How to Handle Pressure from Parents to Excel in School

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the pressure from your parents to excel in school? Here are some tips on how to handle the situation.
  • Understand that it's okay to have B's and C's in your grades. You don't have to be a straight-A student to be successful.
  • Talk to your teachers about the pressure you're facing and ask for their guidance and support.
  • ベストアンサー

working up to capacity

DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are working up to capacity. DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are DEAR ABBY: I'm a student who maintains a decent GPA. However, my parents believe they have a genius in the making. Since I started at a new school, my mother has been pressuring me more than twice as much. She no longer talks to me except to pester me about that B or C in algebra or any other class. I understand that she wants me to be smart, and I know I should be trying to live up to her expectations of a flawless, straight-A student, but I don't believe I can. Please help me. -- UNDER PRESSURE DEAR UNDER PRESSURE: It might help if you would talk with your teachers about this, and ask if THEY think you are working up to capacity. working up to capacityはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いしますはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4123/5358)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"working up to capacity" 「限界まで勉強に励んでいる」 "capacity" とは「限界容量」のことを言います。ここでは「頭(脳みそ)の限界」という意味で使われています。 話者は、母親から、もっと良い成績を取れ、とうるさく言われることに悩んでいます。ABBYは話者に対し、まだ成績を伸ばせる余裕があるか(伸びしろが残っているか)、或いはもう限界まで頑張っているのか、先生方に訊いてみなさい、とアドバイスしています。





  • where to stick it

    I’m (over)due with my second child, and I am not looking forward to the “help” that will come when she is born. When my son was born, my in-laws came for a week. They helped by holding my son, soothing my son, playing with him—all the things I wanted to do. To be fair, they also cooked and cleaned a bit, but I had no idea how to tell them to let us bond. My in-laws are coming again this time around, from what I understand. My husband insists they are helpful, but all I feel is that they are intrusive and disrespectful of my boundaries. My own family is popping in too, for just a few days, but I have no qualms about telling them where to stick it if they overstep! telling them where to stick it if they overstepの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • be going toについて

    Me? But I'm not sure I can make it well・・・ You can.I believe in you. A customer was going to eat my Hamburg steak! 上記の英文でbe going toが過去形で was going to になったときどう訳せばいいのか?予定の過去形? いまいちピンときません。 教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語話法の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)She asked me to give my name. She (     )to me,” (     )give(     )name.” (2)They said to me,”We arrived here yesterday.” They told me that (     )(     )(     )there the day before. (3)He said that he(     ) nothing since morning. ア.eats  イ.ate  ウ.has eaten  エ.had eaten (4)He said to me,”Are you fond of music?” He(     )me(     )I (     )fond of music. (5)She said to me,”Are you a student?” She (     )me(     )(     )(     )a student. (6)She said to me,”Are you interested in music?”(間接話法に書き換えなさい) (7)私はベティにパリへ行ったことがあるかどうか尋ねた。 I asked Betty (     )she(     ) visited Paris.

  • let it get toを判り易く説明してください?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より Well, as a nurse, I'm under a lot of pressure on the job. I'd be in bad shape if I let it get to me. Sometimes I watch TV drams to take my mind off work. ・・・省略・・・。もしそれで精神的に参ってたら、体調を崩しちゃうから。・・・省略・・・。 (質問)[let it get to me]についてお尋ねします。 1)慣用句でしょうが、意味がよくつかめません。本文では「精神的に参ったら」となっています。直訳するとどうなるのでしょうか?また使い方を易しい例文を使って教えて頂ければ助かります。 2)この句には2つの動詞が含まれています。getは原形不定詞でしょうか?文型も併せて教えて頂ければ助かります。 以上

  • なぜtheyか

    I have been dating a person for a few years on and off. I also struggle with alcohol abuse. A few months ago, I had what I consider to be a rock-bottom moment: I showed up quite drunk to a dinner date with my partner and behaved awfully, then broke down and laid out a plan to get sober. The next day, I checked into a detox and have been sober since. That night, my partner told me they loved me, and after they left they told me they would see me soon. なぜtheyとなっているのでしょうか?誰のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • up to his old ways

    Two years ago, I caught my husband having an emotional affair with a friend of ours. Even though we went through counseling and he told me he was no longer in contact with her, he lied. He continued to lie for almost a year, even during our counseling sessions. In one session, he tried to blame me for his actions, and after six months, he still refused to take any responsibility for the affair. This whole thing has made me not trust him. I recently saw an email to an ex-girlfriend from high school. He said he wished he had been a better person, and that he would be looking for a woman like her. He says they were just reminiscing about the past. I believe he is up to his old ways. up to his old waysとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am also constantly paranoid that people are talking about me, which I have found out that they do, and often. They say things such as, "She doesn't deserve to be part of (specific group here)." My crush's best friend is the leader of most of these things. I care way too much about what people think about me. This also has lead to me thinking badly about myself. They think about me as lesser than them, I think that too. I actually start to speak up, or be myself, I do/say something stupid, and then I go back into my shell. I am constantly beating myself down with my thoughts. What do I do? think aboutをthink ofに変えるとどうニュアンスが違ってくるでしょうか?あと、They think about me as lesser than themの訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の疑問

    Although I work full time, I am more than willing to take time from my day to help in whatever way I can to see an agreeable and safe solution to what I believe to be a serious health problem. 訳 深刻な健康上の問題をもたらすだろうと私は思うのですが、それに対する適切で安全な解決策を施すにあたって、会社勤務の身ではありますが、なにか手伝えることがあれば喜んで時間をお作りしたいと思います。 この文では whatever way I can はhelpが省略されているのでしょうか。 また、 what I believe to beはどういう用法でしょう。 間接疑問文のような使い方でしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。

  • It would be like me to

    This morning my work email brought a message from a woman I haven’t seen in more than five years. We worked together (different departments, same university) in early 2011. At first I thought the email was a mistake—meant for someone else with my name—because I didn’t recognize the sender’s name. But then I remembered her. She and I had lunch or dinner together a couple of times when I lived in that city, and we talked about work stuff; both of us were from someplace else and neither had many friends there. It wasn’t what I would call a friendship. Her email says that she is coming to my current city for a particular art exhibit and that she would like to see me (maybe catch the art show together), and asked whether I would be interested in meeting when she’s here. I’m not. I remember so little about her. After all this time, do I owe her a reply? In fairness to her, I probably said something like, “If you ever come to [my city], let me know.” It would be like me to issue such an invitation never thinking she’d take me up on it. It would be like meはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • stopped to the tell の the

    FMLの投稿から、ですが、 Today, I was woken up by my drunk girlfriend calling me and saying how much she loves me. She then stopped to the tell guy she was in bed with to be quiet because I might hear him. FML ”今日、酔ったガールフレンドに起こされた、彼女はどんなに僕を好きか電話してきたんだ。それから彼女はしゃべるのを止めた、一緒のベットにいる奴に僕に聞こえちゃうから静かにしてって言うために” (←ざっと訳してみましたが。。。合っていますでしょうか?) stop to tell の間に the が入っているのがなぜなのか解りません。 どうぞよろしくお願いします