time to speak and writing instead of listening and reading.

  • 大至急です。英訳お願いいたします!

    またもや脳構造のお話です... 文法がところどころあってうまく訳せません。。。 Computerized tests support the notion that accuracy can offset speed. In one so-called distraction exercise , subjects were told to look at a screen, wait for arrow that pointed in a certain direction to appear, and then use a mouse to click on it as soon as it appeared on the screen. Just before the correct symbol appeared,however,the computer displayed numerous other arrows aimed in various other directions. Althoush younger subject cut though the confusion faster when the properly positioned arrow suddenly popped up, they more frequently clicked on incorrect arrow in their haste. the reason why aging brains can develop new capabilities that compensate for certain declines is that nerve networks are surprisingly flexible

  • 英訳のチェックをお願いします。

    知人から、英訳を依頼されたのですが、英語は苦手なため、ご支援をお願いします。 ○状況 知人の初老の女性の息子さんが、5年前にハワイに旅行した際に、海で事故で亡くなりました。 息子が亡くなった場所を訪れたいとずっと考えていていましたが、この度、来週の6/8から念願のハワイを訪問できることになりました。 そこで、息子さんが亡くなった場所を訪れ、その時にお世話になった方を訪問してお礼を言いたいという主旨です。 下記の文章を英訳して欲しいとお願いされ、英語翻訳サイトを利用して、英訳⇒英訳したものを再度日本語訳したりして、次のような英文を作りましたが、全然自信がありません。 すいませんが、上記主旨が伝わる英文になっているかを含め、チェック&添削を頂ければと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 ○英訳したい文章(依頼を受けたもの) 5年前に、この海で死亡した、山田太郎の母です。 あの時はお世話になりました。 やっと、また、ここに来ることができましたので、立ち寄らせて頂きました。 その節は、ありがとうございました。 ○自動翻訳を使って英訳したもの I am a mother of Taro Yamada who died in this sea five years ago. I really thank for having been taken care of five years ago. Because I am living in Japan, I was not able to often come to here. This time I visited you because I was able to visit here. At that time, thank you very much.

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtVCoEuzLUE&feature=player_embedded この動画の一番上のコメントの英訳をお願いします。下記です。 Lol this is magic in Japan?? Its simple theres a sharp blade at the beginning of the table that splits him into 2, he then wobbles with his torso across the table while tiny trained ants move his feet then the camera cuts away and as soon as he gets through the table a porteguese migdet doctor puts his top and bottom back together.